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Posts posted by Fenton

  1. On 8/8/2019 at 12:47 PM, Hunt said:

    I'm sorry if something similar has been posted recently, but I was wondering what everyone thinks about the addition of these clothing items that the Social contacts have, or anything similar for that matter.




    It's more the belt items I'm interested in.

    The cuffs and the SMG/SMG magazines as belt accessories would be quite cool. 

  2. If you aren't having fun, why not try another server or try something else in game?


    Missions not your thing? We have Riot (much as I loathe it), Fight Club and the creative side of the game found in the social district.


    If that doesn't work, have a look at something away from APB for a while. You can always come back.

  3. Translating via Google:




    hello everyone but because apb is always under maintenance the shoutdown and started at 10.00 this morning are almost 15 and still does not let thanks for the attention ...


    thanks for the reply 😄 roxane I'm sorry but I'm Italian and I speak Italian use the translator like I say hello 😉




    Please, we don't do other cabbage figures .. there are a lot of Italians who speak English anyway. The game is offline due to the patch, they are going to add RIOT mode along with other content in the Joker Store

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  4. On 5/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, Queen of Love said:



    An old post of a veteran (Sho.) explained it very well.

    The game has been a bit vandalized (G. Co.)

    And is hard restore the damage (OOB,N-bug,Threat Locking,Teamkick)

    Also with all effort possible (ty LO ❤️ ) it still appears ruined.


    Solution: Clean and Fresh Air first. Add something funny after restore the good old APB.


    It's been a while since I saw Broken Window espoused anywhere. I think it still holds true in all environments. In online communities, small rules broken and unpunished encourage players to go further.


    On 5/19/2019 at 2:30 PM, SilverCrow said:

    I think the rules that are already in place are good enough.
    Any more than that and we start closing in on the plague called political correctness.

    Fair enough. Would it be helpful to have those rules clearly sign-posted in the forums and an explanation of how LO/G1 commonly deal with people that break those rules be helpful, you think?

  5. 10 hours ago, Alani said:

    this thread is just bait for some stupid argument to happen

    Not my intention, I assure you.

    8 hours ago, Willy Wonka said:

    A big problem is people cant tell the difference between trash talk and being toxic.

    This is true. Being an international community as well, the line between the two can be pretty blurred as common insults in one place could be a deathly insult in another.


    Thank you for keeping the discussion civil thusfar.

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  6. Is it just me, or do people in the APB community have a really poor attitude to other people in the community?


    I've seen slurs directed against assumed race, gender, sexuality, virginity, mental capacity, place of origin and religion. Even if these don't offend me personally, I expect more of a supposed adult community and I have been continually disappointed.


    Is it worth asking Gamers First/Little Orbit to police the community?  


    Should we all switch off our chat, close our eyes against the Nazi symbols and hum really loudly?


    Are we even capable of policing our own community and expecting better things of ourselves?



    • Like 10
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  7. On 5/11/2019 at 2:40 PM, Ole Lukøje said:

     Pls add function to ignore them full! We dont wanna watchs coin toss spam! 

    /ignore username

    /report username (screenshot and link in report for best results)

    GMs do frequent social districts as well, but action is rarely instant.

  8. Depends on the look you're going for. There's some really well done stuff out there, but the best has a core theme or style to it.


    What is your character, who are they and why are they wearing what they do?


    Do they wear a uniform? If so, what type and where from?



    Are they a biker, or part of an MC?



    Perhaps they're from an anime?



    Or just love Tasty Burger?



    Perhaps they have a terrible taste in shirts?


  9. Instanced housing was asked for some years ago, IIRC. 


    Under the current engine and with the presently available resources, I imagine this would be rather hard to do.

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