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Everything posted by Boba

  1. So, as we all know out of all the legendaries out there, there are only a few that actually show some kind of stopping power/useful scenario cases, and we can see that direct inflicting their prices. And given the fact that all legendaries actually cost the same to buy their boxes, and all have the same drop rate, do you believe that lower end legendaries should have their specs adjusted to show some sort of resemblence to actually being a legendary weapon. Just before I get some replies I know I'll get if i don't point this out, I am not asking for legendary weapons to be more powerful than normal weapons, however, what I'm asking for is to make those low end (in terms of demand/price/usefulness) weapons to have an actual unique point of advantage. To add, some legendaries have had advantages that are no longer in the game (such as removing tracers) that are considered as an advantage and countered with a disadvantage, which leaves those weapons with practically more disadvantages than advantages. TLDR; Do you think legendaries should be balanced, but Useful & Unique in their own situations, not just different looking/sounding weapons? Sorry for the long post, if you read all what I've written, here's a heart
  2. I don't think you acknowledge it's more complicated than that. For myself, I've been playing the game for 1.3k hours and I'm R255, but I've always played like shit due to my hardware & internet limitations. You cannot generalize according to play time since some people have been in the same skill area for years and years. However, I am completely against people who obviously don't fit in the bronze server, which I think most of us know by name (yet we see them complaining about how the game is dying for "some reason" in forums) and also against using R195 mods against them. I usually take it very easy against new players, and I know a lot of people who do the same. I also think removing that stupid R195 mod restriction and allowing OSMAW & OPGL to be bought with much less play time would be a good idea.
  3. I just logged on my phone and thought it was a problem with my phone.
  4. maybe it's just me, but I've never been able to master the FBW's fire rate even after 1.3k hours, which makes it a really bad gun for me. Especially when I'm in an intense firefight and/or I get a frame drop. The FBW is useless to me so idk tbh maybe it's better than the nano but I just suck? Merged. FBW might be a viable competitor imo yeah. But the .45 sucks man, like really sucks... Idk but the fire rate of the FBW kills it for me, especially being a potato pc user, I get A LOT of hiccups playing and mastering the FBW's fire rate is pretty hard for me. Nano just makes you forget all the hassle, to add the no bloom is such a huge advantage over the FBW which people underestimate. I'd take the more 0.05 sec higher TTK over than missing a shot with the FBW cuz of the bloom or even worse jamming the gun due to clicking rythm. Also the FBW's range is kinda useless due to the high bloom anyway so the +10m it has over Nano is kinda useless. The only real advantage of FBW is the low equip time over the Nano. Nano's equip time is enough to get shot, killed, and cremated.
  5. 30m effective range super good accuracy no bloom no need to learn clicking intervals 1.05 ttk incredibly low firing sound 1.2 sec reload time, which is relatively very low in secondaries a clip can take out 2 enemies easily very easy to use while hugging others in cqc and also does pretty damn good in longer ranges upto 30m as the accuracy is very good only downside is the equip time, but at this point it's nearly a primary weapon. compare those specs to other secondaries other than the ones I stated before and you'd realize there is not much left to use other than those 3 secondary weps.
  6. Maybe you can educate me about other secondaries that can outplay those stated and the scenarios needed for such a case? I'm genuinely interested. I have no idea how this community thinks since I can see downvotes being spammed on comments of different opinions without reason nor evidence of another case being true.
  7. Nerf OCA? For real? This would make the OCA useless against shotguns (even after the "rework"), the complaints about OCA being overpowered comes from people who have less than 10 hours in game. I would actually argue that the OCA is actually a little on the underpowered side as it suffers from really bad hitreg. How about instead of those reworks, the team would put their efforts into making new secondaries, since the secondaries are a mess with the current case with RFP, Nano, and Thunder being insanely OP against all other secondaries in nearly every aspect.
  8. Yeah I'm also getting much more stutters after the last couple of updates. It's like LO is making the worst aspect of APB worse than it already is. I was very positive after LO bought G1, now it's quite the opposite..
  9. I agree. There are cars that are basically troll-tier when used. I also believe the Bishada seriously needs a buff and a fix for the flip it does, especially given its price. BTW first choice is kinda like that.
