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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. No I read it. But everything you've said here goes to you defending the 30 day wait times. G1 only had Puck, he was lazy as hell but they didnt have such long wait times so tell me again how having a bigger support staff and longer wait times is an improvement?
  2. 8, 9. end of the day it means the server is performing as intended
  3. Asylum is still missing as is the majority of ppl who were playing. I expect the districts to keep crashing for abit.
  4. Your defending how LO is going about support and shooting down additional needed manpower to get ticket times within a reasonable wait. So how exactly am I in the wrong for pointing the obvious?
  5. Most of the districts just kicked everybody of and reset resulting in error code 9 for afew moments @MattScott @Lixil Edit: the districts that crashed arent coming back up and the ones that are up are crashing.
  6. So essentially dont hire anybody is what your saying, got it.
  7. Im no CEO Same way the others were Idk Nope they stay as theres always massive amounts of tickets especially after a patch in this game
  8. By having enough staff members to keep ticket wait times down to where they should be
  9. 30 days is the time for a game with no population. At this population it should be a day or 2 at most.
  10. Heres an idea, fight club. You can get 400 JT weekly if you get the gold reward and 800 if you do both Asylum and Baylan.
  11. I would have liked to have seen new lingerie and underwear. Best design for this was right on the butt. Weve had the same stuff since forever now.
  12. Interested to see if the new clothes look decent or not and that looks like a solid change to the Ntec it hits all the aspects that are generally abused.
  13. No offence Matt but ppl griefing/squatting is a very common thing in APB as the community abuses anything and everything they can. For years they have been able to get away with stuff and because of that they became toxic to the point it drove away players and now if they dont get what they want and have to follow rules they throw a fit. Regardless of when you do this name release griefing will happen and ppl will abuse the system, unless you police the community and make ppl change their ways this will always happen.
  14. Showstopper is perfectly balanced theres no reason to nerf it. Just learn how to fight it.
  15. So again, when are we disabling explosive weapons from fight club? (ie OSMAW and OPGL)
  16. These are some decent changes however @MattScott armas only weapons have been changed before, the VAS-C2 "Troublemaker" and the JMB "Yukon" are prime examples of guns that were changed. The "fang" needs a change as its also used in place of primaries more often then not outright its so powerful. Its not just the mod its the stats that make it what it is. Its a mini OBIR as you said but its stats are way too close to the OBIR itself as such it can be used in place of the OBIR. Also you still need to ban explosives from FC were still waiting on that.
  17. Being a vet has nothing to do with anything besides how long you've been playing. Differences in playstyle and skill still exist and your rank means nothing to that. Thats like calling for a R255 server, it doesnt segregate your skill just how long you play.
  18. And yet the vast majority still dethreat and abuse the current in game kick system. Its really deterred ppl from wanting to dethreat hasnt it?
  19. Dont get me wrong, you make LO look bad by trolling as a SPCT, its what you do. So long as a lower rank means easier opp ppl will continue to dethreat regardless of the avail pool. It means if you dethreat to bronzie you wont have to face golds as one and its more of an incentive to dethreat.
  20. Well see just how well it works given APBs history with updates and new things.
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