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Everything posted by PHM

  1. PHM

    Whats your APB net worth?

    I'm glad you moved this to off-topic. This post was definitively wrong in the social section
  2. That makes sense. I didn't even notice lol.
  3. How are we supposed to know this? Is discord now the official way LO communicates with the players ?? The redeem code was posted here like 2 hours ago from the brute force.
  4. Still trying to figure out if there is a meaning behind this thing. If im correct those are greek letters. Gamma Omicron Alpha Omega Alpha Psi. At first I tried to use the first letters of each word to form another - GO AOAP .. no meaning to me. If you look at the Psi as Y instead and mesh both ideas together, you could think the whole thing means "GO AWAY". Other interpretations could be "TO A??AY" or sth else. Since it represents a file icon I thought it could lead to an actual file or page. The https://www.redhillinstitute.com/c0de subpage has been removed. Merged. I also used inverted colors and even snapchats "heat" filter (lol) to scan the side for hidden images. On this shot you can see that doc a bit better and also notice the word "Nope" on in the left corner. Same goes for that somehow hidden image of "Devilishly good Devil ?Dogs? "
  5. Well you must be a lucky one. I maxed my crim around 2015 and got my first nano mission in 2017 and the same day one month later another one. after that the next mission was the stac this week (2019). In all that time I checked daily if there was a mission but never got one again until now.
  6. There was actually a cheater on citadel baylan the whole morning, his name was [removed by the mods because we love to punish the wrong people].
  7. He is a wealthy gentlemen from Great Britain.
  8. The URL from the fake 404 page ends with c0d3 which most likely means code. I tried Opening other URLS with the numbers from the redeem page but these codes don't bring up a new page. Inserting all digits into the redeem field doesn't bring up new codes. c0d3 has 4 digits, if the "spaces" from the code delivered can be trust we have to find 2 codes with 4 and one with 12 digits. Without the "-" there are 10 digits in this code wich would be too short for my theory. Including the "-" would work but changes the flow of the code too much imo.
  9. Was it worth it? What was the best / worst purchase?
  10. 1. Many of us are at least bilingual and can speak some of those languages next to english (no hablo espanol / je ne parle pas francais / ich kann kein deutsch / no Italiano) 2. In all the years playing APB english on EU servers was like 90% of the language used in chat because we all can speak it to a point where communication is possible 3. Even if you cannot speak other European languages it is still quite simple to type in those sentences into google because all those languages use the latin alphabet. For someone who does not understand the Cyrillic alphabet or has the keyboard layout its as difficult to communicate as if you wrote to someone in Chinese.
  11. Since the migration of Necrova to Citadel is inevitable and getting closer there is an idea that I think could be helpful for all of us Citadel players: Whenever someone messages you in Russian a simple auto-reply like "Я не говорю по-русски" (I don't speak Russian) or similar should be sent to that player - with the opportunity to mute Russian chat from the console. I'm only posting this since I'm already getting tons of Russian messages in chat and its taking too much time to use google translate every time trying to communicate with them. This suggestion is not against our fellow russian comrades, I think it would just make communication and gameplay a bit easier again.
  12. When was this a thing? I mean making the screen more alive than just a login mask with some animations surely sounds nice, but after some years the current theme is just painful to hear. The animation right now is nothing special and the old one with that “build up graffiti” fits more with the original loading screens that we still got to this day (don’t change them please). At this point I think many of us just want to get back some of that “old days” feeling, also the old screen looks fresher than the “new” one.
  13. I don’t see why there would be big problems with licensing as this song is still used in the initial character creator for new chars... also changing a simple mp3 for the beginning shouldn’t be that hard I guess...
  14. Half of my 4000 hours on this game are probably from waiting in front of the login screen because the game is somehow offline/ not working. How can we improve this situation for everyone? Make it already happen Devs, it would sweeten that waiting time..
  15. Why it has been over 2 weeks and this cheater is still on asylum 24/7 ? Its so obvious it physically hurts. Also here is a free algorithm you can use: If kills over 40 AND under 10 deaths AND Blitz 1-5 AND Kill streak rank minimum 2 AND all that every fucking round -> just MAYBE it COULD BE a cheater
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