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About CookiePuss

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  1. As embarrassing as it is, I probably know the forum as good as anyone and I can assure you, the forums are dead. You guys are right though, all info should be posted everywhere, not just discord or twitter.
  2. Iin their defense their are like 10 people still using the forums
  3. I’ve no idea if the game will be up today but remember it’s only 6:30 LO time.
  4. How many people even stream apb anymore? 4? 5? Honestly I’ve not checked for an apb stream in forever unless you count Matt’s AMA.
  5. Most of the options you guys are complaining about will likely be added to the game itself so we won’t need configs.
  6. I mean if you think LO doesn’t have the AC as their top priority then ok I guess. You are entitled to your opinion.
  7. If you have enough people to work on the engine, and you can only have so many people with their hands in there, and you have another couple guys doing nothing. I don’t see why they can’t fix the tire at the same time.
  8. It’s not an either/or. Also it’s not the same people doing both.
  9. we werent able to choose to join missions before this though if bugs are your issue then ok, hopefully those get ironed out soon
  10. allow us to push them around like other vehicles and I'll be good
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