cyral 25 Posted May 30, 2019 to the orginial poster, This topic is very dear 2 me.. and thank you for bringing it back up again. You have no hate from me but a lot of love and understanding when it comes to these DETHREATERS purposefully Abusing the Current threat system. you see I barley get 100 kills a week in,(that's playing for 4+ hours a day for the entire week) but yet most if not every 1 of my opponents can do that in less time that it takes me to make a lunch. And I am 1 of these FARMS. does it piss me off???? hell yea it I cuss these induviduals out in chat for it??? yes I do... a lot. but yet they still target me for their piggy bank. When I get in a mission I might die no less then 20 times a match and might get 2 assist in. my scores are usually so low that they don't register, and I usually get 0 cash from missions do other players delibertly target me for easy kills?? Yes they do...its severly unfair to me and my game experience.. Do I love APB??? yea I kinda do. my current rank is 214 and that just tells some 1 I'm determined to keep playing...My personal Threat level stays Bronze. And I don't use/abuse the ADV. LAUNCHER to get back into my correct threat district.. at 1 point in time(there gone now) we had the OPEN CONFLICT Districts...That's where skilled players went to farm noobs. that was considered the MISSION BATTLE ROYAL.. Thank you again for reposting a very serious topic that is killing this great game. with the current system in play, I agree there will NOT be any new growth, I have witnessed a handful of people just up and vanish a few hours after they start a character here. when you constantly see the SPAWN SCREEN on top of each other it does get very frustrating. most of the senior players know where the spawn points are, they really do like to sit on em and keep killing the newbee as he/she does spawn in.. this is also very frustrating and on the verge of being HARRASSMENT when these players are farming for kills. I really dread death-matches...there just a farmers paradise.. when you constantly see the same players getting 15+ kills per-mission but only die about 4 times, its time they moved on to face people of their own skill levels. and every time I log in I do see a ton of players from both factions in the silver districts.. so that's Bull Crap about the bronze districts being the only 1's that have a decient population. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted May 30, 2019 (edited) Back in my day, there was no threat segregation, osmaws didn't have timers, 4x4 vehicles didn't exist, and there was "lucky shots" where one really awesome purple bullet randomly came out of someone's gun and determined the winner of a fight, and we wus bettuh fo' it. Seriously just take it as a challenge, maybe even befriend the golds who end up on your team, it's only a game, and the pop is too low to complain about this when only one district is ever full and maybe when you're trying to get *cough* a high end financial contact that rhymes with rebel fog to rank 20, and the silver players insist on playing in waterfront all day erryday, and you just happen to do bad, because it's the weekend and the kids are out, you go get a few ranks till you get gold and the shitty servers kick you..... *cough* Edit: Also can I still add my bump in for my suggestion of a monthly threat reset, and a linear system where once you go up you can't go down, until said reset? Edited May 30, 2019 by BlitzKitty 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shimmer 49 Posted June 1, 2019 (edited) On 5/29/2019 at 9:36 PM, hackerung said: I'm going to have to disagree with you. Bronze servers are usually well-populated depending on time of day. Obviously you're not going to find as many players on a late night as you would otherwise on a regular afternoon. A lot of people have lives to attend to and that's perfectly okay. Secondly, if every gold player in bronze mustered up the courage to be on silver districts rather than dethreat for easy kills, unpopulated silver districts would not be a problem, I can safely assure you of that. There's more golds than bronzes, in bronze districts at this point. Thirdly, "You would literally have no opposition" is false. So long as there are equal number of criminals and cops in the district you are as likely to get opposed missions as you would any district. Be it 5-5 or 40-40. This too I can safely assure you as I've experienced it firsthand myself more than once. And fourthly/lastly, you cannot gather more new players if they join the game to get stomped in the first set of missions. In other words. Joining a game and instantly getting annihilated by osmaw users or a premade of full legendary gold threat teams, is not going to make you want to stay in that game, is it? We need to make this game fair by fixing this issue. THAT is how we atract a newer audience, and how we grow this community. And by the way, threat is a good indicator of skill. There will always be people on a good day or who get lucky every now and then, but anyone who is good enough to get gold on a regular everyday or hourly basis as is the case of many, they do -NOT- belong in bronze districts. Threat is the most important thing we have as it tells us the skill level of a player. We