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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. lol u mad af At least you had a crutch for a little while.
  2. Never been an ntec user, nor a yukon user, nor an hvr user. Most of my AR kills come from the raptors, my .45 AP is my fav secondary, and I prefer the scout to the heavy HVR. Just never had a problem facing any of these "broken" guns pre-balance. And Im not even that good at the game tbh, I just play smart. If I get killed its cuz I fucked up, not because of broken mechanics or OP weapons. Yes, shotguns performed badly at high latency. But that problem was event addressed. What we have now are EZ mode JG / CSG. What were once a high skill weapon is now just a "point in the general direction of the bad guy" weapon. Seems LO agrees if they are reworking them again. Anyways, see you guys on OTW. Maybe we can figure out a solution together.
  3. I think it was Gamersfirst who unbanned all the Halloween glitchers, before LO showed up.
  4. As I said before, I simply don't believe in balancing games around bad players' lack of skill. Not sure how that's a sexual thing to you.
  5. If you want to speak for your silver friends, that's fine. But please don't try to speak for the rest of us.
  6. N-TEC never outperformed these weapons. If you got killed cqc by an NTEC while running JG / CSG / OCA / PMG, that was on you, plain and simple. I still see no reason to balance guns around bad players.
  7. Well that i know i that, i was just stating de-threatening is just one thing that needs to be handled in time, but id rather see server fixes and an engine upgrade before that. Most of everything else at the moment is fine at least to me. Still not understanding why they cant do both.
  8. I'm Pretty sure something will be done, just sucks G1 put apb into a state of mayhem. In my opinion i would rather see server fixes and an engine update before then. then focus on the other problems. Now there are days the servers go completely bonkers but for most of the time i have played when LO took over it hasn't been that bad. Im pretty sure the people who fix the servers and work on the update would never have anything to do with policing dethreaters, Thats what we have GMs and support staff for.
  9. I got an account back thanks to LO, so I have zero issue with others getting theirs back as well. But thats just me, no doubt people who got scammed might feel differently.
  10. Agree everyone deserves sec chance in my opinion Unban em but remove all legendaries from inventory
  11. How about no.. I am not going to change browser just because this forum can't support the most used browser there is. I feel you. I have issues with all browsers and even on mobile. So I cant say how much it'd help anyways.
  12. Forum is uber borked. In case you or anyone else is using Chrome, Lixil says its best to choose another browser. Then again I have issues using Firefox so who knows.
  13. Thank you for keeping APB alive.
  14. Nice shaders and crosshair overlay... git bant nerd.
  15. Thats pretty awesome tbh. Im assuming thats all from JMBs @SpeedyCat?
  16. The Dog Ear was already buffed once. Can u imagine if they did it again???
  17. What was the attachment that "was not there"?
  18. Just curious, are you guys just copying midis like most theme makers, or doing this by ear?
  19. Jokes aside, you two do realize there is an actuaul section for this stuff right? https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/52-breakwater-galleria-creationsfan-art/ If we had mods theyd have moved this already, but unfortunately seeing a forum mod is even more rare than seeing an in game GM.
  20. There are very few players worth listening to. Unfortunately, LO has decided instead to ignore even them.
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