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  1. The title says it all. Clans - rethinking APB and how it "plays" for the future. Back in 2009 right out of Beta - Clans were the THING; BruteForce, Rezistance, Reapers, HIVE, WASP, ROYAL, the list goes on... what made APB, well... APB. It was the clanning and the infights of the clans and it's players that made the experience of APB fun and interesting and APB4LIFE slogan came to be. Now 15 years later how about Clans made a comeback, and I mean as in Clans that made sense and had a purpose. I think like a system where you would get special stuff for being in the clan, sure you had to ram-raid shops for it, or mug npc's - the enforcers had to do arrests, confiscate items... so use the whole "loot-system" that's in the game, that only new people use to scrape up some cash to begin with. How about you then could buy *Insert item A, B, C, D, E, F* from the Clan depending on the Clans Rank. The items were on a timer on a few hours and then it would burn out and had to be farmed again, be it some sort of extra sprint or better heal or whatever... I hope you see the point here. To make Clans and looting relevant again. And of course bring back the rank system of which clans did the best, but also an internal clan system from say 1-50 where the best gear would be when the clan were "leveled" to 50. This would definately bring me back to a clan.
  2. Great so Obir got nerfed and Colby .50 too. That's pretty epic. Now how about that Oscar?
  3. Give us back old shaders, bullettracers, old TTK and NO FRIGGIN RECOIL WITH MOST ANNOYING BULLETSPREAD 10 METERS OUT WITH AN AR...... like the game was intended! Oh. and old spawnsystem, yes please. You'll see 4000+ players. No shit. it would work, back when Clan Warfare actually meant something. REAPERS REPRESENT!
  4. we see these threads come again and again - and it's always the same shit-fest with people hooting for their favorite guns or players come in as know it alls on every gun modification ever made in APB. Cmon, move on, guys. I'm just tired of seeing this community in so many forum-war posts knocking each other over the head...for digital epeens. Sure guns gets nerfed, sure guns get buffed. It's not needed to pull up threads about it again and again and again.. else friggin make a "complaint about new gun buff/nerf category for the forum". It would keep the shittalk contained at least.
  5. One thing; Leagues and tracking of most stolen cars in a week ect, most kills ect.
  6. Hope they extend the Halloween event then
  7. Synapze777 - Lady of Many Faces - Always a step ahead. Erica Masterson visits the old club she used to work at in Moscow...
  8. Honestly there's worse things out there than see through smoke…….
  9. ReShade is allowed. He said so in stream 2.0 with Kemptington.
  10. I rest my case. Call me the greatest hackusator in APB. My point is valid as is proven again and again and again…. this game is hacked on hard.
  11. @Solamente - I don't know it just seems like it's being macroed. I even got on a team last nite with people asking for good macros.. and coming with "take a longer break" -- snarky remarks, really? You have over 10000 posts, wonder how many of those you fire off on a regular basis. On top of that - I dethreated to silver and saw how every shot all of a sudden hit my opponents. Something that isn't happening when in gold districts. So just starting to think that the reason "some" not all golds are immortal/better is cause hitreg is poorer on them. /putsontinfoilhat. I went 18/3 in a silver district --- in gold I goes like.. 7/4 and gets like 10 assists. or more every match... And sure theres the matches where your silver opponents just run straight out on the road.. but still... it's a theory not valid science I'm talking about here
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