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Save the Noobs and Fixing Threat Issue all in one

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I believe the BEST and ONLY real solution to the huge threat problems that have been plaguing APB forever now has 1 extremely simple solution. 

This problem is the main reason the game hasn't grown over the years.  This solution would take very little time and effort to implement also. 

There is no place for Bronzes to call home,  There is no place for Silvers to call home.  EVERYONE WINS WITH THIS SOLUTION. 

No one should be kept from playing with their friends or new players they get to install and play the game 

But new players still need protected and time to learn the game.  Locking Threat and/or all districts is not the answer.


This would be fixed SIMPLY by keeping everything just as it is, but by adding 4 additional locked districts... THATS IT ( 2 bronze only district and 2 silver only district, 1 Waterfront and 1 Financial for each threat) 

The LOCKED bronze district would have all gold and explosive guns disabled to protect from dethreating predators and be permanently locked to players rank 195 and above.  

So if someone ( under rank 195 ) wants to dethreat to get to the Locked Bronze District, they will be using the same guns as the noobs. 

So if your Bronze and join by the default district select, it will put you in the Locked Bronze District.  The silver joiner would connect to the Locked Silver District.

No Silver or Gold in the Locked Bronze District.  No Gold in the Locked Silver District.  Semi-Open districts like we have now would be unchanged.

So if you are Bronze and want to play with armas guns or higher threat players, you would have to join the Open Bronze District like we have now, or open Silver/Gold district if your friend is gold threat.

Golds could still play in the unlocked Silver District to keep Gold Districts open for looting.  Something I have found really nice over the past few years.


This solution would not put any more restrictions on players that arent already in place.  You CAN have your cake and eat it too. This solution fixes the problem without angering veterans.

The additional locked districts would also loosen the seams of the game and actually give it a real chance and room to grow. 

Noobies coming into the game would get in the locked bronze district away from predators and bullies and might not uninstall after 1 day.

These changes could be applied alongside some of the other ideas i have heard from Little Orbit, such as making threat progression take longer.

I am a casual silver threat player.  I hate playing in the Bronze District.  I also don't want any part of the Silver District as it is now.....This solution would fix that.  Everyone would have a home. 

I tried to explain this as easily and as briefly as possible. so if there are any legitimate questions please ask.  

I'm almost a 10 year vet of the game and I would like to still be playing APB 10 year from now......Protect the Noobs, its our only hope.


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Shortly put, this is how it should be: Higher threat players can't join lower threat district, but only lower threat players could join higher threat district. Auto transfer players who turn from silver to gold back to gold district, this is how you make dethreating pointless and this makes OC viable again when necessary. Current matchmaking seems to be broken, fix that first.

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9 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:

Shortly put, this is how it should be: Higher threat players can't join lower threat district, but only lower threat players could join higher threat district. Auto transfer players who turn from silver to gold back to gold district, this is how you make dethreating pointless and this makes OC viable again when necessary. Current matchmaking seems to be broken, fix that first.

Thanks for the reply.  My system outlined above does everything you want and so much more just by adding 4 locked districts.  This isnt just about fixing the system. 

Its about creating a solution to fix the system, while keeping everyone happy, keeping friends together, and most importantly, GROWING THE GAME.  All 4 can be done all at once. 

Matchmaking wouldn't be broken if your in the right server.  Thats where the locked districts come into play ( you want better matchmaking, join the locked district ). 


I've gotten 3 brand new players to install and play the game though over the past 2 weeks.  But keeping ALL districts locked to higher threat players would punish new players and force them to play in the silver district / gold district day one if they wanted to play with the vet / friend that recruited them.  This is not fair to those new players and not a recipe for success. 

Locking all districts to higher threat players has already been implemented in the past and a bunch of people quit playing the game.  That is not a system in which everyone wins. 


Sorry I didn't explain it well enough in the original post.  The fix for all of the these problems are so simple though that G1 never thought of it.  It doesn't have to be one way or the other. 

Why cant we have it both ways ?  You should be able to choose to be in a district with people of the same threat or choose not too so you can play with friends with a different threat. 

No one is going to play if they can't play with their friends.  Why would we limit ourselves when we shouldn't have too.  It makes no sense at all. 

