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Everything posted by PHM

  1. This game just got bought by a company that has set APB as it's first own big project to be more independent than just developing games for others. Do you think they will just let their new "flagship" die after purchasing it for probably a couple millions? At this state we are far away from the end of this game, just take a look at the roadmap and give the new devs some time to clean up whats left behind by G1. Edit: Months before LO bought APB the EU server population was around 4-600 but nowadays it's back at 1200 (haven't seen that number in 3 years)
  2. I don't know how it happened and if its a well known bug, but I had a good laugh about it so i had to share that invisible boat mobile with you
  3. Back then G1 even changed the original Breakwater Galleria logo but this thing is still here after all those years
  4. Hold back with buying all those high rank mods, as far as I remember you get them all from the "last" contacts eventually
  5. Have you ever played Fight Club on Citadel around summer 17 to spring 18?
  6. Did I miss something? I've been playing FC for years and I'm not aware of any problems about it except item glitching on Asylum.. why would they want to change / remove it?
  7. well, it took me a while to get the reference.. this dude was supposed to be a squid all the time??
  8. Why am I now involved into this?
  9. lol i didn't know you can just sit in there and wait.. still im not sure if driving around and deliver isn't just faster in the end
  10. sh*t, i want that 1,2 mil but i'm just too lazy to read this all..
  11. Hello Sayori, if you would be less ignorant and carefully read my post you might notice that its not the gun in the first place that bothers me but real money that me and others invested to get this item. I as a customer am upset by the fact that those people were able to take an "advantage" to get lots of those guns for free whereas us others had to pay a lot of money for it - and all of this only because the company itself didn't provide any protection against that. And it also happened exactly like that some time before when they gave away medusa boxes and they just didn't lern out of it. Unbanning those people now like nothing happened and "rewarding" them with those unfairly obtained guns feels like a punch in the face of us customers again, thats the only thing im trying to say here.
  12. As you stated in this reply - - you will unban players who created tons of accounts to farm FFAs back in 2017.. So my question is: Will you remove those "farmed" FFAs from their accounts? We talking about players who got over 10+ of those weapons on one account and if they now come back this will definitely destroy the market prices.. not to forget players who spent their hard earned money on those g1c boxes.. This topic is very important to me on a personal level because i spent lots of real money and in game cash in combination with years of playtime to get this gun, only to "lose" that acquired value only one month later because original Gamersfirst had not implemented any sort of protection against this farming. It was really hard for me and many other players to recover from this shock as we all lost our hard earned money and hours we spent to get this valuable item just to lose it all on one single day.. please don't let this happen again, Matt!
  13. Will you remove those "farmed" FFAs from their accounts? We talking about players who made multiple accounts (some players with over 50) to get as many as possible guns and if they now come back this will definitely destroy the market prices.. not to forget players who spent their hard earned money on those g1c boxes..
  14. Yes you're right. Lets remove all other weapons but LTL for cops so its more fair and a bigger difference, shall we?
  15. Do you remember what contact hosted the mission?
  16. Really? But cops don't even have the equipment for arson, do they?
  17. So this has been haunting me for quite some time.. there is this medal called "Firebug squasher" for crims and cops and it can be achieved by "killing an enemy who is committing arson" so far so good.. But there is no mission where a cop has to arson! If you now ask whats the deal with it take a look at those medals from 3 different crims below.. How is this possible? IF anybody can tell me how to get this medal as a crim please let me know, i really wanna get the last one missing
  18. Sold the duck.. PM me for your kickback offer !
  19. Title says most of it.. NO trades, PM me your offer and we can make a fair deal
  20. Whats the prob? "BOGO is on for a limited time!" for over 2 years now..
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