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Helix Reloaded

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Everything posted by Helix Reloaded

  1. Lamborghini Countach or Diablo. If they did, I'd expect it to be an IO.
  2. hopefully not. "toxic" and "nasty" are too subjective. most people can ignore and handle things they don't like in the chat without having the offender punished.
  3. i'd say look for something in the 2014-2016 range. i got a 2014 PC (Acer ATC-220-EW61) for around 100$ and it can run APB at around 30-50 fps while using the advanced launcher. it's not the best, but 100$ is a great deal to make a game playable imo. of course, thats only if you want to be cheap like me.
  4. was fine till just now, hit 700-1000 ms ping and then dc'd
  5. granted, but the food was poisoned and your new rescue puppy got into the fridge.. I wish i had a better computer
  6. I play on the Bronze server and still run into a gold (or four) every mission. I was trying to think up a way for people to still be able to play with their lower threat friends, but also deter people from playing in districts with a lower threat than theirs unless they need to. Obviously dethreating will still happen but hopefully this will help reduce it. +25% money/rep for fighting in the district that matches your threat. -25% money/rep for fighting in a district whose threat is below yours (gold in silver, silver in bronze) -50% money/rep for fighting in a district whose threat is twice as low as yours (golds in bronze) Gives an incentive to play in your own district, easier for players in the early-game to get gear and rank up and you'd still have the option to play in the lower districts, just with a slight hindrance. Tell me what you think and what problems you can see if this was the case.
  7. "UIDistrict" guessing this is the Nightclub character screen that criminals can get.
  8. I think some people aren't understanding OP's suggestion. His idea in my words: One overall server where character/account information is stored. Districts for the regions of the world (in the same places the main servers are right now). Allows you to play in different servers with the same characters. (Switching servers like you would switch districts now) I don't know how this would work or if it's even possible. I'm just trying to help OP get his idea across properly.
  9. This is great. Game runs at an unplayable FPS for me without a bunch of stuff turned down or off. Thanks
  10. I never really played with premium; never had enough money to afford it. Even when they gave out codes, I just saved em and never ended up using them. Most of them ran out, but when I came back after Little Orbit took the wheel, I noticed I had a 10-day code. I couldn't believe how much more money and contact rep I was getting, I was blown away.. I just wish I realized sooner what a difference it made because I didn't end up farming money till it was the last day and god do I regret that. I really makes me feel bad realizing how much further my character(s) could have progressed if I had premium. Also, I agree that the customization limits and cooldowns should be taken off, cuz I mean.. why? Most of the cool looking cosmetics are already g1c only, so why ask for even more money to be able to customize them properly?
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