Its the only way to keep everyone happy now and down the road.  Its also the only way to grow the game and make it profitable again which I'm pretty sure is the goal of Little Orbit. 


Edited by LooneyTooonz
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I agree, The poor new players spend time downloading the game to come in and get owned by some pleasant fellow. Then said pleasant fellow goes gold and then dethreats. By now the new player has uninstalled. How do we know this because we ask them. We people who care spend time finding new players and get them in our clans so we can help them from getting owned. We must protect the new players. I had a dream where old players and new players could have a chance against gold players!

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6 minutes ago, LooneyTooonz said:

You should be able to choose to be in a district with people of the same threat or choose not too so you can play with friends with a different threat. 

No one is going to play if they can't play with their friends.  Why would we limit ourselves when we shouldn't have too.  It makes no sense at all. 

Its the only way to keep everyone happy now and down the road.  Its also the only way to grow the game and make it profitable again which I'm pretty sure is the goal of Little Orbit. 


OC districts would be your best choice when you play with somebody new with lower threat level. Unfortunately APB is full of tryharder kids and misfits who have too much time to exploit this current threat system.

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12 minutes ago, xHenryman90x said:

OC districts would be your best choice when you play with somebody new with lower threat level. Unfortunately APB is full of tryharder kids and misfits who have too much time to exploit this current threat system.

I love open conflict, but have you been in open conflict when the tryhards are in there ?  That is not the place for a new player when they are trying to learn the game.

That district was made for tryhards and casual players who want a change of pace to really throw down without messing up their threat.  It even says in the description ( not recommended for new players ). 

I can't understand why you have a problem with what I'm suggesting ?  It creates districts for everyone.

Edited by LooneyTooonz
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34 minutes ago, LooneyTooonz said:

I love open conflict, but have you been in open conflict when the tryhards are in there ?  That is not the place for a new player when they are trying to learn the game.

That district was made for tryhards and casual players who want a change of pace to really throw down without messing up their threat.  It even says in the description ( not recommended for new players ). 

I can't understand why you have a problem with what I'm suggesting ?  It creates districts for everyone.

I've played OC ocassionally, most players that i've seen there are new players who are playing missions there or are raiding shops, currently bronze districts are almost worse for new players than OC. I think that if you add feature that transfers gold away from bronze districts, it would make a better experience for new players, without need of these overly complex ideas.

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22 hours ago, LooneyTooonz said:

This would be fixed SIMPLY by keeping everything just as it is, but by adding 4 additional locked districts... THATS IT ( 2 bronze only district and 2 silver only district, 1 Waterfront and 1 Financial for each threat) 

The LOCKED bronze district would have all gold and explosive guns disabled to protect from dethreating predators and be permanently locked to players rank 195 and above.  

So if someone ( under rank 195 ) wants to dethreat to get to the Locked Bronze District, they will be using the same guns as the noobs. 

So if your Bronze and join by the default district select, it will put you in the Locked Bronze District.  The silver joiner would connect to the Locked Silver District.

No Silver or Gold in the Locked Bronze District.  No Gold in the Locked Silver District.  Semi-Open districts like we have now would be unchanged.

So if you are Bronze and want to play with armas guns or higher threat players, you would have to join the Open Bronze District like we have now, or open Silver/Gold district if your friend is gold threat.

Golds could still play in the unlocked Silver District to keep Gold Districts open for looting.  Something I have found really nice over the past few years.

player population pool is too small for this to work, It's like adding an extra third more space for players.

Bare in mind that the game with try to auto assign players to a most appropriate threat district, most bronze players won't use the advanced district select tool so higher threats try to join them.

This new system of yours would have to auto assign players into the new locked thread obvious or it isn't going to work.


I will say this will lesson the problem of mixed threats and abusive higher threat players but I am unconvinced and again the number of players in servers are too low to add further districts to servers.


3 hours ago, LooneyTooonz said:

My system outlined above does everything you want and so much more just by adding 4 locked districts.  This isnt just about fixing the system. 

Its about creating a solution to fix the system, while keeping everyone happy, keeping friends together, and most importantly, GROWING THE GAME.  All 4 can be done all at once. 

Matchmaking wouldn't be broken if your in the right server.  Thats where the locked districts come into play ( you want better matchmaking, join the locked district ). 

