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7 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

or fucking fake gold go back to bronze - every tryhard

+Recorded, enjoy your ban

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16 hours ago, LilyRain said:

+Recorded, enjoy your ban

or i'm streaming and my stream saw that your going to get banned. - guy who streaming apb with less then 20 veiwers

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Hitch a ride around town on an NPC car by grabbing a heavy object and squatting on the back. They wont drive while you are stood on the roof, you have to go right to the back of the car so you are a step or two from falling off and crouch, the car will then drive. I landed on an NPC from a great height and killed them flat, I didn't know you could do that, could you kill an opponent flat by jumping on them from a great height?

Edited by FartyBumBumGuff

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I ploughed my car through a pedestrian, blood everywhere, he didn't flinch, carried on walking. I followed, trying to mug him to steal the secret of his invincibility but he disappeared. Turns out he'd just teleported down the street, when I caught up with him he'd stopped walking through people and become solid again.

Edited by FartyBumBumGuff

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3 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

I ploughed my car through a pedestrian, blood everywhere, he didn't flinch, carried on walking. I followed, trying to mug him to steal the secret of his invincibility but he disappeared. Turns out he'd just teleported down the street, when I caught up with him he'd stopped walking through people and become solid again.

man i hate it when this ruins my saturdays

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1 hour ago, Tiuhti said:

person below me owes me 500$ paypal 

person above me owes me 500$ apypal

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13 minutes ago, cowhorseman said:

person above me owes me 500$ apypal

uno reverse

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1 hour ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

"All I have to worry about now is my underpants getting stuck up my arse crack"

-Anonymous fat bloke.

the eagle has landed the fat man walks alone 

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20 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

The fatter the man, the slower he runs.


if you ever get attacked by a giant tortoise follow the man with the clubbed foot to safety

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idk what im doing there, but feels like winning man

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18 minutes ago, Nagletz said:

idk what im doing there, but feels like winning man

The man above spoke with great wisdom, giant tortoise attacks can be lethal, his knowledge could save your life one day.

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1 hour ago, LilyRain said:


i want to sleep without waking up every two hours

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3 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

i want to sleep without waking up every two hours

I know how that feels, I LITERALLY just did that 💔 

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22 hours ago, LilyRain said:

I know how that feels, I LITERALLY just did that 💔 

for me it's back pain and i also hear things when there is no sound.

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