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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. LO cant help it that you haven't been paying attention.
  2. Coming from anyone else, I would have ridiculed them. Coming from you... that's scary as fuck. Thank you for sharing this.
  3. Even though their decisions were crazy unpopular and contributed to the death of the game... I kinda miss Dirty Bomb with its regular video updates, interviews with staff etc. Though maybe they should have focused more on the game instead lol.
  4. but... that doesn't change the fact that in the study only 5-6% of players were cheating note: citadel has a cheating problem I won't deny that
  5. "12 million gamers on the Steam Community of which some 700,000 are cheaters" What is that like 5-6% ? So that would mean APB has a total of like 25-30 cheaters.
  6. Yood is absolutely not a cheater. Nor was he banned for cheating.
  7. I dont have the technical knowledge to guess, but maintaining the "living city" feel seems important to LO, which I think the majority of players will appreciate.
  8. I wish there was an official discord, but Id rather the community discord stay independent. LO would never allow some of the shit we get up to in Natzu's.
  9. As I understand it, you will not be given your own instance.
  10. Seems a bunch of bans went out today for dethreaters and griefers. But yeah, its been too long coming. When are you rejoining? ...I miss you ya fucking nerd.
  11. Its not fair to pretend the entire community agrees on anything. Even polls are lucky to get more than like 5% of players to vote.
  12. They can, but they shouldn't. All it does is discourage the people you should be supporting. Nothing can make the update arrive sooner. Especially bitching.
  13. We don't get to see code or anything that in depth, but we are able to follow along with all that is being done, since we test things when they are ready.
  14. Oh, I see what you mean. Im not sure I can call people out... mods have been on my patootie lately. But for what its worth, I certainly do not mean you. But anyone who is in the "hurr durr LO is doing nothing" crowd is the target of my post. Edit: we cant say the american version of arse but we can say fuck???
  15. Kinda surprised this thread hasn't been locked or deleted. I'm sorry for your loss Yood, I really am, but you have no one to blame but yourself.
  16. Just want to remind people again, that cheats existing does not equal cheats not being caught and players not being banned.
  17. Selali and his team. The hours they are putting in are probably unhealthy. The lack of sleep certainly is. I should also mention how important this game and its survival is to them. The poor bastards are really giving it their all.
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