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Everything posted by Kakalaki

  1. haha yes, just disable district chat in the chatoptions will do ... so you dont need to read anything no more xD
  2. ye, same here im only playing in citadel bc nekrova is empty. when will the merge be???
  3. Hallo ich suche noch Anschluss an nen Clan. Spiele APB schon recht lange aber hauptsächlich Enforcer. Habe insgesamt 6 Chars, nur einer davon ist Crim, R226. (BlackBird84) Die bekanntesten Chars von mir sollten DollyDee und (legenderi) KackiKakalaki sein, beide Enforcer. Nutze eigentlich nur Discord aber würde mir dann zur Not TS runterladen falls ihr es unbedingt wollt. Bin 34 und sowohl männlich als auch menschlich, mein TL schwankt immer so bissl zwischen Gold und Silber. Im Discord heisse ich Hardlander#9818
  4. Kakalaki


    OF COURSE! It's a fact and like LO, you are just closing your eyes while the truth is right infront of you!!! if there was a ban wave, why dont you post the names of the chars got banned to satisfy all those who dont believe that LO is doing sth against cheaters? Daily we can see cheaters streaming on twitch, what about that???
  5. Kakalaki


    you must be blind or playing another game tho
  6. Kakalaki


    so funny. this topic has been opened last year december and i still see the same ppl playing with cheats .. speedhacking, using modded gamefiles, aimbots while stream and nothing happends to them ... nice job LO ... not much longer and i will go to leave that game or also start to cheat!
  7. Almost 3 weeks have passed when i opened a ticket because a character name change didnt work. So far i got no reply! Why does is take so fucking long to get an answer or do the name change how it was supposed to be??? It's a service i paid for, so it should be in LO's interest to solve that issue as fast as possible before any other.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j_Obse6QsM
  9. Obviously you didnt understand what i mean. I DONT WANT THE SYSTEM TO BE REMOVED! JUST THE VISUALS! The Rest they should keep. Also i think its good to balance Matchmaking by Ranks and Skill!
  10. Apparently you didnt understand what i mean ... i dont want the TL_System to be changed (and that's the only thing you thought i want) i just want the visuals removed of being gold silver or bronze or whatever. The thing you misunderstood, is that people are not going to dethreat no more when they dont know their Threatlevel and this way it doenst need to be changed anything on the System. If the disctricts are mixed up with different skilled player who are not dethreating no more, i think the TL will work better, but also it could be necessary to lift up the number of total players who can enter a district back to 100 in order to get better matchmaking and fair groups with similar skill-levels
  11. I think my idea is the best, because when players cant see their threat and dont know it, they will not dethreat and are going to play in a normal way. That way the existing TL-System will work better because there won't be any fakesilvers who actually are gold and going to rip off bronze players. Also there will be no more issues with empty districts when it doesn't matter where you play because all are the same. Thanks for listening. Have a nice day.
  12. That Problem started when G1 made their new matchmaking system, bc ppl were crying the cant play with their friend who are not good enough to get gold. I Think the solution you want as in players who get gold getting kicked isnt working properly as long as players are dethreating. Just look at the gold servers ... they are empty since ages, and now its going to be the same with the silver servers because players are leaving the game. If you are gold, it shouldnt be possible to go into a distrcit lower than gold. But i think the best solution is to take away the threat level and dont show it, so players dont care about being gold or whatever and just playing the game an d haveing fun. I case of that there also is no more reason to have gold, silver, bronze and green disctricts. I think if ppl dont see their "colour" they are going to play normally in one day
  13. ??? it already is !!! yes, me for example got a silenced version of the manic ... i'd really like to keep that ... or permanent oca silverado
  14. i'm kinda confused?! candles, bottles with unknown liquids ... looks like a place of wank to me - just missing the tissues
  15. Nothing new that you dont get an answer to that, because its the truth. I think there is not that many cheaters no more, and those who it, are using private cheats, bc most cheatersellers didnt bypass battleeye.
  16. i'd prefer to buy them for JT. That way you dont have that infinite and you always have to do JT Mission or go Fightclub
  17. Hi. I have a char on Nekrova and i think there is a lots of other players who also got that. Is there a plan that we will be able to merge our chars to Citadel or one of the other servers? That will be good for the game, because nekrova servers are dead nearly. I checked it some minutes ago and there 88 Players on the whole server! I would like to play with my char but when its so less people online that will never be possible. Please do a merge so we can have more fun again and the other servers will get some more new players for competition. An answer would be nice. Thank you in advance DollyDee
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