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About DouglasFalcon

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  1. They're keeping the best for last (OBIR and NTEC removed from game data entirely)
  2. Not only they nerf any weapon that's not designed for midrange game (aka the only possible meta LO wants to to play), but now they're even releasing shit patootie mods that make already broken shit like Ursus and NTEC even more broken. Cool! Nerfing DMR AV cause OMG I CAN'T RIDE MY DOPE CAR AND GET CLOSE TO THE SNIPER NOW :(((( and then also giving them a gun to outright contest the sniper in their niche range. What a fucking sick joke of a company. Still waiting for my ticket to be processed by the way.
  3. Last time they literally answered in days and closed the ticked immediately for "failing to verify personal data". Personal data that was copy-pasted by me from a previous, successfully-resolved, ticket.
  4. Thank, let's just hope they'll have the good heart to be answering me this time.
  5. Hey, anyone smart enough to kindly guide me to this game's support webpage? I have an ongoing issue since oct 2023 that's preventing me from enjoying the game and (more importantly to people who run the game) spending my money on it. Thanks!
  6. Excellent idea! My entire account was deprived of anything worth a penny a few months ago and my support tickets got ignored, but I'm glad to know that the reason for this is that we're giving scumbags a second change to ruin everyone's experience! Thank you, really shows how your priorities are being set straight.
  7. Randomly logged in to see other stuff, I'll also answer this while I'm at it. I gotta say you guys really love making up stories in which I'm a 10 year old kid looking to get free legendaries lol The hacker broke into an old email of mine. I was not using this email at all, but it was connected to my current one and, also, another one I am no longer using, that happens to be the one tied to my APB account. As soon as they break into the account, they change my password so I no longer have access to that account. I don't notice at first, but my friend start telling me my Insta and Facebook accounts are posting crypto/porn stuff so I understand something weird is going on. My Telegram also starts joining random russian promo groups, my Reddit account comments on some random patootie ads, and so on. Something weird is defo going on. I even find payments tied to my Nintendo account (50 bucks), done with my Paypal, and I also discover my Nintendo account was also stolen (password changed). At some point, I realize all this stuff is still happening despite me changing passwords for my current email halfway through the events, so something else has to be the cause. Eventually, I understand it's that old email, toghether with the one tied to my APB account. I send my documents and shit to the provider, they give me my account back and there I see they did all sorts of shit. They were smart enough to delete the emails, but dumb enough to leave them in the "deleted" folder. What can I say, I'm not those assholes' parent. If you doubt my story, I still have the mail logs. That being said, I decide to delete that email account altogether, to avoid further issues. Flashback to some weeks after that entire, incredibly stressful, situation I had found myself in (while unemployed and stranded abroad, lol), one day I just randomly decide to log into APB (I forgot the reason but I think I mention it in the OP). There, I find that everything that could be traded was indeed traded to who knows who, and like 10 seconds after my initial shock I link this to this past experience. I open a ticket, explaining the situation just like I did now, and I literally asked them "can you see a log of my past trades? I am 99% sure someone broke into my account, sold all my stuff and got away with it". The answer: "yeah we suspect you might not be you so fuck off." Like, dude? I can literally prove I'm me lmao, I can send documents, I know what's up on my fucking account since I made it almost 10 years ago, I answered all your question and all you say is "nah still not sure" and close the ticket off? Not even sending me a log of my past trades? What should I do with it? rofl. If you still like to think I'm the bad guy here though, have a look at it yourself and then, please, tell me what I have to gain from a message like this one. Cause I really can't figure it out myself and I could use some help. And please stop bootlicking bad customer service, you can like a game and admit there's some dumb people working for it.
  8. 1. they didn't ask me to provide any document and/or proof of identity. Were I had been asked to do so, I would've complied with no problem. 2. they can literally check on my account's trade log to see if the "story" I'm telling is backed up by facts. 3. again, I'm literally willing to give up all my money, cars and modifications if that mean I can at least have the legendaries I've grinded for for years back. How would this "scam" be on my favour? 4. sorry but it's a bit funny at this point. If someone breaks into your social medias and starts posting shit, your friends are gonna notify you and/or you'll get weird things happening everytime you try looking at your phone. Me knowing about the new features is simply me periodically checking the "news feed" section of Discord's channel and knowing about the game's updates. 5. what you say about scammers does unfortunately make sense but it's very sad that actual issues like mine are less likely to be aknowledge as a result. At the end of the day I'm fine without APB, but both me and the game company lose from this and only 2 pieces of shit gain a benefit from the story.
  9. Lol, you clearly don't know how this kinda things work. The guy whole stole my data simply put my various social media/accounts login info for sale on a black market and those who are interested (i.e. your friendly APB dumbass) can buy whichever they want. The person how got the data prolly has not idea what APB is, the person who bought my login does though. Again, your comment just shows you've never dealt with this event in your life. Good for you ig. Also, I've answered all of their questions are accurately as possible and always mentioned when I wasn't 100% sure about my answer (and why I wasn't). Funny thing is my answers are the same (or even more accurate) as those of an earlier ticket opened like 1 year and a half ago, which was dealt with no issue at all. Funny how double standards work.
