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  1. Yeah, but have they fixed the light pole in financial yet
  2. HELL YES!!!, that was one of the funnest things to waste time on, made the down time enjoyable. I get people exploited it, so make the out of bounds mission status based. I miss seeing a random vegas flying thru the air, and bouncing off of rooftops.
  3. I'm sure this wont be a popular answer, but its partially your fault as well. You cant give them that power, you cant let them get to you, you need to show them that you don't care. Will that instantly stop them, no it wont, but you cant give them what they feed off of. YES, it shouldn't be this way, you should be able to play the way you want without griefers, but just like IRL it doesn't work that way, sometime you need to make them play by your rules instead of vice versa.
  4. I wont hijack the thread, so if you wanna try and prove how he isnt doing a great job (even though he needs to stop his twitter posts) PM me, we can argue it out until you realize your wrong. *edit: its funny when you have 0 arguement it always goes to racism. que tiny violins....
  5. wait.... why is this relevant to APB? but yes, and its glorious.
  6. For the love of all that is holy, please go shoot those real life guns one handed and post the photos of your smashed face after the gun hit it, then come back and explain how they are 1 handed weapons. lol
  7. There has to be someway to drive players to support the game, we cant all just live on wellfare and expect the game to continue to survive. Adding premium to your account cant just be adding layers to you clothes and cars. The minor ingame cash increase, and customization benefits are not enough for some people. Sure adding armas discounts increases future purchases, but ingame cooldowns adds to the reason to be premium. If they were to remove the 2x cooldown, what would you replace it with? I remember back in the day, maybe 1 or 2 people in say a 8 person match (4v4) wouldnt be premium, now its just the opposite 1 or 2 are premium, the rest arent, so it cant be that big of a factor in game to lose the 2x cooldown. IMO.
  8. So do you feel the bronze, silver, gold is a good threat system to begin with? (what about players inbetween gold/ silver and bronze/silver, those who dont purposely DT, but naturally bounce back and forth) We dont have the pop to lock down all noobs in a seperate district, and G1 found out locking districts based on threat made it worse (people who were gold would purposely DT to green even) and made the player base angry that they couldnt play with their clan mates etc (yes this issue added to the population decline) So to simply refer to the CoC wont stop the problem, they need to address the real issue, the threat system first.
  9. Yeah, I live 5 miles from a larger town, with multiple providers and of course Fiber, yet they allow a smaller provider to charge me over double the cost for a third of the speed. They claim the cost is to high to run (cable/fiber) lines to our town, yet local government requested an FCC exemption to allow that larger provider to provide that business, and that business only with Fiber, to entice a business to our town. This new business is literally 3 blocks from my house, and they have Fiber. Even if that business paid for that transmission line, they hooked into fiber maybe 1/3 of a mile from our town................................... so that last 1/3 was the deciding cost factor after that 4 2/3 miles? Its a complete joke since if we want internet, its one choice (not including satellite, but who wants that kind of ping, yuck) and honestly its $70 for 15gb of speed, and 5 miles away its $30 for 35gb (higher options available) Not comparing apples to apples talking cable to DSL? ok well the 2nd provider in that larger town is you guessed it, telephone.... and they charge way less than $70 for the same speeds the only answer is smaller less corrupt government, and deregulation, because the FCC can go fuck themselves IMO.
  10. Cookie can you give this one a cookie? They earned it Im all cookie'd out, but thanks.
  11. I wish they would get rid of the out of bounds, unless your on a mission, then people could get back to having fun trying to get on top of buildings, launching a vegas off another vegas etc. Then the Rally fighter would be MINT!!!
  12. @OP you are also forgetting that not everyone has APB linked to steam. So players like me, arent counted in steam charts. Also if you wanna talk about Lag, go back a few years, that lag would make you complainers cry yourself to sleep at night, so just stop. I think players that constantly complain, forget how badly G1 screwed this game, I think you have zero concept of the task they (LO) have fixing the bandaids G1 threw on this game. For every "fix" they made, they had at minimum 2 more bugs pop up, ON A CONSTANT BASIS!!!!
  13. I wonder if your rage is blinding you to the fact that, that player is simply just outplaying you. You need to remember this is 3rd person and the opponent can seem to snap around to you, but in reality you cant tell where his camera is aimed, and if he simply right clicks and aims, his character flips a 180 to your location. You may also need to consider your mental inability to simply remind yourself, "this is just a game, there is no reason for me to feel anger, unless i made the mistake, then i can be mad at myself" I am not sure how long you played before joining the forums, but you need to remember there are people that have been playing since before 2011. Thats 7+ years to learn tricks, good hiding spots, where spawns are placed, and many other factors. Simply there will always be someone better than you, and raging is not the way to handle it.
  14. This has been an issue for a very long time, (weekend crashes) and it would take hours for the "on duty" staff to notice or to drive in and fix it, then they would blame it on random crap. Thanks for the communication.
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