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when are u going to remove med spray?

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read title. 


actually, remove all yellow consumables.


thank you.

Edited by Uhtdred
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remove brain

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Yea im not a fan either. I did like when they made the shield an orange mod tho. So maybe do more of that?

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Not necessarily remove it, but instead only allow it to be used 2 seconds after the last bullet hit you

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1 hour ago, TheMessiah said:

dude dont post sht on forum wtf is wrong with u..

kk sry bro ill change it for u

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49 minutes ago, iRawwwN said:

remove shield too


shield does have a disadvantage, you can't use field suplier at the same time..


right now kev 3 + medspray (or flak jacket) is way too op


same with epinephrine...

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whyy dude, its medicine.. The only drug we have here in game... cmon...

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18 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

Yea im not a fan either. I did like when they made the shield an orange mod tho. So maybe do more of that?

This is the way. Convert them to mods, and make them appropriately orange or yellow depending on what they are.


Med spray, epipen, resupply box and satchel charge should all be orange mods, as they are gameplay functional mods. Adjust their effects and give them proper cooldowns, to put them in line with the power level of the other orange mods. LO already did this well with the deployable shield, which is in a pretty good spot currently.


On the flip side, boom box and the various RNG weapon gacha boxes should remain as yellow mods, as they are more "for fun" things that don't really impact the gameplay to any relevant degree. That being said, LO would also need to fix the issue that having one of those RNG weapons equipped shows up on your player info in the match scoreboard.


While they're at it, they should convert the deployable banner (from the old RAF program) to a yellow mod, and add it to the JT store so newer players (and older players that missed out on RAF for whatever reason) can also obtain it. It's a purely "for fun" type thing, so there's no reason it should be an orange mod.


12 hours ago, -Dan- said:

Not necessarily remove it, but instead only allow it to be used 2 seconds after the last bullet hit you

So effectively remove it, because literally nobody would use it with such a delay.


9 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

shield does have a disadvantage, you can't use field suplier at the same time..

Which would matter, if ammo wasn't readily available every few meters.

Edited by Hexerin

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On 4/23/2023 at 4:23 PM, Uhtdred said:


shield does have a disadvantage, you can't use field suplier at the same time..


right now kev 3 + medspray (or flak jacket) is way too op


same with epinephrine...

You can though, the yellow one which is superior to the orange one imo because it does not immobilize you. The only scenario where orange field supplier > yellow is when you're spamming osmaw or something equally dishonorable but then again those type of players tend to hang out around cars as they have ammo in them.




On 4/24/2023 at 1:28 AM, Hexerin said:

So effectively remove it, because literally nobody would use it with such a delay.

I disagree. It would still be better than CA2 (2 sec vs 4 sec iirc), who would not want to have CA2.5 with Flak Jacket or Kevlar 3... As it is right now it's CA3.5

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On 4/23/2023 at 11:23 AM, Uhtdred said:


shield does have a disadvantage, you can't use field suplier at the same time..


right now kev 3 + medspray (or flak jacket) is way too op


same with epinephrine...

ya but i sit in my car with ammo in the trunk ;_; i dont need field supplier

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