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Hello, so i am writing this from a position of former closed beta player (4/2011 i got the key). It almost tears me apart that my beloved game is almost completely dead, and i wonder if LO is willing to maybe try to change it? I mean, some advertising, bunch of new content, new district maybe? Or something like APB 2.0? Completely new game, made from scratch? I honestly don´t understand HOW, actually HOW there is NO company that would want to make MMO in such a classic genre as Criminals vs Cops is. People love Crims vs Cops, only game out there that is remotely close to APB is GTA Online, which is bulls*it, fighting on flying bikes etc... - no thank you.
That´s what is making me wonder how in 2024, with all those possibilities, really no one decided to make something like APB is , as i said before - APB 2.0, completely from scratch. I´m no developer and i understand that making a game is not an easy process and takes long time, but maybe it would just be a better decision than trying to somehow revive APB:R .. It´s insanely sad to me, as i am expecting complete APB shutdown in next few years, which scares me... There is no point for devs to put their money and their time to a game that is being played by 200 players, if they dont have some ace up in their sleeve, some kind of a "surprise" or anything like that..
I dont know maybe it would be enough to just advertise the game a lot , i remember times when this game had 1000-1500 players and it was actually more than enough, every rank had their district server, everyone could play. Nowadays, if a new player starts this game he propably get smacked from goldies in first 20 minutes, and propably never turn it on again. I dont know, im just being desperate about this game, as i really love it, and dont wanna see it die completely and get shut down, so i tryed to help myself out writing this post, maybe someone can relate? Or we can just discuss, y´know 🙂

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Lmao they sold out the IP to some totally-not-a-shell-company Chinese group or some shit last I knew. That company had no public history, no public records, had a website but no actual available information on it. They're called Unit Game.


Checking now, their website doesnt even have a valid HTTPS certificate (expired April 28, 2024), and was registered through fucking GODADDY lmao. They have no contact information. No location information. No staff information. No company information (aside from claiming to be based in Hong Kong and established in 2001 which I think is a lie)

Also, the video they use on their website I believe is from an ancient RealTimeWorlds version of the game that dates probably back to pre-release days of the original APB judging by the UI. Compare with this vid: 

This is all to say: Game dead lol, dont get your hopes up.

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the game is held hostage


it has not improved for a decade, only gotten worse. more hackers than ever now.

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If you compare the facts, it becomes clear that the game has no future. Little Orbit does not have the resources for development, but there is a desire to develop. Perhaps everything is different - Little Orbit creates the appearance of work without spending resources in order to attract finance. In the first case, they are good, in the second they are deceivers. In fact, it's the same thing. It depends on your perception. 
The APB is an expensive car with a bunch of worn parts. And Matt Scott is a dude with no money who owns it. He loves her, but he can't fix her up. The only thing he can afford is duct tape and superglue.
The APB will go to the darknet in the same form as you see it now.

No one knows when this will happen. There are suggestions that the closure will take place this fall.


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I'm watching yet another triggerbotter (at the minimum) streaming live on Twitch after LO released all the bans, even the accounts that should never seen the light of day.


Matt, you can't even afford some poor 3rd worlder to monitor APB livestreams on twitch. I'm sure theres someone out there that will do it for 50 pesos a month.

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  On 6/29/2024 at 2:31 PM, iRawwwN said:

I'm watching yet another triggerbotter (at the minimum) streaming live on Twitch after LO released all the bans, even the accounts that should never seen the light of day.


Matt, you can't even afford some poor 3rd worlder to monitor APB livestreams on twitch. I'm sure theres someone out there that will do it for 50 pesos a month.

Lmao I'd do it for free. After playing for over a decade, its REALLY not hard to see whos cheating and who isnt, honest to god. I get that there's obviously an issue with using such a "personal perception/discretionary" method, but at this point, its essentially equates to goddamn job experience and I'd probably have less false bans than EAC at this point, and I also wouldnt ban for chat infractions. Just hand them a mute and you're good to go, wowie problem solved. (Although knowing LO, they probably never thought to develop such a system lmao)

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  On 6/29/2024 at 7:08 PM, NotTheEnforcer said:

 I get that there's obviously an issue with using such a "personal perception/discretionary"

There isnt really, its used in professional sports all the time. But there are countless videos of players cheating, the same players reported over and over again. They just dont want to know.


When you realize that Rivona is now the number one anti cheat system APB has.

