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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. On 8/12/2024 at 3:04 PM, Bluequadre said:

    the game says it cant find the player? 

    If I recall /report only really applies if the player involved is in the same district as you. You may be able to file a ticket manually via the support tab. I have also previously emailed via support@gamersfirst.com - This was some time ago and they may have changed email since.

  2. I forget which game used to do it, but somewhere would put those people with perfect aim and suchlike in their own little corner of the servers. They'd be stuck playing against other cheaters or people with perfect aim.


    Game didn't lose too many players over that and the devs could learn what cheats worked and improve detection. Plus, most of the cheaters didn't really know what was going on and kept playing anyway.

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  3. 5 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    Tinfoil hat theory: Most bans are not false, LO don't have the balls to ban streamers and long term players for blatantly cheating, so they're lifting bans since a few got caught.


    More realist theory: LO configured EAC wrong, because they're incompetent. It doesn't detect blatant cheaters, which looks like they're favoring cheaters, but they're really just too incompetent to do anything productive.

    I'd argue against incompetence, but rather I think it's a case of inexperience and lack of resources. Little Orbit has experience in keeping games running, over lack of development. APB's been going for a long while and I've seen people bitching about it since 2012.

  4. 2 hours ago, GoPlayUWO said:

    And this explains - or it's one of the main reasons - for this one: https://steamcharts.com/app/113400


    Considering they "need to sell numbers", it is/was/will be convenient to go on with these not-so-regular unban waves (and I am not morally judging ipso facto)

    Hoo boy, it's quite depressing to see when we dropped below two thousand players and to see that we're struggling at around 800 this last month as well.

  5. A number of us have been around for a long, long time now.


    It does feel like there's something of a skill gap or, (in my case) a wall between being able to play at Gold threat and have an enjoyable game. I've lost count of the times when I've had a bad week and gotten booted down to R255 bronze.


    There are core issues that need to be addressed, and encouraging newer players to stick around is certainly one of them.

  6. As far as I can tell. There is nothing in the current rules/terms of service that forbid you from joining a clan, taking their stuff and running away giggling like a moron.


    It has happened many, many, many times to clans I have worked with in the past - Looking at you, old Met clan.

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