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Everything posted by yood

  1. https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/forum/630-apb-reloaded/ LO access to the old forum have to be workable .
  2. login has become problem , boot time has increased significantly . Merged. the problem disappeared . the world's loading speed has recovered . I think the topic is closed .
  3. people are wasting an insane amount of time .
  4. что то не работает ?
  5. unable to join server Jericho the sixth attempt was successful . Merged. the problem of shared-world servers left . endless loading . the download can take up to ten minutes .
  6. this shouldn't be happening . I also occasionally encounter this problem .
  7. the question of who and when bought the konnekt ? the most useless , toxic and annoying part of the game .
  8. miscalculation. an attempt to speed up the process of increasing the number of players through incentives. inclusion of clan gameplay with a small population.
  9. launcher G1 does not work : er GameId does not exlist in manifest . Nekrova , Citadel , Jericho : Connecting to District Server ..... 11 05 2019 little orbit purchased GamerSfirst https://www.google.ru/search?newwindow=1&biw=1756&bih=863&ei=HjTKXLWMKJyEk74Pl72fkA8&q=11+05+2019+little+orbit+purchased+GamerFrist&oq=11+05+2019+little+orbit+purchased+GamerFrist&gs_l=psy-ab.12...28302.41021..43175...1.0..0.261.2159.0j11j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j33i21.q6tZSrNpIso just a little before the first birthday
  10. fakt . to my regret, I see it as a grain of thought . Agreed.
  11. sirs. why are you doing this ? popizdet this in the other section .
  12. C.K.A.Y. why are you doing this ? there is an approved and tested standard . who are you ?
  13. what I see in the thread : premium players want to bring back the lost premium time forgetting that a weapon leased from cotactos also remained unused . extension of connection to the area is not fixed . Agreed. the organic schedule should activate the technicians .
  14. The trend of the Supreme government communicate via Twitter . I recommend to put in the post the hashtag #MattScott
  15. you all know me . you know, I'm principled to the bone . I have my own attitude to the different characters around me . but ! if even shit ! says is correct , true , conceptually correct . I see that .
  16. give us one of the technicians ! I'll tell him something nutritious. ))
  17. the first application for an error seven hours ago. I assumed after the specified time normally enters the game . NO. ok. let's try a few options .
  18. look for the problem in your own kind .The problem of the GAME CHEAP PLAYERS and TOLERANT DEVELOPERS .
  19. Quick! everyone calm down ! and be patient ! we changed the equipment ! give me time ! Merged. I don't think you're qualified as a sales promise.
  20. please provide a link to the specified data .
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