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  1. This. Friend and I translated the game into Turkish and released the files a few years back on an unofficial Turkish APB forum in an attempt to make the game more popular here and it's quite simple provided that you stick to crucial stuff like the UI, mission & item (guns and mods) descriptions. If you guys end up making a decent arabic translation I reckon that LO would be interested in adding it.
  2. Planning on grabbing a ps4 later this year so here's hoping that we'll be able to use our characters on pc or at least have the option to transfer the said characters over to xbox/ps.
  3. I mean LO could just buff other vehicles like cisco instead, no?
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself. Like what's the point of segregating players when there's only a handful of playable districts and less than 1k pop per server.
  5. So glad that I haven't spent all my cash on the steam summer sale now.
  6. Would love to see all these stuff implemented as there's no incentive to be a part of a clan as long as you have people to play with.
  7. I wholeheartedly agree. Reducing the cooldowns for f2p players would help a great deal to get rid off the p2w stigma around the game.
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