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Everything posted by Kakalaki

  1. why? they are way to weak compared to the n-tec how it is at the Moment . . . with the coming nerf of n-tec, star and far will be played more again i think These 3 types of guns almost have the same ttk, bullets tk and range after the ntec nerf so anything is perfect - for me it won't change anything since i always preferred star / far over ntec
  2. if that's true it's good. but since i'm not follwing all the threads on the Forums (due to real life) would you give me link ???
  3. oh nooooo please don't change shotguns ... just change the NFAS and ist variants, the others are all good. Ok, maybe Strife is a bit strong but still it's Shooting slower than the others
  4. Thank you very much. gonna try it tonight after work :) regards
  5. would you be so Kind and post your Settings? it really Looks so much better!
  6. 1,5 monts have passed and im still singleplayer ...
  7. Kakalaki

    Cant sell on auc

    like amajii wrote - it can be a temporary trade lock. All Accounts that havent been used for longer time or have been reactivated got 3 days trade lock and it should give you a message how Long your account is locked for trading in Chat when you join social district.
  8. lol? up to 35m only? have you recently been playing it? it's clearly above 35m! even at 50m you can 3 burst kills. Don't tell your source please, bc i think you looked up apbdb and on there, the data is not correct
  9. i personally think that the PMG Needs changes ... i feel that it's range is pretty high compared to all the other smg's also i think the norsemen series Need some adequate changes ... People bought them for 50 quid and they just are rubbish ... Bloom as fack, recoil as fack, low range next i think is the S1 series Manic - i know ist a mix of smg/ar but for a hybrid of smg / ar the Bloom when hipfiring longer is pretty high AND NOW: Please Change COLBY M-1922 it was such a good gun before it's been nerfed to death - vertical recoil is way to much for a smg that you Need to aim down sights "to at least hit someone who is infront of you" Also i think the OSCAR Needs to be nerfed a Little bit ... either its made a lower range or less mobility and one more burst to kill When i Play with shotgun i often get rekt vs OSCAR in Close quarters, the same Thing it is when im playing OSCAR vs shotgun ... with the Oscar you can fire the 3 burts to kill faster than any shotgun does it's 2nd shot, and also many Players are not that good with shotgun that their 2nd hits kill. i know there will be alots of OSCAR Users crying but there will always be someone who dont likes the changes.
  10. not easy to learn??? lol? are you green threat??? tapfire and burstfire is what you do in almost any shooter
  11. I'm not a free user but i still have 550+ days premium and i didnt Play for almost 3y, i have 6 Chars on my account and just began to Play again after i heard that many Players came back who got falseley banned and also i got my innova char in EU Server now. I just mean i dont see a Point spending Money for ugly clothes or spending any Money for a dead game.. I'd really love to see more People playing the game and it will be fun again ppl hackusating me i can tell you how
  12. haha same here ... playing a game just because of your Name
  13. what about just Fixing the existing cars before bringing new shit? several cars spin around like a ball if the hit the sidewalk
  14. https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us/requests/100071?page=1 i really don't know if that dude is trying to troll me or if he even read my ticket ??? Please help me. It took him one month to answer such a useless reply, which Looks like a "copy & paste" answer to me.
  15. it's just a Name! Get over it or all the Things you wrote are not Problems LO has made. It's your account and your Problem if you cant remember or Login to your "old" email addy. It's for security that you have to Change your Passwords at regular intervals.
  16. mimimi i wasted Money for a dead game i didnt get rewarded for it Kids spending to much Money for Pixels These days ... i dont understand
  17. star556 is almost as good as the ntec ... in Close range it beats ntec on the longer range ntec is a Little better
  18. This would ne a nice one. But - i think you should add some more stuff to the other cars like custom parts and fix their handling aswell. Most of the cars, if not all, are crashing and Spinning around when hitting the sidewalk
  19. ye fk riot just fix the rest of the fkn game! THANKS ALOT!
  20. yeah, that's a quite good idea. i have a star556 "old glory" on my ex nekrova char, ist pretty nice
  21. also the game is not made for highend Computers, or at least for highend Videocards like RTX Cards. It's shit when you have very good videocard but have to Play on the lowest graphical Settings of a 2009 Game to not make it Crash xD
  22. changes in matchmaking will not do anything as Long as Players are dethreating to silver and playing in bronze Servers. when i am playing in silver Servers while being silver, i mostly get matched against Players i cant kill because they are way to good for me. Most of the silvers are not playing in silver Server because of that issue and that's why i think matchmaking changes will not help since you will not get matched against someone with similar skilllevel
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