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Everything posted by Sidewayz24

  1. https://giphy.com/gifs/nfl-football-celebration-l0MYP185fZVA5NUS4 I suck at the forums so idk how to link this in the post. Lmfao
  2. *downvotes the post* lol That's a direct reflection of your reading comprehension skills in this thread.
  3. More than you have in this thread rofl... Also it's painfully obvious you're the one downvoting every post in this thread lol.
  4. Huh, pretty sure this been the meta of APB since like 2012 lol
  5. Ahhh, the beauty of a shawcopter. So elegant, yet so brutal.
  6. Then learn to read. Also before you formulate an opinion on something, you probably should at least experience it. Especially before you go around making false claims. Ill patronize you all I want if you're going to spread misinformation. Btw, they use an Ogre everyone. Gg shotgun skills, their opinion on this matter is key.
  7. Oh look, some expert on a matter they haven't experienced before. Are we in america? And you can't read. I hope you're trolling for your own sake.
  8. If I remember correctly, the reason for this was vehicles going faster than that would crash the game. I'm not sure how true this is.
  9. Ahhh, I'm interested to see how the shotguns play after this. Currently I like where they are other than they're incredibly erratic on how much damage they deal. Hopefully this will help smooth that over while not putting them on a level they were before where they nearly dominated the meta. Also curious how this will affect the NHVR. I feel like old players will for sure be against this, but imo I think this will force the meta to evolve more instead of using weapons that are really good at all ranges. Personally don't care about losing to an HVR in CQC but I know it hurts the meta so I'm always for meta evolution, something this game lacks often.
  10. I've never had issues using the obeya and landing near the TTK at long ranges. And again, one missed shot and that TTK becomes muuuuch longer. The obeya is also like 5 damage or something crazy like that from being a 4 shot kill. Gives it better support ability. Its an incredibly powerful and easy to handle weapon at range. Where the LCR is just easy to handle. And meh in terms of power.
  11. Keep it, but it should have a limited amount of tickets. Regular bullets cost 1 and explosive rounds/grenades cost 2. Once its used up it poofs. Coming from someone who mains the OPGL, you can achieve this with a Mikro/Vaq and mobile resupply. So I mean, its all kind of a wash really. Edit: I guess it already works this way. So it's fine as is. Mobile supply is even worse at this so again, it's whatever. Its also needed as the game requires gun changes.
  12. yeah some of the new armas weapons since I left have began to put a separation between paid weapons and earned in game weapons. Thinking there needs to be a rework of how weapons are rewarded, as the reward system for ranks has only added variants of old guns, and I think maybe one or two new ARMAs ones. There should be access to at least the base versions of these ARMAs weapons else the game will be lopsided between the two giving clear paid advantages. When everyone else has to choose from an SMG or an AR, but someone can buy a gun that fills both those roles at a high level breaks the balance between them. Especially in this game were weapons typically fill a specific role/niche.
  13. False, unless you want to compare an IR3 weapon to an unmodded weapon. 77m is the range before the damage drops to 6 shots, but heres the key. The LCR can actually drop off enough to turn into a 9 shot kill after 91m, where the Obeya does not ever drop off within the 100m range of the game into a 9 shot kill. It also has 3/4 the TTK compared to the LCR while remaining plenty accurate. Also the more shots you add to the LCR, the exponentially worse the TTK compares meaning a single missed shot is vastly worse to an LCR than an Obeya. It also deals 25% more damage per shot, making those recovery times longer. Do you even know the statistics of this weapon? Also how is a gun that kills in 1.2 seconds at its very best an all rounder.... The STAR 556 (NOT LCR) is an amazing all around weapon, the LCR, is not. Its a long range weapon, that is inferior to every option available. Even the DMR is vastly better than it.
  14. Why though, use an Obeya, it is just better in every single way.
  15. Its always I saw this, and I heard that. Shit if we went on he said, she said everyone in APB would be banned. Proof, or stop crying. And here I thought things got better because the forums arent flooded with ZOMGBBQ HAXORZZZ EVERYWARE!!!!! It just seems that you have all nicely congregated into this one little topic.
  16. Has far more to do with game balance than it does with the mechanics of making it work and look right in the engine.
  17. Crimes don't. But high end crim missions are objectively easier. Early enforcer missions are easier though.
  18. Yeah, playing in small groups is painfully obvious of this as you frantically rush between all the entrances.
  19. But there's also those times when that one person easily handles those two. The real problem is the lack of skill diversity to populate enough to be able to group properly. So you get 2v2 and 2v1 matches when the games best played 3v3 or 4v4. Really the only way to save this, is to either force players into districts (something many will be opposed to) or have a larger player base so that matchmaking can work properly. If forced into districts, Jericho would be around 30 on each side tops in a district though. So it's still down to player base. We need to get more players back.
  20. It might have to do with drivers too. Drivers drop support for old games and games that die out for some reason, or they stop supporting fixing the drivers for specific games after a while (Fallout 4 still has an Nvidia driver issue last I checked which has been around for a loooong time. As someone who's played for several years I feel like after a while you just get used to it and it stops bothering you.
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