  10. Actually complete rebalance is the true solution, I agree. But it's unrealistic given the pace of development LO is going with. But I do agree, that's the ideal solution. And haha yeah Pioneer is great, however I don't see much people using it in Citadel that much to be honest. I do have a Pioneer and I'm not a big fan to be honest. Vegas blows it out of the water when it comes to acceleration and speed, and the mass of vegas is not too bad compared to pioneer. A vegas can actually throw a Pioneer out of it's path if it T boned it with high speed, unlike a Bishada, that f*cker get's tossed around like nothing. Well that's my experience, and I see Vegas more than anything on Citadel and that's for a reason. Especially for criminals, vegas is the go-to. (I main crim) I don't know if you're playing the same game as me. But I play crim on Citadel, and it's 99% vegas, especially with people of higher ranks.
  11. What are your thoughts on the current situation of the vehicles' stats. It seems that the Vegas dominates all other cars in 99% of cases, which leaves no reason for you to buy any other car, even ones that of the same price tier as the Vegas.
  12. I honestly don't find anything wrong with saying gg ez or teasing the opponent team. There's a line between harassment and competitive attitude. Teasing the opponent team, as a whole, or saying they're ez kills is fine. But targeting certain players and constantly sending whispers and annoying them is harassment and shall be penalized. Mostly the issue can be solved only with a proper threat/rank system.
  13. Did you ever use an fbw? Because it takes 1-1.2 sec to kill with an fbw, given how fast you shoot it without jamming. Plus it's not like you'll be prohibited from using an fbw but everyone else will use it to kill you
  14. Well, you seem to be complaining about how people act more than he's complaining about macros. Can't agree more. Merged. Merged. sadly, yes Merged. I'm more interested to see what would happen if LO removed the jamming mechanism of some weapons, or introduced semi-auto alternatives to existent weapons with a slight disadvantage on the price of not being jammable, would be nice to see such weapons as a couter weapon for such situations. Macro users usually suck at aiming so I think that might be a plausible solution.
  15. With certain weapons, they do give a huge advantage and that's a fact. Try getting a G502 or a Bloody mouse and setup a macro and see how fast you can shoot without jamming the carbine or how you can make your Ntec shoot with minimum bloom at long ranges. It does give a huge advantage when used correctly with the proper setup. However, a macro user will get bored quickly from the game since they will no longer need to learn any skill and/or adapt to different weapons. I don't see him complaining, he's just introducing a topic that has bothered many players before, and we're eager about discussing new possibilities within the game.
  16. That's how much it was going for at the time, the boxes were literally free if you make enough accounts and you played good enough to do the event multiple times.
  17. nah it was because the event that was last year or the year before I think. You had to do something and you'd get the JMBs. So people would make a bunch of accounts to get them. Eventually I got 2 FFA R&D III and 1 FFS 'bullshoot' (lol nice 1 dud) and I sold the bullshoot for 650k and the IIIs for 700k and 750k
  18. Holy shit I shouldn't have sold the 2 I had for 700k each. I'm gonna beat myself for it...
  19. I hope they do. I'm never paying that much for JMBs now especially with such gamble and the fact that they were way cheaper back then makes me feel i got ripped off.
  20. So yeah, back in the (horrible) day of G1, you would get 1+1 or 5+6 or 10+11 boxes, which makes it twice as much boxes for the same g1c paid. So I don't know why LO changed that, especially since boxes are usually the go-to items for people who wanna start paying in-game. I'm actually not going to pay real cash after this, I kinda feel overpaying for a dead game. So yeah.. Thanks for your replies guys
  21. Can someone explain to me how did the pricing of ARMAS get better since today was the day I was considering to pay in the game, then I got bummed out by finding that Joker packs used to be $5 for 11 pack of boxes, while now they are $5 for 6 pack of boxes. I can't seem to understand how is that better, or am I missing something? Please let me know.
  22. Here we see a shotgun spammer in their natural habitat!
  23. I'll let you guys choose the time... I'll just stand in the back hiding in my black coat, crying..
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