Again no, it feels like a solution but it doesn't fix the problem... like building a wall of sand bags around a leaky pipe, this doesn't address this issue of the broken threat system. This merely just address the result of the broken threat system. And again lower player numbers in all district makes a smaller range of opponents in each district, This doesn't improve match making.


3 hours ago, LooneyTooonz said:

I love open conflict, but have you been in open conflict when the tryhards are in there ?  That is not the place for a new player when they are trying to learn the game.

That district was made for tryhards and casual players who want a change of pace to really throw down without messing up their threat.  It even says in the description ( not recommended for new players ). 

xHenryman90x is right... That was OC's original intended purpose.

Open Conflict actually WAS indented for new players as much as veteran, High ranked/threat players would be mixed with Low rank/threat players on the same team. This mix of skills would apply to both team and balance each other out. All players threat and ranks are hidden to add a little bit of competitiveness without the biases.

In theory it should help new players get better, in reality it causes frustration for everyone and the system is undermined by friends playing together in formed groups.

Also for players who are as brave, going against opponents which have hidden threat and ranks can be intimidating.

As it stands, The number of players in servers are too low for the balancing of matchmaking in Open Conflict, so it has become a bit of a try hard district but it is unintended. (Not really beneficial to the suggestion or feedback but just an FYI).


3 hours ago, LooneyTooonz said:

I can't understand why you have a problem with what I'm suggesting ?  It creates districts for everyone.

Everyone already have districts for themselves, That is the point... the problem is people abuse it and you say locking threat and ranks is not the answer, but you are suggesting locking threat and ranks but with the option of keeping the old district which is nice to have that option.


This does not address how the current broken system works or the abuse of the system.


I'm going to say what I always say. Again on the same account a player can make a new character and their threat would drop, rank of the new character would be reset. This doesn't compensate for experience in threat.

Edited by VickyFox

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Well theres you opinion and then theres the truth.  I don't agree with any of them, but thats ok. 

If you want to keep doing what got the game in trouble to begin with then this game has no future.

I agree the pool right now seems to small to implement this, but you have to start somewhere.  But the reason the population pool is so small is because nothing like this has ever been implemented. 


The game dying didn't just happen for no reason and over restricting players like you want is not the answer.  Its already been tried and failed miserably.

But I still see new players everyday.  I talk to most of them I see, but they don't end up staying long.

I ask them if they are enjoying the game and if they think they will continue to play and they almost always say yes.  I alway offer to help.  I see them logon a time or 2 more then they're just gone.

It wouldn't take that long for the playerpool to start gaining steam if they are in a locked bronze district and maybe even add an ingame moderator to the district to help them. 



The fact of the matter is, none of these common sense things I've proposed have ever been tried.  And just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean your right.

Its obvious something needs to be tried that hasn't been tried before.  I have a hard time agreeing with someone that wants to do things that have already been tried and have failed.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.  It didn't work last time, its not gonna work this time.

And if L.O. still wants to tweak the matchmaking and the way threat works, I'm not against that.  All I care about is the game growing and new people staying more than a day or 2.

Build it and they will come.  Have some faith that the game can be saved and thrive and do your part to help out new players.

Edited by LooneyTooonz
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16 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:

Shortly put, this is how it should be: Higher threat players can't join lower threat district, but only lower threat players could join higher threat district. Auto transfer players who turn from silver to gold back to gold district, this is how you make dethreating pointless and this makes OC viable again when necessary. Current matchmaking seems to be broken, fix that first.

Threat segregation failed.  LO needs to reroll the entire threat system that G1 put in the game fundamentally altering something that was never broken and directly resulting in the toxic dethreating and noob stomping. All districts should be open to all players, as they were initially... only the matchmaking should account for players actual threat and rank and player-style over time, providing much more accurate matches... so those stacked pro gold teams who steamroll through bronze could no longer as they would only get matched with other stacked gold teams of closer to equal performance ability... and one high ranked gold could sometimes match a bronze army of 10 players... this was how fair things used to be.

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make it one big 40 v 40 and watch the world decend into maddness




but in all seriousness i think there needs to be a different way players are put against eachother. not just split them based on gold or bronze.


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5 hours ago, LooneyTooonz said:

Well theres you opinion and then theres the truth.  I don't agree with any of them, but thats ok. 

