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Now, Its On. 

@GM's I have no clue what or why you did what you did. 

But I took it as an Attack, by Staff on Legit players. 

Seems everytime I try to be nice, I get shoved into the hate canister by Staff.

As I've said before, When Pushed, I tend to Push back. 

Your mistake is making war with someone who knows they are right, 

are righteous, and believes whole heartedly that You and your circle 

are unrighteous. and Your actions just proved it. 

Putting me in an out of bounds place to get me banned. 

You only messed me out of my tickets temp, I came back and got them. 

I will continue getting these worthless tickets, as that is what I do. 

I figure the opp i was fighting who seemed legit for once, you decided to 

help them win n get me killed or banned by forced teleport. 

 Now I'm seething Mad. Oh you won't hear a peep from me. 

I wont bother writing Mafia Matt, cuz he wont be back for at least a year

and never reads him mail, and I believe you forced him into the ama. 

I'm going to take out your friends, 'In-game' Legit and Legally. 

And Thank You, You ruined my BirthDay. 

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15 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

Statistically 4 of them should be false banned, but not 1 has been banned. Its just bizzar.

How did you determine this as no one implied anywhere?

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8 hours ago, ElectroStingz said:

How did you determine this as no one implied anywhere?

[ 4 * 0.35 = 1.4 ]


Can't have 0.4 of a person, so you round down to 1.


EDIT: Misread other user's post. Math is still the same though. They would have 12-14 friends who play the game.


[ 12 * 0.35 = 4.2 ]

[ 13 * 0.35 = 4.55 ]

[ 14 * 0.35 = 4.9 ]


Ultimately, it's irrelevant though. Statistics don't work the way user is applying them. It isn't "35% of each person's friend group" it's "35% of all players" which means it's easily possible for plenty of players to not be associated with anyone who was banned (falsely or not).

Edited by Hexerin

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The game is unplayable! I am amazed at the number of cheaters. This is the level of some crappy server that you forgot to turn off!

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46 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

It isn't "35% of each person's friend group" it's "35% of all players" which means it's easily possible for plenty of players to not be associated with anyone who was banned (falsely or not).


Yes correct but also the more you look into it things just don't make any sense too.


The blog post by Matt states "over 35% of our playerbase was falsely banned"


But upon further reading he then states the following.

"Over the course of our investigation, we found there simply wasn’t enough information to make that determination"


So if they were unable to distinguish false from genuine, how can it possibly be known that over 35% was falsely banned?

The numbers don't make sense to anyone unless we have the full facts / variables presented because also one cannot account for what the remaining 65% represents.


65% of the playerbase remaining is what? = genuine cheaters + non cheaters + TOS violations + ?...

This alone would suggest a very high number of banned players which is definitely not the case. (again without knowing the ban period and what constitutes a playerbase all is meaningless)


On the subject of the unbanning, I'm more interested to know what it did to the game from Little Orbit's point of view.

- Did it help the game in any way?

- Is revenue up?

- How are you players feeling now?

- How did this benefit you?


Please share some thoughts on the impact this and what this has done for you.

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54 minutes ago, ElectroStingz said:

- How are you players feeling now?

The act of unbanning, and going for everyone ever banned is not really the salty chip here.

We knew even before eac was installed that it was not going to do the job we wanted.

So to say it false banned or was ineffective is not surprising and therefore the unbanning 

is justified, it is also justified if Matt thinks that perm bans are to harsh, possibly he 

implements Timed Bans in the future.


  It is the physical demeanor of Matt when talking about this issue on ama. 

Was kinda like throwing his hands up n saying, There is nothing we can do. 

Maybe we'll try this other thing down the road.

 When at the time we already had a big problem in NA with blatants. 

So now we are stuck in this till a new AC comes in. In the mean time, 

We are suppose to make a report, that would be manually handled, so 

without proof it's almost useless to report. 

Disappointed at the failure of eac, feeling a bit betrayed, feel like I have to follow 

Rules, and others don't. 

 I don't feel LO is moving fast enough in advancing the game, and this effects my 

presumption of how long it will be till an AC is put in. 


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I'm convinced people here clearly forgetting the reason why they unbanned everyone instead of those who possibly was false banned. Also isn't there was a lot of cheaters before? Most likely these unbanned were their mains, not much difference then.

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6 hours ago, Nagletz said:

forgetting the reason why 

Seems to be two reasons.

1. being the 35%. This figure is based on a Test of EAC within a controlled testing district. 

So this is not the actual players and bans, this is results from a test. 

 So with these results reflecting on actual bans at 35% being wrong, and there is no way 

to turn back the clock and individually decide which of pool of the banned were false. 

So Must unban all to make it right. 


 2. It would seem by Matts statements that he frowns upon perm bans. 


  And Yes most of the banned falsely or not, did make other accounts.

Not all but those that were hackers went on hacking, the toxics went on toxing

under dif names. This is why we see so many strange names and they all talk 

like they been playing since the 1800s. So No there isn't much difference.


The timing is terrible though, because of the current number of toxics and hax. 

Not having a replacement AC installed prior to an unbanning. 

Their priorities are shameful, the car parts for the mirage just sitting there and

I don't see it getting attention. They need to finish things they start, and they 

should have prioritized these things better and finished them before moving on to 

other things like MM. I think the new MM is great.

 This AC testing should have been done at install or before, the entire AC system needed 

to be perfected as best as it could be, before moving on to other things.

As a business you need integrity. It doesn't matter what color you paint the wagon, how 

many features and content you put in the wagon, they are useless if you let hackers and 

toxics run free. Why ride the wagon if these types will just knock you off. 

So You made the car, put in on the market unfinished, now this is after the fact of not 

fully testing the AC, then you move to fixing MM, then you move back to addressing the 

 AC and its false bans, we talk about the car but again put it aside, then ya let the banned back in.

and are told to stfu n stay in the corner while the 'Royals of Scorn' have the run of the city. 


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