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Everything posted by Riverwind

  1. Sorry, just got back from the Grocery. Yes, the issue is resolved. Happy Hunting
  2. I guess they assume there is no one playing the game anymore. Lol Thank You Thank You
  3. Why is maintenance still ongoing at 0815 mountain time here in USA on 04-17-2019? There are no posts in FE Forums about any extended maintenance for today.
  4. Why is the server still down for maintenance. It's like 0810 Mountain Time here. Nothing on forums. Amy news?
  5. Some of us "Old Players" still play. Sorry that you dont
  6. Wonderful to hear Matt. Thank you to you and the team for the hard work.
  7. Game lag is back again. Recipes wont finish completing in active recipes window and duping is also back again as a result
  8. I totally agree with this statement. The game takes along time to get to the end times and one becomes totally involved in it. If it was fast gratification I for one would not have stuck with the game since launch in September of 2009. I am hoping for the best for this game and will be here to see what happens. Then I will make the decision to go or to stay.
  9. Clan vaults are still here and working fine if you are in a clan of course
  10. yep. Daily restarts (maintenance). Should keep us happy for a bit
  11. 68 here. Been with the game since closed beta and then again at early launch. Will stay with it cause it has grown on me. lol. Just saying. Hope you reconsider leaving.
  12. I also noticed that duping is happening again when completing recipes.
  13. Its been down now for quite awhile. Is there an ETA on server being back online? Thanks.
  14. Thank you for this State of the Game posting. It is the first in a very long time. Going on three years if it hasn't reached that point already.
  15. Sorry to sound like I'm complaining (which I'm not) but the maintenance schedule posted a day or 2 ago states that maintenance would be on Wednesdays. Just wondering why servers are down for maintenance today.
  16. very nice change indeed
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