If you want to keep doing what got the game in trouble to begin with then this game has no future.

I agree the pool right now seems to small to implement this, but you have to start somewhere.  But the reason the population pool is so small is because nothing like this has ever been implemented. 


The game dying didn't just happen for no reason and over restricting players like you want is not the answer.  Its already been tried and failed miserably.

But I still see new players everyday.  I talk to most of them I see, but they don't end up staying long.

I ask them if they are enjoying the game and if they think they will continue to play and they almost always say yes.  I alway offer to help.  I see them logon a time or 2 more then they're just gone.

It wouldn't take that long for the playerpool to start gaining steam if they are in a locked bronze district and maybe even add an ingame moderator to the district to help them. 



The fact of the matter is, none of these common sense things I've proposed have ever been tried.  And just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean your right.

Its obvious something needs to be tried that hasn't been tried before.  I have a hard time agreeing with someone that wants to do things that have already been tried and have failed.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.  It didn't work last time, its not gonna work this time.

And if L.O. still wants to tweak the matchmaking and the way threat works, I'm not against that.  All I care about is the game growing and new people staying more than a day or 2.

Build it and they will come.  Have some faith that the game can be saved and thrive and do your part to help out new players.

Admittedly I didn't mention it or make it clear but I agree that this is a very valid and significant problem for APB, I have read a number of threads and have spoke to a range of players.

Veteran players have mixed emotions over the issue with some saying that they just need to improve the game the hard way like the rest of other, Others agree that it is a bit harsh and that other experiences players are making the overall community look bad.



Sorry but This fix isn't really fixing the underlying issue and while the options in the range of districts is nice, It is a fine balance to keep a open range of districts and not diluting the population of a server.



...did you imply that I am insane? Anyway I've been with APB since CBT too and I want the best for APB but this is good... but it's not quite the best solution i'm afraid. I would like to elaborate but i got to go to work I'm afraid.


Before I go, I put it down to Gamer's First poor performance that brought APB down. It is easier to retain customers than getting new ones.

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You realize this will do nothing right? Since Little orbit took over and removed all the "unjust" bans, there has been an influx of "pros" and "returning" players who have been coming back only to continue cheating.. Sorry, "pros" I misspoke. Any person with half a brain to avoid the "pros" would just reroll and play on these "LOCKED" servers as you call it, and would still destroy any new players. "gold guns" are no different from any other guns that you can buy from contacts, I been rerolling for weeks to play in bronze just so I can enjoy the game once again... and guess what, im using a stock jg and fbw and am still able to easily get 10-15 win streak whilst having 15-20 kills a mission with very few deaths. Besides it all, this game is almost near perfect.. All little Orbit needs to do now is optimize the game so anyone that has a semi decent comp can run this game above 60fps without needing to use adv launcher and have their game look pong. That and be more forward with banning people, Once streamers and media realize this game isnt infested with circle jerk cheaters.. whoops there I go again I meant "pros".. This game will run it self and grow exponentially..

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On 6/28/2018 at 4:47 PM, LooneyTooonz said:


This whole post is just one giant cringe.


You realize the reason you're constantly losing and getting beat is because you're just not good at the game, right? Can we please stop coddling the bad players and actually force them to either get better or just suck it up?


The ONLY solution is LO fixing the matchmaking into something better.


Still isn't going to change the fact that some silvers are on the cusp of gold and MIGHT get it once or twice and then lose it. That doesn't mean they're dethreating, that means they aren't good enough to play higher-skilled golds. On the same spectrum, just because someone is completely and utterly destroying you as a silver, and you're silver, doesn't mean they're dethreating.


I know a lot of the "Low threat" players are new, but APB has had (And still does) a threat system that goes from 1-10. A silver 1 is exponentially worse then a silver 9, but because we don't see that additional information anymore, we all assume "Silver" is a universal skill when it's simply not. 


As @xFera said, I've also played in Bronze against silvers and golds on alt accounts. I can tell you first hand, after playing over a hundred missions in the past few weeks that dethreating is literally a non-issue. The "Golds" you think are the top-tier end all/be all dethreating gods are so amazingly bad at the game, they only have that threat because of playing other incredibly bad players.


