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Everything posted by Intake

  1. Made it a while ago, but whatever, I'll share it now. I won't tell you what it is, but I'm sure you can guess. Oh, that's the female version too.
  2. Basically we need more of the misc clothes from 'Gear' in the JT store, imho Hightops, Ski-Masks etc. come to mind rn the only thing it's good for is: 1 - farming up a 4x4 4 slot; 2 - if you have autism a lot of spare time, farming the crown; 3 - nothing Still a cool idea, and I guess it's kinda dope that you can try rando armas guns for 7 days, but I mean... n-tec is still BiS so why does it matter?
  3. Kicking people for not playing missions in action districts is a bad idea. People should be free to play the game how they want to, there will always be enough district spaces anyway; yeah you might not get Financial when you wanna level TipToe, mores the pity, but you'll always find somewhere to play. I mean, the current set-up is still better than when they first rolled out segregation anyway, where we couldn't get any districts because of Silvers flooding our districts, but that's irrelevant. Half the issue is... TRIGGER WARNING
  4. Who, that has played here long enough, doesn't? Wait, never mind, I'm probs just a turbo autist savant Honestly tho, sad as it is, this game has basically become part of me, too many hours, too much wasted time, and damn, I have nothing to show for it, lol based mods removing spam
  5. Just wanted to illustrate my point regarding detail - using both my characters - the above is without detail, and skin features, the lower has skin features, details, and makeup used to achieve a better effect. While I get that some people want to have a plastic-doll looking character (I don't know why), if you want to make one that looks realistic, detail is your friend. Also, how do we do spoilers on the new forum? (even if it's not new any more) :thinking:
  6. Thing is... some of the detail makes absolutely massive differences to making a character look believable. Cheek / Forehead detail is mad helpful to make a face gaunt, rather than some overfed spastic I mean, also... like I said anyways, age marks are literally the go-to to make a character look real, rather than fake
  7. It's easy Step 1 - Less is more Step 2 - Perfection looks wrong So, basically, fuck tattoos, they are ultra-passé, and while I'm on the topic of out of date fashion crimes, anything less than skinny jeans is basically a sin. You want some texture and definition on the skin, makeup, like eyeshadow, and face-paint can give a relatively 'tired' look - that's what you're aiming for... within reason. Wrinkles rarely look good however - age markings, and freckles look pretty gucci tho Overall though, as far as outfits are concerned, armour and accessories should be done in a relatively realistic way - too much armour makes you look like a tool, this isn't Call of Duty. As far as designs go, on shirts, yeah maybe, on trousers / coats yeah no. smh salt much
  8. Intake

    Same Topic Again

    Can we have skinnable legendaries? I mean, I have been sat round waiting for the Nano Assassin daily, cus that's the only one with the Assassin skin, yet, I have 5 nanos already. It would be good if I could just skin the ones I already have. Same probably goes with most legendaries themselves, I mean... No disrespect to the creator of the Anubis' skin, but damn it's ugly.
  9. Remove it. There is a cap on the total cost of sales anyway. It might be necessary on game with upwards of 1 million players, but on APB? Not at all.
  10. May as well join in, I guess. Pretty simplistic, but I kinda like the clean lines. Besides, 7 layers is kinda hard to work with.
  11. Pretty good thread. More than anything, we definitely need the ability to race for cash money, and maybe even rep with factions. Anyways, we need the racing district. I have suffered too long tbh.
  12. Why do you have my avatar tho? lol
  13. They look pretty cool tbh Good that you kept the monochrome. Thanks.
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