have the right to know who we are dealing with as an oponent. Removing threat would mean havoc as any team of golds could join any district they wanted and team up on anyone, new or veteran alike. Your idea of removing threat is the worst idea I could've seen on this topic and i can't stress this enough. We NEED threat to signal us of each player's skill-level. The reason nobody went into open conflict is the lack of control over who you're fighting. That's why those districts were removed. We NEED a fair game if we want to gather more players. We NEED this to happen in order for APB to grow as a game. New players need to be allowed to play and not just get stomped on. you can disagree all you want....but facts are facts. This was implemented when the server pop was much healthier and didn't work. It didn't work because people complained because servers didn't get full and they had no opp. It. Didnt. Work. Again, disagree all you want, it just tried and tested and failed. Also, you're an idiot if you think threat is an ACTUAL indicator of player skill. Ive carried my friend who literally cant kill anyone up to gold. Hes gold, but doesnt mean hes good. He goes silver when he plays by himself, and im 100% sure if we didn't play with him he'd be bronze. Ive seen someone gold one day and green the next. Its absolutely 0 indication of player skill. Edited June 1, 2019 by Shimmer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyral 25 Posted June 1, 2019 How about this. It will kill the current population on the Bronze Districts. When a player obtains "Kind of a big deal" Achievement, they are Auto-Banned from the Noob Districts of the game. "Green and Bronze Districts" That achievement means your a super try hard in the game. I know other games out here that states, "once you achieve the highest honor of the game you are considered a threat to our games growth. " APB can follow along in that same philosophy. Now with that said, their can be a few exceptions. 1 example is this. You can apply for "Teacher status" and still have access to these areas. A teacher is some 1 ( I personally know a few now) that does help new and less skilled players out. But can this be abused? Yes it can Once you abuse it the game ban-hammer comes down. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 1, 2019 10 hours ago, Shimmer said: you can disagree all you want....but facts are facts Facts? You've no idea of what facts mean. I disagreed with you because I have coherent actual evidence that any player with knowledge of the game can agree with. Your playground statements, just because you're biased, for being a gold in bronze (who this post is about) does not invalidate my statements or mark yours as 'facts'. I disagreed with you because rank equals playtime, and threat equals skill. You can be rank 255, if you suck at the game you'll still be bronze or silver, whereas if you're a level 9 gold threatter, you're still more likely to get a greater score. Threat is an indicator of playerskill, this is a universal truth throughout APB. Any player good enough to hold a gold status on his own is a good player and nothing you can say can change that fact, regardless of how biased you are towards it. Furthermore, server population is low because new players keep leaving. If you and your gold buddies stayed in silver, new players wouldn't quit after their first match and stay long enough to grow a liking to the game. Not to mention insulting me for not agreeing with you further invalidates your credibility. Again Just because you don't like something, and don't agree with it, does not change the factual nature of it. On 5/30/2019 at 8:21 AM, BlitzKitty said: Seriously just take it as a challenge I know all about the old days, like when weapons had no recoil whatsoever and what not. That does not change much. True you can take it as a challenge, why not, albeit an unbeatable challenge but a challenge all the same. The problem is, however, I have over 2k hours in the game and an arsenal of paid weapons, and still I can't best these people. The problem comes when newer players don't stand a chance at all with free weapons, and often on a 10 day lease. The problem comes when server population decreases because new players don't return, because nobody likes to get stomped on by a player who isn't supposed to be there in the first place. The problem, are golds in bronze, who should stay in silver. I agree that the lack of people in the propper silver district is anoying and makes contact leveling hard, but, again, as I've said like twenty times in this thread alone: If all golds moved to silver, silver population would not be a problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted June 1, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, hackerung said: If all golds moved to silver, silver population would not be a problem. If all golds were golds to begin with they wouldn't actually be in bronze. I've been there, on a low end pc, unable to beat people who have 60 FPS with my lousy laptop. I understand the issue you have more than you do. The fact is not all golds in bronze are dethreaters, i've seen very few that actually dethreat in a silver district, the only time i do see dethreating is when i've gone into bronze