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  1. Hey could yall like fix VivoxVoiceService. The game is like not the same without it; I enjoy deeply raging, crying, spamming music, and like talking my shit on the mic. I know this post should be in Bugs and Tech Issues section, but social is missing like the best part besides the customization.
  2. when will all the banned and inactive names be released for use
  3. i agree with the others that stated remove threat all together
  4. xxadv0catexx

    fps proplem

    limit your frame rate it will go down to 60 SmoothFrameRate i think its called
  5. xxadv0catexx

    fps proplem

    are you getting low fps?
  6. indeed probably nothing major till Christmas; i'm sure the dev's are having fun in the code
  7. try downloading DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) and try verify integrity of game files... in steam
  8. i just wanted to play a match before work
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