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Everything posted by pikckyy

  1. Trading the Rarest OCSP - Diamonds Also want to trade: -Jersey Devil -Ursus Jericho Server NA
  2. You can purchase better counterparts just the same as you can buy a multi slot gun and save up money to buy mods and use them on that gun to make it the exact same if not better than guns in armas. Anyone on the outside who out of the gate claim it's pay to win are simply just bad at the game because they are new and not giving it enough of a chance.
  3. Premium gives you a boost in the right direction but by no means is this game pay to win. Its pay for a boost but not pay to win. I like to consider myself a pretty decent player usually breaking 10-15 kills a mission and dropping 20's here and there and always top 3-5 if not higher in fight club's but i still find myself getting absolutely dome rocked by default ntecs on low level players and such... this is simply just you finding something to complain about. It is not pay to win, it just helps with the progression of the game.
  4. yes, you should be able to realistically earn all of the skins, its dumb to have to choose but you are wrong about the second part.... you should have to play MAJORITY of the event if you want all of the prizes... how does that not make sense!??! 10/14 isnt bad at all, if you dont wanna play the even for majority of the event then why are you playing apb lol. It should still be a challenge to earn the rewards.
  5. already had both skins i only got chocie of JT
  6. i was extremely, and i mean EXTREMELY adamant for the past week and just got my issue fixed today. But my issue was simple fix, the more complicated it is the longer it takes.
  7. i think i speak everyones mind with this.
  8. twas' joke. Very true, going to be a cluster f*** now lol, everyone is going to be doing it just for fun. (Also vey many trolls out there who just got handed a god damn master key) agreed.
  9. it just gets hella boring, nothing to do after the one mission is done everything is done and theres no other progress to be made.
  10. So everyone who has come on here complaining about the server crashing can thank you guys for testing this crash 80 times.
  11. I like the event and i think the change of pace is nice but there needs to be more. I know this might seem like asking for a lot but if we think about this there is 100 people now playing this event server. ONE and only ONE daily mission. Then the old pumpkin thing which i already have all the camos for so its useless. When you put this into perspective i finished my daily in about an hour.... now what, ALL of the districts are empty, no one is in fight club, no one is in mission districts. So do i just sit here and play this game mode that gives me almost no money, takes forever, no more rewards, no challenges, no role progression, no contact standing. Nothing other than a single daily challenge then pure boredom. Now don't let this rant distract from the fact that i enjoy the event and i think its a great idea and its fun but there either needs to be more money awarded or more challenges/rewards.
  12. would make more sense if it didnt need support, why can i not unlink my OWN steam account.
  13. all im saying is this is a business and im offering to pay them but its not been over week with no answer on SIMPLE ticket.
  14. i dont feel like thats right at all everyone else says the direct opposite
  15. I have money on my steam account but i cannot use it because i have an old steam account linked it has been over a week with no answer on my support ticket. I am LITERALLY trying to pay you people but i cant because no one will SIMPLY unlink my steam account.
  16. So many people complain about so many things on this game, its insane to me, if you do not enjoy it just dont do it. I love baylan, i hate when there is 16 people because i dont like having to run around for 5 minutes to kill 1 player. Im not trying to play an open world survival game and thats not the goal of this game. It is fun because its constant action, the 20v20 is NEVER full anyways is and is kinda nice because there is no more struggling to get in the server and no struggling to find kills.
  17. Already did as i said, i was stating they don't respond often i hear and i have a very easy and simple issue, its being handled i believe though.
  18. I have money on Steam ready to go on the armas market for the price adjustments but my issue is i have a old steam account linked to my current gamersfirst account and seeing as no tickets ever get answered (i have already made one) and this is a VERY BASIC problem im having, is there any idea what i should do. I just need my accounts unlinked thats it.
  19. So i just saw this pack of revelations thing and here i the link https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?gameID=20&catID=65&productId=3819 1.) Is everything in this pack account lifetime? 3.) I noticed in the pictures there is camos for the guns, are those included and are they just for the guns you get or all guns are able to now use those camos too.
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