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About solo

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    han solo

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  1. Back alive indeed and already thought so yeah also because we are already on the topic of weapon skins back in the day i remember there was this special Joker skin? Or spcm skin i dont know the correct name but i know it was very exclusive if i remember correctly it had black carbon fiber with some red on it? Does anyone has a pic of that?
  2. I thought they made the Nano logo gold? Or is this just a pic from google
  3. Gotta agree with you on that one they should improve on that field but this team is actually taking their time to help someone they actually read our problems they dont just send a copy-paste email so its obviously going to take a little bit longer to handle each case
  4. First of all since LO took over support improved alot so that statement of yours is false But to answer your question you can either just reply to the ticket through the support page or make a new ticket or as last contact one of the staff members through the forums but only do that when its taking too long before they respond to one of your tickets
  5. Did anyone tried to buy it through amazon tho? it seems that they are still selling it https://www.amazon.com/APB-reloaded/dp/B00690KRP8?crid=37V78VHFKPV9W&keywords=apb+reloaded&qid=1539905711&sprefix=APB+re%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-2&ref=sr_1_2
  6. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters
  7. Just a suggestion but what about making Joker tickets tradeable?
  8. Its temporay mate they will remove the cooldown eventually but when idk
  9. Well they want people to spend money on Jokerboxes why would anyone spend hundreds of dollars on joker boxes to get a weapon if they can get it from a random ingame for like 30$... Thats why we have that rule to prevent that and also they rather have you playing the game for hours in order to get ingame money to buy the weapon from marketplace
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