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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. On 4/14/2019 at 4:12 PM, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:

    Armas Description:

    Nobody knows to answer me this question, are enforcers able to use the same kits like criminals?

    Yes, yes they are. I spent the money, I got the kits. The kits can be applied to the Citadel.


    They're ugly kits, IMHO, but they can be fitted.


    Edit: I will produce screenshots if I have to.

  2. I'm in favor of a complete re-work. Many of the older vehicles simply haven't stood up to the test of time and are in need of a lot of attention.

    The basic starter car is a good all round vehicle in terms of handling and ramming capability, most of the tier 1 and 2 vehicles suffer by comparison.

    After a certain point it starts becoming a case of who can drive well with a Vegas 4x4 or a Pioneer, simply because those are the most common.

  3. 30 minutes ago, valdentin said:

    1. Balanced the matchmaking system. by rank and threat. 

    2. Updating the anti-cheat. Please!

    3. The engine update, because it has been requested. 
    And it would be nice to see something new.

    4. Make the Bronze district for bronze, silver for silver, gold for gold.

    5. New missions. Thanks

    Just my opinion.

    1.  They're working on it.
    2. They're working on it.
    3. They're working on it.
    4. See 1. Matchmaking update will remove threat segregated districts. i.e. They're working on it.
    5. RIOT Mode.
    • Like 1

  4. Thanks for the information there, Slickiem.


    I'm using a wired connection at the moment, so I'll check the other points you've raised and see if anything helps.


    I can't really blame DDoS as I'm on the EU servers. Though I do recall reading somewhere that the client tries to slow connections down to balance players? I may be mistaken there.

    • Like 1

  5. Hi guys. 


    Since a hiatus of a month or two and the last patch or so, I'm at the point where APB is very difficult to play. I'm getting random lag spikes from 60ms to 250+, my character bounces back and forth and steering can vary from perfectly normal to behaving like I'm on an ice rink.


    Could you point me towards some things I could do to improve stability of the connection and home-box performance, please? I'd like to be able to see where the blockages are, if they're at my side or caused by the server and so on.

  6. 2 hours ago, Scofy said:

    ну и смысл от такого переноса? rip 2012-19, удачи оставаться я сваливаю с этой игры. Спасибо за ложные надежды.

    Google translate: Well, the meaning of such a transfer? rip 2012-19, good luck staying i'm dumping from this game. Thanks for the false hopes.


    Good bye then!

  7. Hi there HamrunRiot7, hopefully the following will clarify.


    If you join without a group, you will usually be assigned to a team as backup, or be given backup as needed depending on the current matchmaking system.


    As Gaiz said above, the default key for this is "U". You can also invite a player by using the chat command /groupinvite (player name), or using the interact option (default key ".") and selecting "Invite to group".


    If you are making a group (and you can in any district), then the first player to make the group invite is the leader (a bronze crown will be next to their name at the top left of your screen) and has several options in the group panel, shown below:


    Firstly, you can leave the group, or remove a troublesome player. A similar option will also be on the 'team' tab if you are in-mission and the team leader for the mission. 



    As RCooper said; the group leader can set the group to be public or private. Public groups can be joined by any player of your faction. Private groups are invitation only.




    "Participate in team alliance" missions will allow matchmaking to put your group into bigger missions, allowing other players to join the mission.



    • Like 1

  8. On 2/5/2019 at 11:02 AM, Yood said:

    ok .  

    I see no problem in the writing of this words kapToLLIka .  


    if you're talking about a graphics editor, I'm more interested in the limited use of symbol presets in in the creation new symbol  ?


    I can use them on clothes and in tuning the car . in the creation symbol this is not applicable .


    I don't use presets. I use fonts and other shapes to make lettering, like so... (with my apologies to those that can read Kanji, this was a work in progress).



    That said, any extra decals would be lovely.

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