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Everything posted by yood

  1. Matt I don't like your concept , I don't like what you do with simple annual events . always in the shadow of G1 with 30 million players wound up . delete , ban account as a hindrance is not a solution . The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution States: "Congress shall not make any law relating to the establishment of religion, or prohibiting its free confession, or restricting the freedom of speech or the press, or the right of the people to assemble peacefully and petition the government to satisfy complaints."
  2. The pleasure is mine. I think we can stop thinking about each other . ALL! in ONE MOMENT ! suck. everything works as it should . I would increase the achievement of up to 10,000 machines .
  3. the APB project is very large in terms of time spent . at the moment I see the comment of the player who wants it ALL! in ONE MOMENT ! temper your fervor !
  4. here they talk about achievement for criminals . cops suck . your goal is to throw 1,000 cars . for what period of time do you place your bets ?
  5. achieving the goal is very simple . if you're rude to me, you'll regret it .
  6. do you think someone is interesting and want ? everything will remain as it is . LO not capable of development .
  7. everyone knows that YooD Russian . everyone hates Russians . you're entitled to a personal opinion . I have my own idea of what's going on .
  8. from the answer, you never knew the secret of fire hydrants . and thanks Lo , you'll NEVER KNOW .
  9. hate lo . Do you Like RIOT? Yes Do you think that LO should continue to develop RIOT? Yes reasons and consequences I will not explain .
  10. what percentage of players know that ? what percentage of the players knew the secret of the old fire hydrants ? LO replaced the water with soda . hydrants aren't working .
  11. everything works like a Swiss watch . no problem . you know the meaning of the phrase : crazy dancing at a funeral . ? keep having fun .
  12. what is this doss ? no problem . everything works like a Swiss watch .
  13. what specific problems do you have? no problem .
  14. ты очень мелко мыслишь ! давай удалим основное и вторичное оружие !
  15. сомнительный ответ
  16. the only correct solution : you send a report to the support service and experts are engaged in the request .
  17. видео с CHEATCC... не имеет право существовать на честном форуме . можете считать моё заявление как объявление личной неприязни к автору поста и и рапорту
  18. that's your belief ? I see no reason to continue the dialogue .
  19. странная серия SMG . честно говоря, у меня не было времени заниматься этой серией .
  20. yood


    работа уже во вторым античитом показывают серьезные намерения команды LO .
  21. ИНОСТРА́ННЫЙ = Посторонний https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=ru-en&text=иностранный %3D посторонний
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