to level up certain contacts, after getting stomped by hackers on the weekend, and the people i see dethreating in bronze, are the really bad people, the ones that I can stomp in silver and get at least 14 kills and 2 deaths on. All these people you call golds are just shitty top tier silvers. I understand it's hard to believe that everything that happens in this game is not a malicious act of ill intention, but guess what... the world isn't out to get you. The real solution to this problem is to play in green if you're bronze. Edited June 1, 2019 by BlitzKitty Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) 9 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: I understand it's hard to believe that everything that happens in this game is not a malicious act of ill intention, but guess what... the world isn't out to get you. I understand you're trying to defend yourself and your people for being golds in bronze, to prevent yourself from being banned. I understand, and I get it. But you can't say "Golds aren't out to kill silvers and bronzes" when you have people like THIS: I get the cliché you're going but but it's a bit ****ing heavy handed, when golds in bronze openly admit to want to "**** them longer" after mauling a squad of bronzes for an entire 10-15 minute mission. Your point is invalid. These people ARE in bronze to farm newer players, and that's all there is to it. "Not out to get you", sure, not me specificly. Just all newer or lower skilled players in general. This isn't a once in a while thing. It's every day. It's the same names, the same people, the same servers, non-stop. These people need to be stopped. Edited June 2, 2019 by hackerung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) 4 hours ago, hackerung said: I understand you're trying to defend yourself and your people for being golds in bronze, to prevent yourself from being banned. I understand, and I get it. But you can't say "Golds aren't out to kill silvers and bronzes" when you have people like THIS: I get the cliché you're going but but it's a bit ****ing heavy handed, when golds in bronze openly admit to want to "**** them longer" after mauling a squad of bronzes for an entire 10-15 minute mission. Your point is invalid. These people ARE in bronze to farm newer players, and that's all there is to it. "Not out to get you", sure, not me specificly. Just all newer or lower skilled players in general. This isn't a once in a while thing. It's every day. It's the same names, the same people, the same servers, non-stop. These people need to be stopped. Well if it's any consolation, i'm not going to get banned either way? I'm not one of those people, i only get to stay in bronze maybe once a week if i'm lucky and the cheaters are really hard on me, as a general rule in my own rank i'm decent enough to get 5-10 kills per match. Once again the people that are able to get back there at least as far as i've seen, do not openly dethreat, but are actually terrible. I see them openly dethreat while IN bronze already, I suppose to avoid having their arsenals kicked for real for a few minutes in silver, and waste load times. Again I swear I said this before, must be dejavu... 13 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: All these people you call golds are just shitty top tier silvers. ^ hmmmmmmmm. (BTW supported by your own screenshot here, the silver was equal to the gold on your side, and the silver on their team has an obvious dethreat score.) Edited June 2, 2019 by BlitzKitty Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RCooper 182 Posted June 2, 2019 2 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: Well if it's any consolation, i'm not going to get banned either way? I'm not one of those people, i only get to stay in bronze maybe once a week if i'm lucky and the cheaters are really hard on me, as a general rule in my own rank i'm decent enough to get 5-10 kills per match. Once again the people that are able to get back there at least as far as i've seen, do not openly dethreat, but are actually terrible. I see them openly dethreat while IN bronze already, I suppose to avoid having their arsenals kicked for real for a few minutes in silver, and waste load times. Again I swear I said this before, must be dejavu... ^ hmmmmmmmm. (BTW supported by your own screenshot here, the silver was equal to the gold on your side, and the silver on their team has an obvious dethreat score.) That score is becuase he got called in the end of the mission and he got rekt. For a person that play both in silver and bronze,i would say even the difference between silvers can be very big ,if u remove golds from bronze that people would quit the game because the feel like a bronze feels in bronze district right now,also apb dethreaters are toxic in general,the real solution is improve the matchmaking in missions to make misssions more fair and hide the threat or do something that wanna make people play in silver/gold district rather than bronze 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) 35 minutes ago, RCooper said: That score is becuase he got called in the end of the mission and he got rekt. For a person that play both in silver and bronze,i would say even the difference between silvers can be very big ,if u remove golds from bronze that people would quit the game because the feel like a bronze feels in bronze district right now,also apb dethreaters are toxic in general,the real solution is improve the matchmaking in missions to make misssions more fair and hide the threat or do something that wanna make people play in silver/gold district rather than bronze Again, the threat color is fine as it is, open conflicts hid threat and didn't work, nobody played in them. Separate golds from silvers and bronzes, THAT is what we need and what this post is about. Making the game fair. Not keeping it unfair and covering people's eyes. Fourth time you sugested that and fourth time I've invalidated that 'sollution', and explained why it's a bad idea. 3 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: (BTW supported by your own screenshot here, the silver was equal to the gold on your side, and the silver on their team has an obvious dethreat score.) The silver on their team joined late. And the silver on our team, the other one, turned gold after another round, aka invalidating your point. I don't care if these are low golds. They still don't belong in bronze. They are taking advantage of newer players to boost themselves, which isn't fair. According to LO, Dethreatters are already getting banned. If the problem persists, along with the bans I'd sugest threat-based matchmaking. The one we have isn't working at all. Put golds against other golds, and that's it. Edited June 2, 2019 by hackerung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted June 2, 2019 2 hours ago, hackerung said: Again, the threat color is fine as it is, open conflicts hid threat and didn't work, nobody played in them. Separate golds from silvers and bronzes, THAT is what we need and what this post is about. Making the game fair. Not keeping it unfair and covering people's eyes. Fourth time you sugested that and fourth time I've invalidated that 'sollution', and explained why it's a bad idea. The silver on their team joined late. And the silver on our team, the other one, turned gold after another round, aka invalidating your point. I don't care if these are low golds. They still don't belong in bronze. They are taking advantage of newer players to boost themselves, which isn't fair. According to LO, Dethreatters are already getting banned. If the problem persists, along with the bans I'd sugest threat-based matchmaking. The one we have isn't working at all. Put golds against other golds, and that's it. If golds belong in silver, bronzes belong in green. You're missing my entire point, YOU ALREADY HAVE THE SEPARATION ABILITY. Bronzes can go to green, silvers can not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyral 25 Posted June 2, 2019 Most of the people here doing their best 2 be haters ARE these de-threat golds you speak of. Do they WANT to give up their only means 2 stay well ahead on the k/d ratio? No they don't. Cause most of these individuals would have their hides ripped off their bones if they would have 2 face any 1 other then the low skilled players that you speak of staying in the Bronze Districts. For them it's an extremely easy way to make cash. Now take away the cash bonuses for killing a bronze player while being GOLD and you will have an empty district of GOLDs pretty damn fast.. You see as it stands they get more cash for killing then they do for muggings and ram-raiding. So yea these individuals would rather ruin some 1 else's fun time in order to get that MEDUSA & VOLCANO. After they acquire these weaps. It's always the excuse I need 2 train with it.that keeps em going. At 1 point we had the OPEN CONFLICT DISTRICTS. These same individuals had L.O. remove them because they wouldn't use em. And these DISTRICTS were usually very well populated back in the day. That was our Mission Battle Royal. But the true rookies STAYED AWAY from there. So these individuals had to go where the rookies were. Like I said before" they used every dirty trick they could think of to be able 2 farm in the bronze district unmolested by the admins of the game." As it stands LO is down right SCARED 2 do anything about it, cause the gammer population is so low in the NA Server. You see they need to make back that 50 million or so that it took 2 buy APB. If the population drops 2 far they have no choice but to shut the game down. That saying is this.... Those same individuals that harass new/low skilled players had caused this effect. As it stands they are literally IMMUNE 2 most if not every rule in the game. Gripe all we want.... nothing will happen 2 em. Until LO takes away the cash incentive for farming the bronze districts. This will continue. I have witnessed players for 5 minutes of game time make around 2 grand. Ram-raiding will not get you that kinda cash that fast. Again reduce the cash to 0 for golds killing bronzies and reduce it by 1/2 for High level Silvers to do the same. For these individuals they need 2 make demerits non-existent while in the bronze district. So teamkilling and suicide will not reduce your threat rank. This will have a sever backlash by those same individuals because it will put 1 hell've dent in their steady cash flow. Then the normal I will quit threat comes out. No they will not quit. Cause this game is their daily get out of my life excuse card. