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Everything posted by Ashn

  1. Today I came across a streamer I was watching this person for almost an hour and only just realised that he was using some sort of crosshair overlay type where it keeps a custom crosshair in the middle of the screen and doesn't move anywhere. I asked him a few questions regarding the crosshair program and he personally said he asked a GM about if this is allowed etc and apparently its allowed and it's not banable. Is this true? Will that person be banned for using this. I am curious if people will be banned for using a custom crosshair overlay within APB. Link for the crosshair: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8t3mc9/how_to_get_a_custom_crosshair_pc_only/ Thanks, Ash.
  2. The event is pure aids... you have a few games then its over for the day.. one of the GM's said its back at 7 but i don't see why they just put it all day same as the Halloween event.. worst event. How's about fix the server problems and get better security to stop Ddos etc instead of releasing events and 3.5 engine cause that isn't fixing anything. just my opinion
  3. The event is pure aids... you have a few games then its over for the day..
  4. i don't see no change... pointless but hey least its something i guess?
  5. If you asked me that earlier then yes but i cannot be bothered to change it all back just to reapply my settings
  6. Correct. but advance launcher has more things to mess with that actually makes the game look better for myself.
  7. Basically i have my graphics dark so it makes it easier for me to see because i have bad eye sight and the graphics i have set makes it perfect for me,.. so that's the main reason,
  8. Like i said. the graphics and some stuff in game which i don't want to see
  9. Technically, no i do not need advance launcher got a top of the range pc but i only use advance launcher to change a few things in game and the graphics i don't really want to be messing with the game config just in case it triggers something Also when you said "Vintage PC's" not many people can afford PC's that can run games.. so no it isn't strange at all..
  10. Why do you think that? It was a joke. course i know how to use the search.. but was being lazy tbf
  11. Hi, correct me if i am wrong but did @MattScott say the advance launcher is safe to use or unsafe? i cannot remember Thanks Ash,
  12. No problem. i shall do so i do have a lot of questions i shall post on the forums some time today
  13. Well, i am wanting to get back into streaming again on twitch and would love if you guys can help me grow also looking for people to group up with. i have had a 2 year break from this game so i am a little rusty but slowly getting back i normally stream this game everyday. i don't really have a schedule atm but looking to make one. Characters: NA- Crim AshN EU-ENF Dankizz add me if you would like to group up Twitch channel: Only if you care Thanks for taking your time reading this!
  14. Oops didn't see that section i shall post it in their thanks
  15. Delete this post if isn't allowed. Well, i am wanting to get back into streaming again on twitch and would love if you guys can help me grow also looking for people to group up with. i have had a 2 year break from this game so i am a little rusty but slowly getting back i normally stream this game everyday. i don't really have a schedule atm but looking to make one. Characters: NA- Crim AshN EU-ENF Dankizz add me if you would like to group up Twitch channel: Only if you care Thanks for taking your time reading this!
  16. Its very effective in my opinion but yeah you are right about what happens if your mouse broken but either way think it needs to be fixed cause its actually aids every game i get into its always them people using semi rifles either using macros and scroll wheel.. i ain't bothered about vs them people but it gets quite annoying
  17. Something else to address i can say i have done this to test and it is actually overpowered. Using the mouse scroll wheel to shoot with a obeya or joker combine or any other semi rifles you can actually shoot twice as fast just by scrolling your mouse wheel, me personally thing LO need to fix this and lock the option to change key for fire rate. I have beaten many people just my spamming scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down to shoot semi rifles. It's broken.. try it out and see for yourself. Note: I do not use this anymore, i just tested it and used it for one game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t3FPazPxZA
  18. Can't you guys just scrap the servers altogether and get brand new servers? wouldn't that solve the DDOS bs that's happening? and we haven't heard anymore news about what's happening with servers apart from what's been said here etc.. we haven't really heard anything as far as i am aware.
  19. I am aware you guys know about how NA servers are having issues etc but i haven't heard or seen anyone talk about this. Is there any ETA of what's happening with the servers cause i see hardly anyone play NA because of the server issues. I've been playing EU a lot more and i can say i am having better experience playing EU than NA Just want to know is there any changes going to happen anytime soon with NA because i really feel to scrap my NA character and stay on EU Thanks Ash.
  20. Ashn

    Halloween Event

    Can someone tell me exactly when and what time this event will be over as i need one more daily challenge to complete the ranks and last time i checked my next daily will be 10 hours will i still have time to finish? Thanks
  21. Battleye is the best anticheat so far they have already updated APB with the Battleye. i believe they still have to configure some stuff with battleye to make it a fully working anti-cheat correct me if i am wrong.
  22. That's what i am doing.. but it wont let me login through steam but it will let me use the same email and password to login via APB but no steam option to purchase G1C.. i've been told i have to contract support but they take weeks before they even get back in touch..
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