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About Voerman

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    former world champion forum moderator

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  1. if you feel "deep emotional pain and grief" because any in-game related issue, you need to step away from the computer and stare into a mirror for a good long hour.
  2. i don't need to try to be funny, i know i'm funny.
  3. when x does y to me and it makes me feel z, you're a tryhard. but when i make you feel z because i do y and i am x, i'm just playing the game. this was posted by the "i haven't actually played the game in over five years" gang
  4. and yet it was posted here and therefore i made it on-topic, as in accordance to the forum's rules to keep threads on-topic. those things you wish the moderators to, you know, moderate. Removed insults ~@mayii
  5. >"this focus became a place of negativity and makes me avoid it as good as i can" >posts anyway >"while others are farming their post counters with content that have zero value nor contribute to anything" >literally posts just to complain about the people complaining, and somehow having even less of a point except 'abloobloo my precious sensibilities' ok my guy. you can't sit on that high horse while beating it's carcass at the same time. kind of have to pick one or the other. as a former forum moderator on these very forums, unless LO has drastically changed many of the forum rules and guidelines - not a single rule has been broken and no moderator intervention should be necessary. are people a bit heavy-handed with their comments? yes, that's always been the case however. there is literally nothing wrong with people being iffed about the winning submissions. in fact, considering the sheer amount of negativity towards this specific topic, one could make the correlation that something being framed as a community event had rather little to do with the community outside of the submissions themselves. but that'd be crazy, right?
  6. gatekeeping isn't necessarily bad, but in this case it's not even a matter of gatekeeping. it's a matter of having any amount of standards for what's being released. if we're going by "community created" outfits then go by the ones that the community actually voted for. even in a vacuum of naming it "community created" it doesn't make any sense how some of these outfits were added since it's pretty obvious that the community do not agree with these choices.
  7. why is one of the outfits literally just one purple swamp stamp smashed onto the dress over and over, with no consideration for how the dress stretches the textures when there were far better options to pick from why
  8. 2v2 VIP/VIP in general was a major contributor to me refusing to play mission district with anything less than a 3-man group.
  9. maybe this is LO's way of saying we are their valentine a bit late, but appreciated
  10. i've only started playing the game more from like 3 - 4 years of basically not touching the game and even i know that if you actually stop, aim with the crosshair and fire with an OPGL then you're probably not that proficient with it anyways. you get more momentum from sprint shoot-jumping and if you don't have a dot then you simply just know where you aim. if you have 8000 hours in the game, then you should know where the center of your screen is without a dot, if not then i think you should genuinely recuse yourself from the discussion altogether because you're not at liberty to talk about anything in-game related. if you know all these things, then it's a terrible example and you have no clue what you're actually trying to say. .ini fixes does not produce better players, it provides a smoother experience in a game that desperately needs it.
  11. claims gunplay is garbage, compares it to 2 games of completely different genres outside of "shoot the enemy" while stating he's barely played the game and yet feels the need to insert his opinion on a matter that has more depth than almost every F2P shooter out there. gaming journalism, everybody.
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