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 3, 2019 14 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: If golds belong in silver, bronzes belong in green. You're missing my entire point, YOU ALREADY HAVE THE SEPARATION ABILITY. Bronzes can go to green, silvers can not. New players don't always know how to select districts, not to mention more often than not green districts have one person at most. The problem in question is golds farming new players, not bronzes not knowing about district selector. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted June 3, 2019 17 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: If golds belong in silver, bronzes belong in green. You're missing my entire point, YOU ALREADY HAVE THE SEPARATION ABILITY. Bronzes can go to green, silvers can not. 2 hours ago, hackerung said: New players don't always know how to select districts, not to mention more often than not green districts have one person at most. The problem in question is golds farming new players, not bronzes not knowing about district selector. Are you freaking trolling at this point, or are you serious? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkyMeds 1 Posted June 3, 2019 I'm new to this game and just made an account. I can confirm this was my experience. New players that only have a pistol and crappy machine gun shouldn't be playing against snipers and rocket-launchers. It's not fun trying to defend a small area from constant explosions. Not to mention their cars are much faster than the default police cruiser. I closed the game after my 5-6th mission. No fun when matchmaking isn't there. It's just random difficulties thrown together. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RCooper 182 Posted June 3, 2019 6 hours ago, hackerung said: New players don't always know how to select districts, not to mention more often than not green districts have one person at most. The problem in question is golds farming new players, not bronzes not knowing about district selector. Since your point view you shouldn't be playing in bronze either u are a r255 playing with a 3 slot ntec reskin, u are stomping them as every fake gold 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crunk 88 Posted June 3, 2019 9 hours ago, RCooper said: 15 hours ago, hackerung said: New players don't always know how to select districts, not to mention more often than not green districts have one person at most. The problem in question is golds farming new players, not bronzes not knowing about district selector. Since your point view you shouldn't be playing in bronze either u are a r255 playing with a 3 slot ntec reskin, u are stomping them as every fake gold Oh. Ha........ That's why they don't agree with bronzes going to green. Should've known. So you're a bigger part of the problem than anyone here @hackerung. Troll Post confirmed. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 4, 2019 (edited) 19 hours ago, RCooper said: Since your point view you shouldn't be playing in bronze either u are a r255 playing with a 3 slot ntec reskin, u are stomping them as every fake gold 10 hours ago, BlitzKitty said: Oh. Ha........ That's why they don't agree with bronzes going to green. Should've known. So you're a bigger part of the problem than anyone here @hackerung. Troll Post confirmed I can safely say without a shadow of a worry that you will never find me tryharding on anyone bronze and under. The high tier weapons I use are either to stomp fake golds, in the case of the ogre mentioned in the conversation above or to defend a critical point against someone with a weapon stronger than mine. You would be allowed to follow or team up with me on every mission, and still you'd never find me purposefully defeating a new player. With that out of the way, one is defending the golds in bronze, the other is defending threat invisibility, and saying golds in bronze don't matter. I think you're confused as to who's trolling who at this point. Not to mention your very own signature has both your cop and your criminal listed as golds. Case and point, your defense of downthreatters has been explained. On 5/12/2019 at 10:28 AM, hackerung said: I know the ammount of hate I'm gonna get from golds on this post is gonna be real 23 hours ago, FunkyMeds said: I'm new to this game and just made an account. I can confirm this was my experience. New players that only have a pistol and crappy machine gun shouldn't be playing against snipers and rocket-launchers. It's not fun trying to defend a small area from constant explosions. Not to mention their cars are much faster than the default police cruiser. I closed the game after my 5-6th mission. No fun when matchmaking isn't there. It's just random difficulties thrown together. Mighty thanks for confirming my point, friend. Edited June 4, 2019 by hackerung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyral 25 Posted June 5, 2019 (edited) This Thread reminds me of the old forums when Vicky Fox and I went round and round for months on this same topic. Honestly, I would love 2 read her reaction to this post. She's still a dear in-game friend. Both of y'all ignored not just mine but others who have given in site on