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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Which will still not fix anything so long as threat is inaccurate as fuck and ppl dethreat
  2. As far as APB goes your never going to see more then 50 so when a server is full matchmaking should work in the realm of APB, but it doesnt. This game will nevr have an open world like other games so comparing it to that is pointless.
  3. So the fact that matchmaking didn't work right even when there was a decent pop means nothing to you 2?
  4. Once the engine upgrade is released there will be a good number of players returning. Once they can solve the hacker problem, hitreg, matchmaking and threat you will see many more come back as well. Im not including weapon balance here because its impossible to balance weapons based on severely flawed hitreg.
  5. 1. Im speaking for myself 2. Nobody else bothered to reply to this thread so you cant say its just us 2 if nobody else bothers to say wether or not they purchased. 3. Matt even said theres an issue so your point has no ground. If nobody spent money games wouldnt stay running. Somebody needs to spend so you can enjoy your free play. Gl, only another 16 days to go before they get to you. Ticket times are still at 30 days which is atrocious. The games dead and times are above 3 days id hate to see how bad these times would be if the population was healthy.
  6. And lets make an individual ticket for an issue thats affecting everybody
  7. ^ This. Support is just horrible around here and they can clearly see I bought it, when and how so theres no reason this couldnt be cleared up yesterday.
  8. As the title says, I used the razer gold 4 days ago to buy G1C and I have yet to receive the clothing on any of my characters @Lixil
  9. I have yet to get the bundle, its been 3 days
  10. It was also happening in random matchups as well back then not just premades. The bottom works well for that
  11. Lets see if this razer promo actually works and if the items are actually worth anything (and if I dont already have the clothing or not)
  12. Way back in the day there was a problem where you had vets kicking new players from missions just like that so they could get good ppl on their teams for missions. G1 changed the kick system to require a demerit in order to allow for kicking and while it was one of the few good things they did its become a problem now as you have dethreters and griefers blocking missions and so long as they dont get a demerit you cant remove them from the mission to get somebody who will actually play. Its time to once again revamp the system so this way new players are protected yet these griefers can be removed from matches quickly.
  13. The huge funding source are the gambling boxes (otherwise called JMBs) that house all the legendary guns
  14. @MattScott @Lixil this is great and all but you need to rework the JT from FC as well otherwise thats going to remain dead. Lets not repeat the same mistakes made with riot and make a mode completely pointless to play. I would recommend raising the weekly amount you get from FC like this and bringing contacts to both Asylum and Baylan where they offer rewards exclusive to playing these modes to further a reason to play FC. Bronze: 100 Silver: 250 Gold: 500
  15. So basically allowing the launcher and now the subsequent ban waves due to all the launcher confusion (abuse) isnt a mess? Ok sure.
  16. So? If this was any other game youd only have 1 choice, take it or leave it. Having a 2nd launcher is whats causing these issues to begin with. There should only be one launcher allowed and thats the basic launcher that is automatically installed with APB. Having a 2nd launcher not developed by G1 and LO gives an extra excuse for ppl to download launchers to cheat. Just deal with it untill everythings fixed its that plain and simple. "Oh gee bad performance" Thats what EVERYONE in APB has to deal with when the games unoptimized its not just a select few. Grow a pair, stop trying to take any advantage possible and deal with it.
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