  10. Hi all, about two months ago a hacker broke into one of my email addresses and was able to steal an enormous amounts of personal data out of that, even going as far as being able to buy stuff with my money. I won't go over how horrendous on an experience it has been for me, it wouldn't accomplish anything. Long story short, a few weeks after that I log into APB because I wanted to see the new features. The moment I log into my character I realize sometthing is wrong: no weapons on my hands, no legendaries in my locket, no mods, no cars, no money. Anything I had that could be traded is no longer there. It's obvious the hacker sold my account's access information to someone who used it to trade a lot of my stuff to themselves. At that point I'm feeling more desperate than ever. I've been playing since around 2015/2016 and all the stuff I had grinded for all these years was gone. I decide to open a ticket to at least see if LO had a log of trades done on my account, and maybe it was possible in some way to at the very least get my legendaries back (and the pleasant fellow banned). I am answered with the endless routine questions (your characters' names, email adress, ...) to which I answer as accurately and exhaustingly as I can. The answer? We're sorry but we couldn't determine that's you. I try asking what went wrong, the ticket gets closed. Man, what a fucking pleasant fellow. After this experience I'll (obviously) not ever touch the game again and hope it takes them all under bankruptcy. I fthis is the service you provide to your users I really think you don't deserve running a gaming company lmao.
  11. You bring up an interesting point! Because you see, there's plenty of non F2P weapons that are either not really meta viable (ALIG, NFAS, any secondary that's not ACT or FBW) and/or you gotta stick with preset weapons that most of the time offer you a dampened down version of what makes that weapon meta. DMR not running HS at all or MP3 CJ3 OCA are good examples of that. All I'm saying in my post is that everyone, f2p people included, should be able to have a decent shot at winning no matter the weapon they've chosen! It's understandable that not buying weapons leaves you with less choice and/or more time to spend on the game in order to get what you want, after all the company must drive some money to their wallets one way or the other. But giving some love to weapons that are non-meta relevant doesn't mean replacing NTEC OBIR and OCA/PMG from their roles, it only means giving people what like the game enough to spend money on it to get rewarded with something that feels different from what anyone can get. Not better, different. (Also, I'd argue the current meta kinda doesn't care about the f2p aspect of the game given how many legendaries or retail weapons like Ursus or Scout tend to take the top spot over NTEC or most snipers but honestly I don't need this argument to prove my point!)
  12. Ngl despite knowing (and agreeing with) the fact that there are far bigger priorities for the game, like implementing fixing matchmaking or the anticheat system overhaul, the only thing my mind wants is a meta shift. I'm crazy, right? Don't get me wrong tho I don't think anything atm should be nerfed, LO has done a fairly good job at removing the cancerous stuff out of the game, I just want to see a viability bump to some less relevant weapons in order to have more choice of weapons to pick and have a real shot at winning with, instead of having to 101% outplay Mr. Goodstuff9000 every single mission I get just because I don't like using most of the current top of the meta weapons Aside from that some weapons definetely MUST be buffed, like they're a total scam at their current state (Norsemen and IRS series in particular lmao). I know that not every weapon is supposed to be viable and I don't want that, I'd just like to have less "distance" between the best and the worst weapon so that if you're a decent player you'll almost always have a shot at winning a mission. I think that despite this being a low priority matter it still shouldn't be overlooked because one of the strenghts of APB imo is how many different weapons are in the game, but the current meta state encourages "safe" picks that are kinda repetitive and increase this feeling of staleness that's eating the what's left of the playerbase. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels that way lol I don't wanna be an APB hipster
  13. BRO?!?! Out of ALL the broken weapon running around in this game you wanna nerf a weapon that can't even run custom mods?
  14. First of all it's nice to be back and see the game is still alive, although it's noticeable that the playerbase is still decreasing and things right now are rough Now for the questions! First: I'm EU and I've noticed nobody ever plays in Baylan Shipping's fight club, is there a reason why the Asylum being more popular? Is there a time when people gather in Baylan and play there? I used to love 2 hours sessions of pure killing in that area, one of the most fun game modes in APB imho, so I'd love to experience that again. Second: I wanna waste some JTs and I've always wanted to try the SBSR rifles. When I checked APB:DB to learn the differences between IRS and Coroner the only one I was able to find is that IRS, being a sniper rifle, has 15 metres more of effective range. Is it really the only difference? Like, is the Coroner a straight up worse version of the IRS? Please enlighten me!
  15. If only you knew what you were talking about you'd realize noob guardian is right lol. Getting 3/3 shots with DMR and out-TTKing HVR ain't hard nor uncommon, 88+ range is just the icing on the cake that guarantees you're winning any fight (and consistently playing at that range is possible in a lot of cases, especially during Defend stages)
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