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Everything posted by Unclean

  1. go to 71 meters. I'll show you. Plus it's an all rounder really..
  2. except you're getting 25% more G1C when purchasing, not 20% more 35% off with 25% more is effectively 60% off weapons that offer a free trial But yeah, if you're buying bundles, cars, clothes, slots and so on... buy now
  3. You're trying way too hard with that math lol... base prices are staying the same, but you will get 25% more g1c for the same price after the 9th. We have a 30% discount right now that stacks with the premium discount. If you have more than 6 days of premium and only plan on buying weapons, I'd suggest waiting to buy g1c.. after the sale you can use the "free trial" function to get a temporary discount on top of the 20% discount with 25% more g1c
  4. Nfas 3 slot.. a kris.. obeya.. nssw.. mobile lmgs
  5. Should've waited if you're only buying weapons.. you would have saved more after the 9th lol
  6. 80 to 100 is a 25% raise.. 20 more g1c per dollar, but it's 25% increase.
  7. So the 30% off on top of premium thing sounds really good... 50% off of everything. But on the 9th, G1 will get you 25% more G1 per dollar. So you lose out on somewhat of a discount from these 6 days. BUT if you use the free trial, you're supposed to get an extra temporary discount on the weapon... that's not happening on the weapons during this sale, but I suspect it'll be back on the 9th so if you're going to buy G1 just to save money on buying weapons, you may want to wait until then..
  8. when you get back into this game, it's hard to keep yourself from rushing in or to stop yourself from throwing yourself at objectives knowing you'll die. Just don't let anything get to you and play defensively. A loss or a death doesn't really affect you negatively
  9. Stop going AFK in missions and you won't get hate whispers lol
  10. I have a ton of weapons and mods and don't seem to have this issues.... also, we have the same basic specs for ram and vram.. I have an i7 6300k OC and run on 3440x1440 so not sure if it's a processing issue or what, but have you tried verifying files? (you can be missing one and the game still run) Maybe a thumbnail for a weapon is messed up or something
  11. independence day just passed.. I say it's a good excuse to sell it again
  12. only if they make the weapons have the same price standards as other solo weapons being sold... The revelations Pack is by far the best bang for your buck I'm all for the people asking for "limited time" weapons to come back for this sale. I didn't get to pick up the LCR "Old Glory" and Independence Day just passed... so...
  13. oh wow....... someone with power witnessed rubberbanding and acknowledged how it's unplayable... This man.... May save us.
  14. but the DB says they both have the same range and the store page says they have different equip times and reload speeds.. on the ISSR-A topic.... wish they'd revert the Artemis back to what it was before. Same with COBR-A.
  15. is this from personal testing? And do you run faster with the Coroner, but reload faster with the IRS?
  16. I never asked for crims to have that mechanic though... I wish I could find my old threads. It would be much easier to explain lol. Like I said, I think we should have MORE differences between the factions, not less.. but having other ways to play each part of the game inside and outside of missions is what could help this game survive
  17. Sure, I'll take all of the positives and none of the negatives instead of the double negatives that you gave lol The Smiley face was to signify sarcasm, but I know it's hard to read through that... The point I was trying to make in the first post is that no matter what I would say for any crim-only weapon, people who main enforcers would feel like they're being robbed because enforcers have to arrest and baby sit stunned enemies. It's true, but that also creates possibilities and like I said enforcers get more than double points for arrests while creating traps for other enemies, prolonging spawning as well as other enemies time to try and rescue that player, and the small AoE effect that I've never understood.. it's almost like a bad guy flak round. I promise I'm not trying to be crappy with you. I've just had this conversation a thousand times, and I'll never sway an enforcer main for very obvious reasons.
  18. wait what? I thought the JG has been better than the CSG for a while now since the damages got changed.. but range matters.. for shotguns from highest range to lowest range it goes something like Shredder>CSG/Tas20>JG>Strife>NFAS I believe
  19. the store page says the IRS has a reload time of 2.4 and an equip time of .8.... Maybe it's a trade off for running faster with the Coroner? I see them as something in between the DMR AV and the old ISSR
  20. Looks like reload and equip times are different as well... having a hard time figuring out how a giant, heavy scope helps you reload faster and run faster..
  21. yes. There's nothing wrong with impact grenades existing in a game like APB. Concs kill me more than percs when I get caught in a corner or "behind" cover.. Every weapon is subjective to the situation it's used in so your whole rant is pointless. A perc only really shines as an emergency weapon when you're both out in the open and they have to reload or something. They suck versus cars, people in cover, and less effective around corners. Plus you can't usually easily lob them onto a ledge above you without hitting the side of the wall. If you want a boring game, we can take all the options away and everyone can fight with FBWs and NTECS while driving 4x4 vegases with frags. Look at the two things we're talking about. A short range tazer that does 950 stamina damage so practically any other weapon paired with it can easily stun or a GRENADE that can't even kill with 2 direct hits?
  22. Random question.. seems like a decent thread to ask. Is there really a range effectiveness difference between the SBSR Coroner and the IRS? They show the same on the DB you know @CookiePuss
  23. this is the issue.. you can stare at TTK and TTS numbers all day long, but then you play and realize the spread and recoil of most lethals bring your TTK up to match or be higher than TTS with a gun that has zero spread, recoil, and slight AoE for hitboxes... I'm not a fan of crims getting an LTL equivalent.. I think there needs to be even more differences and such for each faction.. but I'm a firm believer than Crims should have crim-only weapons and enforcers should have a way to make money outside of missions where crims can start a mission with them. Any of that would come long after UE4 though
  24. why would we get double negatives? Less risk so single points, also we don't have the AoE effect. people always get butthurt when anyone brings up crim-only weapons whether they're balanced or not so now I want a PIG equivalent that ignores balance
  25. it shouldn't be "powerful". You take a higher risk because you get double the score and a whole different way to play. Plus no spread and small AoE. Enforcer mains whine that crims get a pve way to make money, but enforcers get a way to play the actual game. And it's easy. If you don't think pig+perc is an issue, gives crims a single barreled sawn off that fires a slug and does 950 damage as a secondary. Yeah, we won't have to arrest, but we also won't get double the points and get to set up a trap for playing a cheap way.
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