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Everything posted by WaIeed007

  1. does this mean these events will run all the time? or same timings? im dumb
  2. can you change 5 PM PDT to 7 or 8m PM PDT? please ;-;
  3. 5 PM PDT is 6 am in my country..well fuck i wont be able to play a single match lol
  4. they need to make the rewards alot better cmon we waited for SO long
  5. Ty, But fuck it, im not gonna contact support and wait for 1000 years for reply and keep checking my gmail every 10 mins.Im just not gonna do the activites again for the shit i should have got already! and sry for my bad english, i cant frekin edit my posts so i need reply again. wow what just happened my posts got merged..and i cant edit...good.
  6. but in the roles it says 1 level is enough to unlock the ''Infected'' title ,but i got nothing also NO Joker Tickets .
  7. my activity was ''kill 10 people while in friendly locations'' i completed it , didn't receive anything.i need my REWARDS
  8. create a new account and try out the new event before it's gone!
  9. if you're talking about me, i already completed the daily quest (completely useless never gonna do it again) but it didn't give me the rewards.
  10. its fun on normal missions but not on the dynamic events, headless horsemen event was completely different than this.
  11. IM SO f********** mad right now.i completed the challenge and didnt get the title or epidemic role 1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF im never gonna do the activity again.BS, all that work for nothing.
  12. i want to play the old headless horsemen event come on :CCCCCCCCCCCCC
  13. fixing the lag won't help, this game mode rewards are too small and boring
  14. is there any other new rewards except symbols titles and weapon skins? and will headless horsemen event ever come back?
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