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Everything posted by ninjarrrr

  1. you sound like you've never used the nl9 tbh
  2. cant really tell an emotion from the half face that was posted
  3. i abandon when i get shit missions like hidden menace so dont remove it
  4. if you manage to get doxxed because of this game then you went seriously wrong in ur life
  5. i thought u stopped playing apb cuz it hurts ur mental health
  6. what u need a bally for u dressing up as a provo?
  7. whats point i like getting missions at 4 am
  8. nano for 1.7 mil lol u got scammed they're worth 2.5 mil so they are
  9. i'd be best community manager cuz i don't play with cheaters so i don't
  10. put the servers in my house i got better bandwidth than any american datacenter
  11. nice time to go on halo now that citadel is dead
  12. why didnt u wait until the hardware was in eu before u pull the servers down?
  13. funny we got na players coming to citadel now we have na players crying about being eu hosted in america, just lol
  14. poor na players, without people on citadel they'll have no one to play against
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