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  On 6/25/2024 at 7:58 PM, NotTheEnforcer said:

Lmao they sold out the IP to some totally-not-a-shell-company Chinese group or some shit last I knew. That company had no public history, no public records, had a website but no actual available information on it. They're called Unit Game.


Checking now, their website doesnt even have a valid HTTPS certificate (expired April 28, 2024), and was registered through fucking GODADDY lmao. They have no contact information. No location information. No staff information. No company information (aside from claiming to be based in Hong Kong and established in 2001 which I think is a lie)

Also, the video they use on their website I believe is from an ancient RealTimeWorlds version of the game that dates probably back to pre-release days of the original APB judging by the UI. Compare with this vid: 

This is all to say: Game dead lol, dont get your hopes up.

Not just pre-release, that was a very old pre-alpha version of the game that was only ever shared with maybe a couple journalists (I don't recall seeing any other footage from this version of the game at least). If it wasn't obvious it's completely staged too, none of the players you see are actual players, all of them are RTW employees putting on a show lol.


By the time the closed beta rolled around the HUD was already pretty close to what we have today (unless LO made changes to it since I last played this game years ago but I somehow doubt that).


Also the fact this game hasn't shut down yet is nothing short of a miracle. Love how optimistic OP is too, 'just' make some new content lol. Sure thing bud, let me just snap my fingers and the content gods will bless us with a new district, slap a price tag on it. Free money!
Nah fam, this game is on life support, has been for years. Barely makes enough money to keep the lights on probably. Aint no way they got the manpower or the financials to pump out any significant new content.

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  On 7/1/2024 at 6:39 PM, killernerd said:

By the time the closed beta rolled around the HUD was already pretty close to what we have today (unless LO made changes to it since I last played this game years ago but I somehow doubt that).

The beta-UI was fairly similar to the one in that video.



Looks like they updated some of the UI before they changed the security truck model, even. The radar is different here, for example.


Edited by Revoluzzer
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  On 7/1/2024 at 8:44 PM, Revoluzzer said:

The beta-UI was fairly similar to the one in that video.



Looks like they updated some of the UI before they changed the security truck model, even. The radar is different here, for example.


Man I was early in the closed beta (like second group of invites) and do not remember seeing that old style radar. Then again it's been about 15 years I'd wager so you'll forgive me for not having perfect memory 😄


Edit: just noticed you were in the heavy hitters group of the closed beta according to your .. uh banner (or whatever that footnote thing is called). I believe that was the first group of cb play testers if memory serves me right. I was in the next group I think. Sharp shooters, was that the name? Something along those lines probably. Again, it's been 15 years lol.


Edit 2: looked it up, the 3 groups were furious fighters, heavy hitters, and then sharpshooters. Couldn't find the order in which they were invited but if the listing was chronological then chances are I was in the heavy hitters too. 

Edited by killernerd
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  On 7/1/2024 at 8:44 PM, Revoluzzer said:

The beta-UI was fairly similar to the one in that video.



Looks like they updated some of the UI before they changed the security truck model, even. The radar is different here, for example.


good old times when apb had a actual night time

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  On 7/3/2024 at 9:45 PM, killernerd said:

Edit 2: looked it up, the 3 groups were furious fighters, heavy hitters, and then sharpshooters. Couldn't find the order in which they were invited but if the listing was chronological then chances are I was in the heavy hitters too. 

I believe it was Heavy Hitters first, then Furious Fighers, then Sharp Shooters.

Heavy Hitters had several rounds of invites, I wasn't in the first batch. Perhaps the second, possibly the third. Furious Fighters had a few quick rounds, I think and Sharp Shooters got in all at once. But as you say, it's been quite a while since then. 😄

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  On 7/12/2024 at 8:50 PM, Revoluzzer said:

I believe it was Heavy Hitters first, then Furious Fighers, then Sharp Shooters.

Heavy Hitters had several rounds of invites, I wasn't in the first batch. Perhaps the second, possibly the third. Furious Fighters had a few quick rounds, I think and Sharp Shooters got in all at once. But as you say, it's been quite a while since then. 😄

Managed to find some related art done by one of the RTW devs...





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  On 6/19/2024 at 11:42 AM, JakeCz said:

i wonder if LO is willing to maybe try to change it?

HA . . . the day long time ago  I may've seen Ellix and project phoenix work for LO and developing their own maps  maybe I've started believe something it was cooking. . . 


Edited by PingOVER9000

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