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Everything posted by vsb

  1. tiggs was a CM and a producer, i sincerely doubt she helped them with the code, other than maybe to point out where the old devs kept their documentation
  2. it was a direct response to fortune runner claiming it's somehow the community's fault that orbit is rushing out riot
  3. riot got panned as a shitty br from the moment orbit first teased it last year, they have no one to blame but themselves for rushing content that a significant portion of the (visible) community had no interest in this isnt the first time, or the second time, or the third time, or the fourth time, or even the fifth time orbit has failed to follow their own set schedule and the community has been more than accommodating of missteps and mistakes over the past year, especially compared to g1 - but there's only so many times we can laugh it off as "bad code" or "unforeseen circumstances" before it begins to look like orbit has some serious internal issues that arent being solved your attempts to somehow blame the community for these issues are either extreme ignorance or an expert troll that ive managed to fall for
  4. this is literally an issue happening right now it has nothing to do with the new patch, other than probably being caused by it
  5. you cant buy something that doesnt exist lol imagine getting an IOU from your joker box purchase
  6. just release the new content, a week without anticheat isnt going to kill us but another week without any significant progress on riot or the engine upgrade might
  7. yeah i was wondering about this tbh, surely there are some issues with orbit saying "we're no longer using battleye" and then continuing to use battleye
  8. why would this even be an issue, isnt battleye still around? if its not then wouldnt option 3 (rollback) be the same as option 2 except without the new content?
  9. does this mean i can't waste money on joker boxes? my wallet says thank you
  10. that’s likely exactly what they did and then they ran into problems that exceeded the extra time they budgeted also on the other side of your suggestion is the fact that there would be threads just like this except complaining about the super long estimated down times it’s a no win situation tbh
  11. not at all but a game that's allowing 70%-90% of cheaters either doesnt care and thus also doesnt care if their revenue is from said cheaters or not, or is so laughably incompetent that its unlikely (imo) that the high percentage of cheaters was the sole reason for a flop
  12. lol no, let's not spread stupid misinformation hoplon got shut down for the same reason as innova - because whatever company purchased the apb distribution rights wasnt making enough money off their version of apb
  13. can we not do this again? orbit just make a pinned post with all the current allowed and disallowed edits please
  14. there’s also “why the fuck is orbit releasing another joker box exclusive”
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