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About Arianna

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  1. Arianna

    Hide threat levels ?

    I agree with that , at least we wont have golds abandoning every mission that has silver mates
  2. Arianna

    servers are down?

    why game isnt updating ? https://ibb.co/qWYcn1b
  3. bring back the threat districts u know why the silver districts got low pop ? because of many cheaters , they drove pro golds away from the game , then u guys go on removing the threat districts and give away the silvers and bronzes for the cheaters that easy , what do u expect from us ? if pro golds couldnt handle them and quit the game , we silvers will do the same and recently the cheaters are increasing like crazy , as if cheating is allowed now ? bring the threat districts back . at least the cheaters will be locked in gold district only and the ( silvers / low golds ) will be able to play in bronze district as it used to be , but what we have now is destroying the players @MattScott
  4. bring back the threat districts to apb , the game is unplayable now !
  5. im a silver player , i love playing apb its my favorite game but , with no threat districts its becoming hell , the problem is not only hard facing those golds trying hard , its also having gold mates , they keep talking bad to us , get angry and make the game waaaaaaay much less fun , they dont want us ( silvers ) in their teams , so why did u remove the threats then ? to increase the pop , it wont increase its actually getting lower , before this we had 2 bronze full districts and 2 half full silver districts , now they r only 2 districts filled and thats it , u pushed most silvers and bronzes away ffrom the game i log on from time to time trying to play a bit and i get trashed by enemy and by mates , i cant spend 30 mintues all togther in this atmosphere , give us back our threat districts Little orbit you made a big wrong decision u should fix it please here is an example from a team mate and after this talk he started trashing me cause i couldnt handle 2 golds enemies one of them was a cheater , he himself was a gold and he couldnt kill him 1 vs 1 ! i miss playing this game but i cant play it any more its too much stress and no fun at all
  6. This will make more players quit the game , no threat districts are hell for silvers and bronzes
  7. Hi , The game is suddenly full of cheaters , its like they are giving away free cheats and nothing can stop them , can't u guys do something about it ? the game is unplayable !
  8. Hi why dont you make an elf ears seperated from the hat
  9. I've seen you few times in bronze district though
  10. I hope they find a way to ban macro users . they are filling the game lately .
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