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About PortalCow

  • Rank
    The Lost Cop of SP

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  1. yo, würde mir mal euren Truppe anschauen. (Wollte nach Jahren wieder aktiver werden) Euer Discord Link ist allerdings ungültig
  2. i think redhill is related to the new Gamemode, which was introduced as "Riot" (fits with the first letters of each word). (Source) in @WitchQueen's Video about it there was the rumor about a car, which i wouldn't support based to the fact that just the Growl Billboard disappeared. Midtown confirmed...
  3. that thing is still confusing my brain Are you sure, that the page haven't been hacked? Can't remember, that the newsletter box had Pwned and @55h0l3 in it...
  4. i joined the Financial District-5, so bronze player can also join...
  5. Good Morning, Looks like we'll talk via Discord. Luckily @WitchQueen allows me to use his Discordserver. If you haven't joined it before, then come here and click on the link: https://discord.gg/bwjAAZb If you have any Questions, you can write me on Discord (Portalcow#2856)
  6. Hey follow chasers, only 3 weeks until the event is going on..., so, it's time ask you where we're going to speak Do you prefer Discord or Teamspeak?
  7. Time for some Update. I received my shiftplan yesterday and took some time to choose a date. so the Event will be on 23rd February 2019 at 9pm to 11pm (GMT), so i hope i'll see you there. And before i forget here the confirmation of pPlayers who wants to join sorted by registeration date mpk3000 Winkies VickyFox OfficerKovacs Sonya (aka Saxtus) spyroof + 2 following Chasers
  8. I send you Mpk3000 to collect all names. I guess fenton will join but you can give it to him.
  9. Hey, Join in if you want. All requirements/rules are above. I just need your Charactername then. Hope to see you there. For the rest. I'm still waiting for my shiftplan so i can't tell you the date before january 17th. until that you can use the premium code or watch one of WitchQueen's Stream/Videos like this
  10. Hello Folks, @Szambi wants to be the chasee. On the Chaser team i already have Mpk3000 Winkies Oh, and just to mention it. Streaming and recording is allowed.
  11. On 4th August 2015 i started the old Police Chase Event an Memorial of Rapid99. It was a Glorious Success, but with every new Event the less Player came. So, it's Time to bring the old Glory back. First of all a few Details Where: Citadel, Financial When: 23rd February 2019 from 9pm to 11pm (GMT) And last but not least: The Rules Any Spawnable Car No Special Uniform required Chase only if "Honk and run" 1 Crim per Chase If you want we can talk/organize via Discord or TeamSpeak. yours sincerely Portalcow
  12. i only have one mate for my Potential Team. Would look for the third member, if you can give us a placeholder
  13. Wow! These Videos are getting crazier every week! How do you guys make these thing anyways?!
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