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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Are people still trying to brag that their Fight club multi kills are actually a show of skill? Go do it in mission districts.
  2. Ghost was trying to say that faction indentity has been ruined down to "haha police are just crims with sirens."
  3. NotZombieBiscuit


    Do not remove faction identity. Add more/revert previous changes. Crafting weapons is just mechanical bloat that isn't needed. APB is not a pve game and bots are not worth the effort. Racing district was a nice meme back in 2012. Remove witness? So crims can just ram raid freely?
  4. What? Haha, no. Have fun all those players that bounce between silver/gold. I sure would love to have to move district every second mission. But those are meant to be different coywolfs.
  5. That's weird. I remember having a USB like that when I was younger from saints row 2 that I took all around the world and nothing happened.
  6. If I have still been around this long, it is pretty obvious I care about APB. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.
  7. You can get some from the joker store with joker tickets.
  8. Pretty much this. I know all I'm going to do is force myself to get those 10 levels despite how bad the engine update is then go back to sitting on the forums and not actually playing APB.
  9. Every other topic on faction differences in the past has shown otherwise. You can stop now.
  10. Okay, one last time. Maybe you'll get it this time. People wish to have a stronger faction identity. One of those is having different car kits for each faction.
  11. You didn't even look at the comments in those threads did you. The majority of the comments want faction identity/differences.
  12. That is just from a 2minute search in suggestions. There is even more there, as well as more in other forum sections.
  13. Same with Straya. I don't think people realise that a lot of places just burn down once a year.
  14. Obviously people do with 95% of the posts in threads like these being 'no'.
  15. No. Make more faction differences and go back in time and remove the cross faction packs.
  16. Why even have a choice of enforcer or criminal then.
  17. What kind of cheese do boomers like?
  18. There have been quite a few but the two big main ones are: Allowing you to purchase vehicles from the opposite faction. Allowing you to purchase clothing from the opposite faction.
  19. It's an email every 20 seconds. That is pretty decent pace.
  20. I too want to be able to wear Bell's old armas stuff that they have been wearing so that i can smell the sweat in it.
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