What LO honestly needs to do is just do what the Console Version does and completely get rid of threat while fixing the matchmaking. 


Edited by TheAceNinja

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1 hour ago, TheAceNinja said:

I can tell you first hand, after playing over a hundred missions in the past few weeks that dethreating is literally a non-issue. The "Golds" you think are the top-tier end all/be all dethreating gods are so amazingly bad at the game, they only have that threat because of playing other incredibly bad players.

So all those gold premade groups playing on bronze all day are just bad at playing or throwing "I'm only playing here with my bronze friend" card all day every day?

When you force players to remain where they belong or higher threat districts or OC, including those who dethreat on purpose, once their threat increases, they should be moved automatically, it's as simple as that.

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Something has to be done... I will say that Looney is one of the few I have played with that caters to new players. Making sure they get some points and being fair for all players. Most the time costing him/her. Everyone has a " I know how to fix APB" thread. I do think most fixes that have been tried in the past lost a lot of players. What Looney is saying here would work if you think about it. I would make life easier for new players and would grow the game. The only reason this wouldn't work is because the golds think they are awesome at owning the new players and this would stop them from doing so. Lets open our minds to something that might fix and grow this wonderful game or be close minded and watch it become a dead game before the new owners see what this game could become!

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On 6/30/2018 at 2:01 AM, xFera said:

You realize this will do nothing right? Since Little orbit took over and removed all the "unjust" bans, there has been an influx of "pros" and "returning" players who have been coming back only to continue cheating.. Sorry, "pros" I misspoke. Any person with half a brain to avoid the "pros" would just reroll and play on these "LOCKED" servers as you call it, and would still destroy any new players. "gold guns" are no different from any other guns that you can buy from contacts, I been rerolling for weeks to play in bronze just so I can enjoy the game once again... and guess what, im using a stock jg and fbw and am still able to easily get 10-15 win streak whilst having 15-20 kills a mission with very few deaths. Besides it all, this game is almost near perfect.. All little Orbit needs to do now is optimize the game so anyone that has a semi decent comp can run this game above 60fps without needing to use adv launcher and have their game look pong. That and be more forward with banning people, Once streamers and media realize this game isnt infested with circle jerk cheaters.. whoops there I go again I meant "pros".. This game will run it self and grow exponentially..

Then fine.  The noobs still aren't getting stomped with explosives if they're turned off.  If you suck you suck, I get that.  Getting farmed with rockets and opgl's causes anger for new players, if you don't know that your not paying attention.

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20 minutes ago, LooneyTooonz said:

The noobs still aren't getting stomped with explosives if they're turned off

Everyone sucks against explosives the first time you vs them.
Players aren't going to get better and learn how to beat them if they never vs them.

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On 7/1/2018 at 10:39 AM, CookiePuss said:

"I know how to fix APB" thread

... add it to the pile

I can't believe it took you this long to chime in with your condescending answer.  I still remember when you were a noob in this game, it wasn't that long ago.

So yeah stay at the kiddy table please while the big people talk.


Number one, this is something that has never been suggested so it goes on the NEW IDEA stack and not with the rest of the pile,

Im not against changing the threat or matchmaking or whatever LO want to do, just want the game fixed.  Just trying to get as many fresh ideas as possible out there. 

So even if LO decided to do something completely different that I'm suggesting,  Maybe they might like 1 little thing I suggested and use it.  Would that be so bad ?

Maybe my solution isn't the best possible one, maybe it is.  I do know its a million times better than what we have now, and better than just locking all the districts down.


I wouldn't waste my time suggesting things that have already been tried and failed or something that has been suggested in the forums a 100 times already like others.

Believe me the last thing I EVER want to do is to try to have a rational dialog with the APB community on the forums for no reason.  Your response is a perfect example of that.

I am not a glutton for punishment, I don't want attention, and I hate confrontation.


Number 2,  I'm close to 10 year vet of the game and have seen all the bad decisions that have been made in the past.  You cannot say the same

Number 3.  I have about 10 years experience of running and administrating game servers.  Doubt you can say the same.

I knew people would argue with me, and I accepted that when I posted this.  I really didn't expect such a rude, closed minded response from someone so active in the community though.


