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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Less than 45. The majority of those 45 will already be in a mission. So the pool is more like 10.
  2. Please don't use that kind of language in the APB community. We are trying to better it now. Starting with you.
  3. The contacts you pledge to say worse things. Also, if someone is mean to you it is actually better not to put them on your ignore list. If you do that they see that you did it and they 'win' in a sense. Just physically ignore them instead so they just keep typing to a brick wall while you don't care. The problems in this thread are that you are caring. And I don't say this in a way of 'lol just stop caring' I legit mean just don't care about it or anything.
  4. Played thousands of hours, hardly ignored anyone. shrug If you ignore everyone that says something slightly negative towards you of course you're gonna fill it up.
  5. Sure there is no need. And it shows a lot about the person who says such a thing. But when it is something quite minor it is more on the one that received the whisper here. This is something that really shouldn't be handled by LO unless it gets out of control. It is something that should be handled socially on a micro and macro level; micro being the singular person, macro being the APB community as a whole. Also I only play missions, no FC. If you feel as though you need to be muting a large number of people maybe you should just turn off the chat box altogether? Or set it only to certain channels.
  6. If you are filling your ignore box the constant is YOU. The ignore box is not small in size, but sure if you are someone who has thin skin and is unable to turn the other cheek at even the most mild of things, leading to mass ignoring anyone for a tiny little thing, then yeah maybe. If it becomes disruptive I could maybe see the argument, but this is far from it.
  7. Cmon. You really think the person in the OP should be banned for that? They are some pretty low tier bad words.
  8. You click on their name then type /ignore instead of /w and move on.
  9. I assume it means you have to be mature enough to realise that some bad words don't do anything.
  10. If you manage to actually fill up your ignore list, maybe the problem is you?
  11. This kind of attitude is what leads to a lot of power creep among 'paid' items. Look at the terrible outcome of Wargaming outright refusing to touch premium tanks in World of Tanks. It has created a disgusting meta of premium tanks being the prevalent over performers and 'free' tanks being undermined at every turn.
  12. When are polls going to be banned again like old forums? They are just abused, a waste of time, or biased like this.
  13. Thoughts before going to bed; brief instead of a proper long post. I disagree with most of these changes, though I believe that is likely due to how differences in where we would like to see the gunplay go. Also I like that most of the vets you talked to are all in the same social circle and almost no one outside it. :^)
  14. Yeah, fuck giving weapons mobility/jumping in a fast paced shooter. Might as well screw over blue mods on it as an added.
  15. Decrease the maximum magazine size to 24 from 32 Increase shot modifier cap to 2.5 from 1.6 - Increase jump modifier to 20 from 12 Mate.
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