how the removal process can take place.. Because of the bickering, I'm gonna ask a mod to permanently close this thread... it will save on the hurt feelings and finger pointing. Edited June 5, 2019 by cyral Not finished Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 5, 2019 47 minutes ago, cyral said: This Thread reminds me of the old forums when Vicky Fox and I went round and round for months on this same topic. Honestly, I would love 2 read her reaction to this post. She's still a dear in-game friend. Both of y'all ignored not just mine but others who have given in site on how the removal process can take place.. Because of the bickering, I'm gonna ask a mod to permanently close this thread... it will save on the hurt feelings and finger pointing. Your insight has been taken into account. This post's objective is mainly to point out how the game is unfair. When you're getting 200+ kills a day on easy pickings, leveling up contacts fast and getting the killstreak medal every five minutes, it's rather obvious that you wouldn't want that to change, nonetheless we need this to happen if we're going to make the game fairer for newer players. The only way we can get more people to -stay- in apb, is by actually letting them play, not punishing them for their time with a broken matchmaking that puts them against entire pre-made teams of gold people. Regardless of all that, I'm content with the 2k+ views this topic has, and with all the feedback from new players, normal players and even dethreatters. It gives me hope that someone of relevance has seen this and maybe will foward it as a sugestion to the dev team. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyral 25 Posted June 5, 2019 14 hours ago, hackerung said: When you're getting 200+ kills a day on easy pickings, leveling up contacts fast and getting the killstreak medal every five minutes, it's rather obvious that you wouldn't want that to change, nonetheless we need this to happen if we're going to make the game fairer for newer players. You must be new here, You see I AM 1 OF THEM LOW SKILLED PLAYERS. that constantly YELL at these same players in-game for doing these same things. my current CONTACT rank is 225...THREAT RANK is PERMINANTE BRONZE. and like I've said and others the numbers are ONLY an inducator of 1s DETERMINATION to stay and build in this game....I'm sitting on right @1100 hours in and barely can kill 1 player every 3 hours. vs. 1s that do get a kill count PER-MISSION of 15+ and too me BY YOUR OWN PIC'S you look 2 be one of these HIGH SILVER'S that you speak of...that's here trying your hardest to kill BRONZIES UNMOLESTED by these same GOLDS.. To me they are a BIG-PAIN-IN-MY-FRACK-HOLE. So change???? Yea I would LOVE 2 see em banned from the game PERMINANTLY. but that's unfair 2 em.. Restrictions??? That would be ideal...make it HARDER for em to achieve their goals in that 1 district and they would be in-game forced to move on.. Your giving em REASONS 2 STAY. Take that away and you will see a gradual mentality change. plus i would love too see @VickyFox would say about this thread now... Dear Vicky, I didn't start it this time but would love to read your opinion on this again...Give us your wisdom and insite, I personally have given my 3 pence worth... Your TURN...and yea I threw you under this bus. Cyral Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hackerung 30 Posted June 6, 2019 9 hours ago, cyral said: You must be new here, You see I AM 1 OF THEM LOW SKILLED PLAYERS. When I said you, I didn't mean you literally. I was speaking in general, rethorically. But yes, I understand. I have a little over 2000 hours. I can have a fair fight with a silver at my level, I can have a fun time with bronzes without stomping them or making them lose, but as soon as a gold comes into the equation, the entire fun's over. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todesklinge 146 Posted June 6, 2019 The Solution is so simple: Bronze = 100% Reward Silver = 200% Reward Gold = 400% Reward So your reward on Gold is muuuuuuuch better, also there is no need to play on Bronze Server. Simple fix. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yood 345 Posted June 6, 2019 (edited) On 5/23/2019 at 6:04 PM, demonoid said: Currently the threat is pretty broken, I'm a low gold to high silver, and I always play in the silver and gold districts unless they are empty. But often times I'll be gold when I log off for the day, and then i log on some time later and all the gold and silver districts are ghost towns with the exception of FC. you claim it ! I often get gold ! you SYSTEM SAYS.! YOU'RE GOLD! and your personal opinion of yourself means nothing here . Edited June 6, 2019 by Yood Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted June 9, 2019 lately there has been a noticeable larger amount of TRUE golds in bronze. A lot of people are being chased off of APB from not being able to play from it. I personally don't like segregation but a true gold in bronze should not be there chasing bronzes off. 22 kills and 0 deaths is a bit much to go through for a bronze to face that type of opponent. I was called at the end and couldn't get across town to help in what time was left. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites