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Everything posted by yood

  1. I think LO must return this option in a specific mission . as planned in RTW and was removed under pressure on forum many clans enforcer . although they at that time existed the alternative is to use the crowbar IV in specific missions .
  2. cool , interesting , amazing . what is the official position of the LO on the fact of use and alteration of things belonging to her ? Merged. https://24timezones.com/Владивосток/время
  3. 200 million players ? the game has never reached such numbers . can I make a mistake - passed the figure of 100,000,000 registered accounts including secondary , fake ....
  4. yood

    Table Concept

    does that make sense ?
  5. is it possible to give players the ability to turn on and off Musical accompaniment of your death ? I hate this part of the game as it exists now , the toxicity is off the charts . quiet , calm , gentle .... music doesn't help . the ignore list is limited . I understand that many will say this is part of the game . we THEMES do , buy sell .... let's look at the possibility of playing THEMES from music boxes and SONGS from cars ?
  6. yood

    Table Concept

    what use or information are your funny pictures specifically in this case ?
  7. We’ll work on a way to give back the Premium time to Jericho players . - this is a strong statement , generous offer . we need a different approach to internal Affairs in the game . 70 % do not want to buy premium because of unstable servers in the first place . players leave .
  8. how easy is it to maintain a weapon lease? what weapons do you mean ? stock with purchase through contacts ? What is a premium rental ?
  9. yood

    Table Concept

    it's important for me concept , solutions to the problem , the meaning . I only know Chamicuro (camello, Camillo, kamikura) there are only eight people who own chamicuro. ... when will I see your picture artist ? Zolerox please hide .
  10. very simply. the RTW project had a huge funding In RTW there was a real treasure of talented designers, each of them was ready to bring something truly revolutionary to the game . Tom Stockwell , Jade Law , Dani Roberge , Arron Simpson , Dario Pane ..... game closed 1. because according to some estimates, $ 300,000,000 is not returned to the developers . players were not ready to pay for the unfinished game with constant bugs and lags . 2. because the clan system which can only exist in the League system . can not intersect with the system for individual players.
  11. how easy is it to maintain a weapon lease? what weapons do you mean ? stock with purchase through contacts ? on arms purchased through contacts . arena weapon sets for new players very heavy . I believe that all stock weapons should be the player on a constant basis and the system does not have to write off the unplayed time .
  12. QUESTIONS FOR LO what prevents you to add the mechanics of the selection of weapons is tested and advertised in 2015 right now ? in addition to making the game variety of weapons it would greatly simplify the existence of new missions . Merged. QUESTIONS FOR LO what will happen to the declared MoK script in Q&A with MoK Session 2 Answers 29 May 2015 ? Witnessing – Both Enforcer and Criminal will have the witnessing action available, the result of these actions will be very different. LTL – Enforcers LTL will be refined, the Criminal equivalent will be very different as well as the rewards and scoring that go with it. My present direction is to offer the criminals a close up and personal version that is actually very lethal, like a shiv, sack of doorknobs and other more personal attacks. Actions such as Ram Raiding, Chop Shops and others listed in the question are also presently being reworked as well as providing an Enforcers version of these actions.
  13. yood

    Table Concept

    v 1.0.5 . we still do not see secondary weapons and other useful information .
  14. Those servers were nearly unolayable due to DDoS attacks for much of the weekend - need to correct
  15. yood

    Table Concept

    provide more information about the enemy .
  16. perhaps you yourself have indicated the point of impact APB: RELOADED .gaps between transitions with 1.19. and 1.20 Patch
  17. I guess so . the team leader must be able to remove any team member . the game is a system . if you constantly get on the same opponents , wait a few minutes after the end of the match before you press the ready for mission button .
  18. 21.83% of visitors were from the US. 19.62% of visitors were from Russia. 8.4% of visitors were from Germany. 6.11% of visitors were from the UK. can I learn more about the other participants by country ?
  19. team LO is now considering giving players the opportunity to leave the match freely ,without rebooting the game .
  20. tactically correct, pair or team matches - you can not win. real team can't play against team matchmaking , cocktail group . the clan game is possible only under condition of existence of the League .
  21. thank you. I already had that hat . now there is a second set .passed a completely different event , we are given the old prize . Lo worked, we got about 7 new weapon skins and only one thing deer nose .
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