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Everything posted by ScarecrowXIII

  1. Well OP clarified and said he meant refunds of items purchased AFTER the new owners took over
  2. But I like spreading the love. I can understand why there's a limit though
  3. So there's a limit to reactions per day... so *thumbs up* EDIT: still blocked as well, darn
  4. Lol, I have a love/hate relationship with trucks just because I like driving them and feeling invincible, but I hate when I'm trying to destroy it and can't
  5. Might as well check, my gf plays almost everyday and I like playing with her.
  6. I run SP3 on my Pioneer and still jump out when I hear that thing firing at me though. EDIT: After my hood starts denting badly though, I'm not that much of a chicken
  7. I like the ALIG, so I need to find a way to use it, I don't run car surfer all the time, when people run, I drop an ammo box and change to it Unless they're bad at running then I just ram them
  8. So you're telling me I actually have to go check? Fun...
  9. About 2 weeks ago, guy stared at a tree trunk and sniped me. I believe it was said that it's gonna be FF + BE, at least for now.
  10. *shrug* I rarely use JTs, or more accurately, I never care how much I have, if I'm in social and happen to stroll into the Joker store and find something (like a title or body kit I wouldn't pay G1C for) and can afford it, then I buy it. So I really dunno what a fair price would look like.
  11. I once had a 3 slot car I no longer wanted and I think I had to sell it dirt cheap cause no one would buy it at the price I would have wanted to sell it at to break even... I either did that or just gave it away and dealt with the loss.
  12. We should trick new players into playing the game, treat them well so they stay, kick them out of the next when they can stand on their own two legs and bam! We've got a higher population. EDIT: Oh, rinse and repeat.
  13. That's an interesting idea... but then I just wondered, what if everyone was running around with 7-day leased Ogres? I guess you could make it cost a hefty amount of JTs though.
  14. I half-wish I was ignorant to this whole situation so that I wouldn't be waiting on it. Just hit me with an email that says "Oh hey! You're un-banned, come play!"
  15. I want them to implement BE so they can unban me, THAT's what I'm really waiting for. I can just simply not play against cheaters if I don't feel like it. Can go mess around in social or just race or something.
  16. I sort of had a feeling that you had but that wasn't clear, sorry.
  17. Based on what Matt said, and when he said it, I doubt it, seems unrealistic that they've finished fixing bugs and re-tested everything enough already to be implementing it today.
  18. Hmm, I was wondering what would happen if a non-technical person heard me say "Oh? That'll only take a couples days, woo-hoo!" or "Testing? Damn, that's gonna be a few weeks to a month then..." and then takes my word as gospel simply because I SEEM to know a little more than them. When the two week rumor was going around, I kinda hoped that was true. To be fair, all that was official at that point was that it was 75% (or was it 90%?) done. So I had it in my head that'd I'd be unbanned sometime this week lol.
  19. I want to post something concerning the length of time testing can take (for posting's sake I guess), but I don't want to get in trouble for spreading false hope/despair if someone (or a lot of someones) take my words without a grain of salt. Not like I know the specifics anyway. But! I am happy to know that development's done.
  20. Not trying to make money reselling legendaries, I just didn't like what I bought and wanted to sell it and get something else, but losing 200k or so was pretty steep, I'd have been fine losing some money but that was a lot
  21. Um, when I car surf (and I only use this to chase people, never run), I use ALIG, the driver (and any other passenger, if any, use anti-personnel weapons), I can EASILY prevent anyone chasing from stopping us. If I get in trouble, my driver can just jump out while everyone is out for my blood, and I can just jump off the roof and hide behind the vehicle then dash for better cover, if available. Your first counter tactic works if the car is heading your direction (or you know where it's going and intercept it well, you cannot let him see you coming from afar, you gotta hit hard and fast, not so easy for inexperienced persons to do) The tactic might also work if you're on foot and near cover. Also, you can't chase a car surfer with an ALIG well, if you're not surfing too, cause you gotta catch up, jump out, shoot him before they get away (and they will get away the first and maybe second time) and repeat. If they have blowtorch, you're screwed. Granted, if they're car surfing with a anti-personnel weapon, you have a chance, but not against an ALIG or, since this is also locked to high ranks, an OSMAW Btw, I wrote this thinking of a new person (or group of new players) facing off against a car surfer, experienced persons should know what to do already.
  22. It's cool I was more curious than anything, I don't intend to spend anymore on my reroll, if I do, I'll never stop lol Thanks, good to know that it only works a very specific way
  23. My linked account was banned, I was buying something for a reroll so I could stomach playing the game with my gf longer than 2 minutes. EDIT: Hence the signature below lol
  24. What if you've done the above, but if instead of auto-signing in with steam, you use your credentials?
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