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Everything posted by Ardita

  1. Rollin' in Fresno is all about the phresh....
  2. Ardita


  3. Tiggs counting money on Bahamas. No need to turn back to this community...
  4. Who cares about name and shaming in a video game. Do what you want man and post those mo-fo names so we can get rid of them!
  5. Ardita


    Cool, have a soda
  6. Not to offend you, but I have been around since RTW times, even for Rezistance for some quite few years, and I literally never heard about your clan. As well I respect your recruitment policy limit for Netherlands and Belgium people. I wish you the best of luck.
  7. Good luck with the clan. I suggest you guys repost this in full English and recruit international as well. I doubt 'that many' from the Netherlands and Belgium would be playing APB to get a full clan with the limit of language, I could be wrong.
  8. Hey mate, long time no seen.
    Catch me up somewhere and lets talk about good old times πŸ™‚


    1. Fumiku


      Lets go !!!

  9. Good luck on the streets of San Paro. We might meet each other. -TS.
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