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  1. Ntec-5 is more fast than SMG´s and Shotguns to kill + the jumpshot 0.7s to kill are awesome fast to kill, need Nerf. Decrease FireRate like a COBR-A or STAR 556 and nerf acuraccy on jumps like a STAR 556. And increase FireRate for COBR-A or damange. COBR-A is very weak vs Ntec or Carbine
  2. I'm student from Spain, now i have much ideas for improve apb reload and get new players, i can help. I want to be part of your team, improve apb reloaded. REC hacks and report on good videos 1080p 60 fps to help , looking for bugs and unvalaced weapons in game to report, like a Supervisor or something. Contact me on my Email, thanks! My name is Héctor Cabrera Mecki , in from Spain. please contact me i think APB is great just needs a new approach. Native language Spanish. thanks to read and regards
  3. Suggestion to improve the game with few resources quickly and get new players. "APB Fast and Dangerous". "Run over all" concept are very funny, fast and fragile cars on crashes and explosions. Why not increase speed of cars to more fun gameplay? More fast much more fun. I think its a good improvement to get new players. Honestly i think a good cars with fast engines are "sexy" to new players, New players love fast cars!!!, big jumps and stupid crashes are funny its perfect for all. Little orbit is working on repairs the game source-code to update the graphic engine while developing RIOT, but I'm sure that fast cars and sexy characters will attract a lot more audience. New clothes or more clothes for new players are good idea to get new players. Fast cars and good looking characters get new players sure 100% Thanks for read, Regards Español (lengua nativa) (native languaje) Una manera sencilla de ganar jugadores es hacer los coches más rápidos y que sufran daños fuerte al estrellarse para hacerlo mas divertido, añadir algo de ropa y hacer anuncios de coches con chicas/os guapos siempre funciona, seamos sinceros el clásico "Coche rápido y chica guapa" funciona podriamos granar jugadores sin tener que trabajar mucho en ello. Algunos videos en youtube y Twitch bastarán. APB tiene un personalización excelente hay que explotar eso. Me comprometo a formar parte de esto, si actualizan los coches para ir mas rápido, haré videos estilo "Fast and Furious" es algo que no falla. Los personajes femeninos de apb bien editados son especialmente llamativos suma eso a unos coches bien rápidos, bonitos, y potentes es una apuesta segura desde el punto de vista del mercado, mejorar los personajes masculinos también estaría muy bien, al público femenino no parece agradarles mucho y esto tambíen es muy importante. ((ejemplo: Overwatch tiene exito por sus "chicas" y Need For Speed simpre pone una chica guapa casualidad?)) es completamente cierto que las chicas bonitas y los coches rápidos dan ventas, apb ahora necesita agarrar lo fácil, habrá tiempo para mejorar más tarde. Hay mucho que mejorar, este es un recurso fácil y rápido porfavor piense en ello! Espero que esto llegue a Little Orbit deseo ayudar apb y tengo muchas ideas, pero necesito un mejor contacto con el juego para comprender cómo funciona internamente y ayudar. Muchas gracias por leer esto, Saludos
  4. ZHER0X

    SteamOS [ProtonDB]

    Not really AMD have full Linux support on all distributions based Debian, Arch and others. Linux have much better optimizationin native games and actually ProtonDB runs very fine, just need moreplayers in linux to get more native games. And linux actually have solid GPU Drivers By AMD and INTEL. RADEON RX and VEGA run awesome on 4k with linux kernell Nvidia works fine and now on Debian (Ubuntu Mint etc) its same than windows 10 APB have problem on memory optimizations, Linux its much better on this works, im sure APB works much better on linux if it becomes native.
  5. ZHER0X

    SteamOS [ProtonDB]

    https://www.protondb.com/ APB compatibility and optimization its very important and linux users need APB!!! Linux can run 4k games Much better than windows and mac why dont works on Proton? FIX IT!!!!!!!! SteamOS its the future for 4k (APB + 4k + Ultra = AWESOME)
  6. ACES its more fast but much more difficult to kill vs whisper its lose and lose, BXNNXD have reason , oca need revert especially Whisper its absurd OP I buy Aces smg and try whisper , pmg and others its much more easy than aces. thanks for opinions
  7. ACES cant kill on 0.72 or 0.63 in game on more 5 meters need 1 or 2 seconds in real combat (try this weapons on armas) c9 need 8 hits to kill cbmp too, aces need 14 :V please try play whit ACES without mods test it
  8. ACES SMG Full magacine [35] need to kill = [15] "damange calculating"[damange per hit 6.5%] in game its imposible get doble kill with ACES need [25] hits on 10 meters ACES RIFLE Full magacine [35] need to kill = [14] "damange calculating" [damange per hit 7%] ACES SMG its more fast but in game need much more time to kill, very difficult on more 5 meters cause can´t use Full auto! need Fast tap fire ACES RIFLE 15 hits to kill [40 meters] [1 kill per magacine on 10 meters] "doblekill imposible" ACES SMG 14 hits to kill [30 meters] [1 kill per magacine on 10 meters] "doblekill imposible" PMG 5 hits to kill [30 meters] [5 kill per maganice on 10 meters] pentakill OCA 8 hits to kill [30 meters] kill power [3 kill per magacine on 10 meters] triplekill N-Tec 6 hits to kill [50 meters] [5 kill per magacine on 10 meters] pentakill ACES need rebalance, more damange or big magacine [50] like "Colby 1922" its much poor than other rifles a smgs. -Thanks for read!-
  9. Flexible bones? Animation error Arms deform on Showtopper reloading https://gyazo.com/e04ae6c5489c88c4b4926f1749bca6f0
  10. RPF-9 "Talon" its Obsolette "old stadistics" "now stadistics in game" for: ARMAS Weapon Information RPF-9 [30 meters effective range] in game [40m effective range] (Whitout damange losing) RPF-9 (from contacts) info [30m] in game [40m] RPF-9 "Talon" ARMAS info [30m] in game [30m] RPF-9 "Fang" ARMAS info [37m] in game [47m] RPF-9 "Talon" need update 30m to 40m same than free RPF-9 -REBALANCE its necesary again- Please update...
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