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About JustinCarter

  • Rank
    Chief, San Paro Police Department

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  1. Good afternoon, Ended up having an extra 95 credits and purchased the standalone Hot Response RX II lightbar, fixed my problem. This can be deleted.
  2. Good afternoon, I've encountered an issue with the Mirage, I had previously purchased the lightbars pack but the Hot Response RX II and other lightbars are still showing as locked. I was told by others that this is a glitch and that some people received the lightbars while others didn't. Is there any way for me to put in a request to get these unlocked? Thank you,
  3. I've stumbled onto this forum by chance, being a transfer from Xbox. The content that was made here is absolutely amazing, is the process explained to do this in the original forum post still viable? Would love to be able to make renders of me and my guys.
  4. Something like this would be absolutely amazing. Might even be enough to reinvigorate the game's population, so long as LO deals with the cheaters.
  5. I was bummed to see that the lightbar I wanted is still locked for me, while it’s available to others. I will submit a support ticket as well.
  6. On Xbox we had a community list since there was 0 moderation. It’s against the rules under the name and shame clause.
  7. You do make a good point. This strategy backfires if used by people who call cheat too easily. I would say that it should only be used if it one of the obvious cheaters. Sniper grenades, automatic Colby 45s, dudes running Mach 5 across the map.
  8. For years, I’ve always wondered why the developers never took one of the already pre-existing mission maps and added in a 40v40 TDM/Conquest/War mode. I think we’d see more faction unity in a kind of all out war between enforcers and crims. Take financial, slap a control point or two in the middle of the map and make enforcers and criminals dog it out to hold it down. Maybe even add in capture-able bases. Could even declare a winner based on which faction won the most each week with rewards going to the winning faction. I understand that we have Baylan and Asylum, but those maps have always felt claustrophobic to me and seemed to specifically cater to certain weapon range types. I think an all out war district would breathe some new life into APB. What’s y’all’s opinions? Is the general population more for the traditional small 4v4 with additional backup match ups or would ya’ll like to see a “Battlefield” esc kind of faction war on the streets of San Paro?
  9. Because they’re cheating, why should anyone sacrifice their enjoyment of the game to let people who cheat have fun? We don’t do this sort of thing to people who we suspect of cheating, there are tons of really good players out there who just seem too good to be legit. We’ve only done this to groups that we know are cheating, the ones that make it painfully obvious. This isn’t something that we do often either, the high Golds seem to encounter cheaters way more than anyone else.
  10. I believe you can, on Xbox you could. I have yet to have to do so on PC. Any method of exit works.
  11. I want to pass around a strategy that we at the SPPD call the "Check Back." I've been seeing tons of people complaining about the cheaters and the apparent ineffectiveness of the anti-cheat to identify and stop them. A cheater's goal is to make the game as unfun as possible and drive as many people to rage quit as they can. Every time a player rage quits, these losers get a turn on because they have no validation in their real lives. The "Check Back" is a strategy we've been deploying for years when we realize that a player/group we are fighting is cheating. Rather than continuing to fight and feed their e-egos (Which is what they want), make them sit at the objective unopposed with nothing to do, make them bored. This deprives them of the validation they're seeking and forces them to spend 10-15 minutes sitting, doing absolutely nothing. These people can't win in real life so they can't stand to lose in a video game, they want to be the strong and unstoppable ones here because they are weak physically and mentally in actuality. Leave the mission area, go sit in an unexpecting location until the time runs out. Go grab a snack, take a piss, and keep an eye on your pc. If they game ending objective is TDM, then you return to lobby and log back in. If the community en masse comes together to do things like this, cheaters will quit out of sheer boredom.
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