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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I've been carplaying NFAS for 3 days now. I can assure you it's a beast outside of corridors.
  2. The NFAS actually has a faster ttk than any other pointman weapon at just .58 seconds. The idea is this is balanced by it's 10m damage dropoff vs the 20m 25m or even 50m damage dropoffs of the submachineguns in its class. I'm not sure if that's enough of a balance personally, but that's not my call.
  3. Fair enough. I wouldn't be surprised if as soon as he has the time, Matt gives an official statement... again.
  4. Just wait til he finds out what you do to scrambled eggs.
  5. The temp ban vs perma ban seems to be a common issue that is misunderstood by the community. Temp bans are issued by the BattlEye software. This gets the suspected cheater out of the game, and gives Little Orbit the opportunity to manually review the ban before making it permanent. (Thereby removing the possibility of false bans) The last time Matt explained this we learned that fully 100% of temp BE bans were converted into permanent bans once reviewed by Little Orbit staff. If a player receives a temp ban ONLY, it's not for cheating. When Matt says he doesn't like to ban players, and that he views banning as a failure on the part of Little Orbit, I think he simply means he feels it's the responsibility of Little Orbit to create an environment where players do not feel the need to cheat.
  6. Phasing will make dethreating a lot less purposeful, but the only thing that will actually "fix" matchmaking is the coupling of phasing and a vastly increased population.
  7. As will level headed players who will point out that no, these players arent cheating, they are just better than us.
  8. No one is saying they dont exist. Ive even said there are 3 on Jericho. What is being said is people hackusate far more than they should.
  9. I will say being a new player is a nightmare, doubly so if you don't have the money to spend on ARMAS. This is exacerbated by the extremely low player count. That is, there just aren't enough new players to cordon them off, so you are stuck facing players who in the most egregious cases have thousands of hours in game and have spent thousand of dollars on ARMAS. Same for matchmaking, even once phasing comes into play, so long as there are only a few hundred players to choose from, lopsided matches are still going to be a thing. PvE would be nice, especially from a tutorial standpoint. There's a lot to learn before you can really play APB as it should be played, and I shudder to think how many players simply unistalled before getting that far. Hitboxes is more of a technical issue due to the ability to change the height and weight of your character. Would short players have smaller hitboxes? Or would hitboxes extend beyond the model of the character? Either option is sub-optimal. In any case, many changes ARE on the way, so I hope you can hang on with the rest of us. I think you will like where things are headed.
  10. Lixil doesn't want to ban anyone. Everyone makes mistakes but as long as you aren't going out of your way to be an pleasant fellow, or are straight up unwilling to follow the rules, you should be fine.
  11. I'm starting to like you. ... Stop it
  12. Well great ... Now I CAN'T be mean to you.
  13. You misunderstand. It used to be client sided, now it's server sided. So you'd now have to commit the very serious crime of hacking the APB servers to accomplish it. (Surely you know cheats only effect client sided stuff? So things like health, weapon damage, bloom, and RNG cannot be effected by cheats)
  14. >2012 Now we are going backwards in time. Spread has been server sided for years now. After work I'll dig up the dev blog explaining this, maybe then you will stop spreading misinformation.
  15. Ugh... Give me a bit to pull up the dev post on no spread.
  16. Don't forget the unique tagger weapons. While not giving an advantage, it's def a sore spot for some people.
  17. I cant help you seeing my posts, but I'll stop commenting on yours.
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