36 minutes ago, Asparii said:

Everyone sucks against explosives the first time you vs them.
Players aren't going to get better and learn how to beat them if they never vs them.

lmao.  Is this a serious response ?  This is about growing the game and getting people that just installed the game to not uninstall it an hour later.  Go away troll

Edited by LooneyTooonz

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1 hour ago, LooneyTooonz said:


So yeah stay at the kiddy table please while the SILVER talks.


Edited by CookiePuss

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On 7/2/2018 at 8:42 PM, LooneyTooonz said:

I can't believe it took you this long to chime in with your condescending answer.  I still remember when you were a noob in this game, it wasn't that long ago.

So yeah stay at the kiddy table please while the big people talk.


Number one, this is something that has never been suggested so it goes on the NEW IDEA stack and not with the rest of the pile,

Im not against changing the threat or matchmaking or whatever LO want to do, just want the game fixed.  Just trying to get as many fresh ideas as possible out there. 

So even if LO decided to do something completely different that I'm suggesting,  Maybe they might like 1 little thing I suggested and use it.  Would that be so bad ?

Maybe my solution isn't the best possible one, maybe it is.  I do know its a million times better than what we have now, and better than just locking all the districts down.


I wouldn't waste my time suggesting things that have already been tried and failed or something that has been suggested in the forums a 100 times already like others.

Believe me the last thing I EVER want to do is to try to have a rational dialog with the APB community on the forums for no reason.  Your response is a perfect example of that.

I am not a glutton for punishment, I don't want attention, and I hate confrontation.


I don't think you realise just how frustrating it is for veterans to listen new players whine in the forums and in game chats about wanting threats locked when more experienced players know that we can circumnavigate lock districts.


I created a new character on Citidel and without doing anything, my gold threat went down to silver before even starting a mission!

Your suggestion is only unique in the way that you keep the some mixed threat districts along side locked districts, I must of seen at least 60 threads this year suggesting locking districts.

It doesn't matter how you prepare, cook and present a potato... because it's a potato!


Try to take on board what the experienced players have to say and try and find a reasonable answer to this problem, or you can keep throwing everything at the wall and see what sticks without taking on board what potential flaws may arise as constructive criticisms, The suggestion isn't a complete failure but it doesn't fix the problem but only lesson the issue. However the way you have gone about this suggestion isn't coming across very positive.


On 6/28/2018 at 10:47 PM, LooneyTooonz said:

You CAN have your cake and eat it too. This solution fixes the problem without angering veterans.

I don't mean to be rude but you have been quite condescending and not just Asparii. You may be a veteran too but you can't presume something like this would work or that it won't upset veterans.

The general feeling with veterans is a mixture of unfairness in being restrict for the sake of new players, and also just overall irritation of having to listen to these complains... over and over. And then trying to explain why locking threats may not work... over and over again. 


On 7/2/2018 at 8:16 PM, Asparii said:

Everyone sucks against explosives the first time you vs them.
Players aren't going to get better and learn how to beat them if they never vs them.

I couldn't agree more, you a don't become an Olympic simmer by staying in the kiddy pool!

It is harsh but now and then sometimes the best lessons are learnt the hard way, not all the time but sometimes it just more meaningful and potent to take away first hand experience from different situations.


As per usual, I DO NOT dismiss this as being a non-issue like AceNinja did, but I have listened to a lot of complaints and I accept APB has changed since I was a noob (despite no one has said it). So it should be reviewed as to how we how proportionate the problem is and how can we best address it. But that is something that can be resolved as a community and playerbase and resolving it would be easier if we worked with each other and not taking disagreements personally.




...this feels like trying to bring people together to have a discussion about reducing mass shootings in America!  Just talk to each other, it doesn't need to become personal if people don't agree with one another.

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I have a contribution to the How-to-fix-APB pile as well:


Completely get rid of district locks and do proper matchmaking.


I know matchmaking basically lives off a high population, so we might also need some kind of district transcendence.

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Another thread I am displeased to agree with Viki Fox on this issue... "Locked Districts " have been purposed for right at the year ive been playing... @ 1st the population was not there, but now it is...what L.O needs to do is HURT the dethreaters in their pockets pretty freaking bad in order to restore some balance in the game... in my opinion if your 2 threat levels ABOVE your current district, you should be maxed out @ 100pts and cash per mission you do...no matter how much you do.....


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