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Everything posted by R3ACT3M

  1. Say little orbit took you on a tour of the company building and said you could make 1 change to apb, 1 and only 1. What would it be? (this is not a rant thread, plz refrain)
  2. The power of making new threads is mine. Plus if it existed you should have linked it. I'd delete my account for you daddy
  3. Or Tell me how much you hate me a specific weapon: Or Tell me how much you love me a specific weapon: Or Show me you best car designs based off me :
  4. Title Or Tell me about your most hated weapon: Or Tell me about your Favorite weapon: I like these simple questions, shoot me.
  5. Title Or tell me about your most hated weapon:
  6. Mine, has to go to the pmg. I can't effectively play it, but others who use it make it look incredibly broken :P
  7. They can be, but you can definitely see what LO was trying to do. The more you play with the shot gun the more you realize you need to be really good at hitting all the pellets.
  8. i play on an apple not a window
  9. Just curious to see how many people actually play APB on another OS besides windows 10 As well if more or less of the population use configs Then finally a threat related question cringe
  10. i got a better idea, now now, just hear me out... drones and these drones have live feeds
  11. we should get bi weekly updates, hell hourly updates!
  12. I hate having too, sometimes i dont have to try
  13. Yea clearly APB is the superior game sarcasm
  14. There was a team deathmatch mode I had played, but I didn't play gta for pvp so I sucked at it. So in regards to gameplay APB is different than GTA which is a good thing It would be like two gas stations right next to each other, except one sells diesel so both stations are relevant
  15. Better or be good and different than GTA 6, what APB definitely has over GTA 5 is character customization and that is part of what makes it great. Another thing I think APB does better than GTA is PVP, GTA 5 is definitely more of a coop-pve game than pvp (not to say it doesn't have its pvp modes. But APB probably wont reach a level of triple A, comparing APB to other titles it definitely sits at indie level.
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