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Fortune Runner

Tips on dodging a rocket lauched at you

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Disclaimer : serious post it happened yet again.... *edit please excuse typos my keyboard is acting up*

Tip : some simple pointers on dodging and not dying from rockets are as follows :

Avoid standing  next to cars they blow up and so will you.

Avoid running  directly away from it since its a line of fire  from it flying in a straight line.
It is easier to dodge rockets by strafing left or right rather than trying to run away from it since it is hard to tell exactly where it will hit he ground other than the line it is fired.

And for the love of God DO NOT RUN TO TEAMMATES

Edited by Fortune Runner

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One thing I tend to do which often helps, is when you notice an OSMAW targetting you, run one direction, dodge to the other upon launch if he fell for it.
Also, stay away from walls, or keep in mind which walls he will try and use to catch you.

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Also honestly out of personal experience people tend to shoot rockets too far when its an osmaw and too close when its a volcano. So when dodging an osmaw and you can't go to the left or to the right then run toward the person firing it, and if you are dodging a volcano and cant go left or right then run away from it.

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And what if the shooter is close by and aiming at your feet? There is no know way of dodging it exept if you're using FJ...

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  On 8/4/2018 at 8:49 AM, Deathshow99 said:

And what if the shooter is close by and aiming at your feet? There is no know way of dodging it exept if you're using FJ...

If you are dumb enough to be next to the OSMAW and not kill him before he reloads then that's all you for charging in and not killing him while he reloads
If he is there first at the objective it has a windup and if he shoots first get around a corner so it misses you.

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flack jacket Charge him Jump over the rocket and kill him EGO POINTS x 20

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A lot of people seem to forget that the enemy can use walls and roofs as ground-zero

They don't have to see you if there's a wall close to you - stay away from any hard surfaces

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  On 9/23/2018 at 12:16 PM, Jacksta said:

Rockets should simply be removed, such a cheap unskillful way of killing someone.

They are not easy to use and the windup lets you know to dodge.
Not everyone can of course and no one dodges all the time.
And they are better as a anti vehicle anyways otherwise anyone running with the objective/vip would be able to escape easier.

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This thread is for a tutorial on how to teach the new players to dodge the rockets not how to kill new players.
Stay on topic please.

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